
  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I love this new product! Cream top milk was all we had in the 1950s growning up. My Grandparents lived with us and thank heaven Grandma wanted that top cream for her coffee. The rest of us kids were in horror if those sweet cream droplets were floating on top of our glass of milk! Today, I would be sharing that cream for my morning coffee. Funny how what goes around comes back around?!@ Lovely, lovely branding for this latest MJF organic tradition.

  2. Eileen Widman says:

    Are you marketing it in these bottles?

    • Ace says:

      Hi Eileen,
      Yes, we are selling our cream-top milk in re-usable half-gallon glass jars, with plastic re-usable lids, as pictured. Very cool Winnie! It really is neat to see traditional (local & organic!), ways of feeding one’s family coming back around. πŸ™‚ -ace

  3. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Thank-you Mary Jane for sending me some milk bottle labels! The graphic design is so perfect for your branding. Beautiful colors, unique design, all on top of a product that brings healthy, sustainable farming to your kitchen and family. What an awesome way to market your delicious milk and what lucky families that get to purchase it at the Food Co-Op.

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