Today’s Recipe: Old-Fashioned Cracker Jack


½   cup popcorn kernels
2    cups peanuts
1    cup molasses
1    cup sugar
3    T butter

1. In a large bowl, pop popcorn. Remove any kernel that did not pop. Add peanuts, leaving them on the top.
2. In a medium saucepan, bring molasses, sugar, and butter to a boil. Continue to boil until it reaches the thread stage (230°F).
3. Pour mixture over the peanuts and popcorn and mix. Shape into balls.

Gather ingredients.

Using an air popper or on the stove, pop ½ cup of popcorn kernels.

Put into a large bowl. Remove any kernels that did not pop. (*avoid cracked teeth!)

Pour 2 cups of peanuts over the popped corn, leaving them on top.

Pour 1 cup molasses into a medium saucepan.

Add 1 cup of sugar.

Add 3 T butter. Bring mixture to a boil.

Continue to boil until the syrup reaches the thread stage (230°F).

Continue to boil until the syrup reaches the thread stage (230°F).

Pour mixture over the peanuts and popcorn.

Mix the syrup into the popcorn.

Shape into balls and skewer with stick to make a pop.

Serve in cupcake tins or papers.

  1. jo wray says:

    Love this sight. It has many great ideas.

    I’m a mom that had one SON(now 33). It would be nice to find ways to include raising sons in the best possible way.I’m sure that I’m not the only one who would have this concern. I feel for all the young moms with sons. Many of the ideas are good for boys, too. Jane deserves to have boys in her life that are equally valued and carefully guided.

  2. Lynne. Cornwall says:

    Would love to get newsletter if you have one
    I’m from Canada love this website

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