WINNER!!! Glamping B&B Giveaway!!!!!

Up until midnight Sept. 3, we tossed your names (326 to be exact) into my hat (actually Mia’s wheelbarrow) for a mighty good glamporific giveaway …

The lucky winner receives two free nights in my B&B (June 15 & 16, 2013) that include one free glamp-mate companion. The giveaway also includes a $300 travel reimbursement check toward gas or airfare once our winner arrives.

And the WINNER is …


Rachel, check your e-mail for details. You’re the one, girlfriend! Congratulations! Looking forward to pampering you next summer.

Rachel said:
“I pre-ordered your glamping book because a few months ago I purchased a 1968 Frolic camper that we are now in the process of restoring. Once it is done, I can’t wait to take her out and go glamping. I have already made blankets and pillows; the curtains and towels are on the list to be done. The whole idea of a comfortable getaway is very thrilling.”

Just a word about WHY we didn’t draw the name while on the road: “Stay tuned right here for my drawing that will take place in a glampground, somewhere between here and the Black Hills of South Dakota—streaming live from my Airstream.” I took a printer for my laptop with me on our odyssey. For the first part of our trip, everything worked like a charm, until that one big bump in the road near Dillon, Montana, that sent my printer flying from its designated place and onto the floor of my Airstream, plastic parts everywhere. Amazingly, once I got it home and put it back together, the thing fired up and still works. If you’re looking for a beyond-sturdy printer, I paid $60 for a Brother HL2240. What a great traveling companion it proved to be.

“One busy, hectic afternoon in my house, I sat down to take a quick peek at Glamping. Over two hours later, I was still reading, blissfully lost in MaryJane’s beautiful world. I’m dying over this book. I absolutely, positively LOVE IT!”

THE New York Times best-selling author of The Pioneer Woman Cooks

Glamping in my ’68 Airstream. Renovation details in book!

  1. Stacey says:

    I love this. I am so excited to have your Glamping book. I have tried to refurbish an old camper and did not succeed. Your book is inspiring me to try again!

  2. Gloria Brehm says:

    I preordered bc I love Mary Jane!!

  3. Diane D. says:

    i pre-ordered your book for two lovely reasons:
    1. LOVE MJF magazines. i always look forward to receiving them because that is the life i hope to have someday. all the information in the magazines is so useful.
    2. hopefully in a year i’ll be able to start that dream by living on the road and your glamping book will be an excellent book to have.
    thanks so much for sharing your wisdom to all of us sisters!

  4. Joyce says:

    We have an old camper that we are redoing and it is alot of fun. Love that Glamping. Can’t wait for your new book!!!!!!!!

  5. Jill says:

    I was so excited to see the ad for your Glamping book in my last edition of Mary Jane’s Farm magazine! I am hoping to renovate an old “fixer upper” vintage trailer for dual purpose. My husband and I would love to use it glamping in wonderful parts of our beautiful state of Oregon and while parked at our small sheep farm I will use as my “creative” space in the midst of an old oak grove for writing, quilting, knitting, and creating fun fiber art! The ideas in your other books have inspired my own ideas and so I look forward to reading your book as a spring board to help me to renovate an old trailer into something wonderful and relaxing! I am pre-ording at Amazon because I’m familiar with them and have had success in the past of getting books from them in excellent condition!

  6. Kim Winkels says:

    After I preordered your Glamping book I was giddy for hours! Just today I finished taking out the interior of my 1959 Lincraft 12 foot trailer. I’m very excited about putting it back together again! I have your Outpost book and your magazines and love them. I just know the Glamping book will be great as well. Thank you for all the inspiration!

  7. Shelly Culbertson says:

    I went to and pre-ordered your book because my husband and I love your healthy organic delicious camping food so much that I figure anything you produce must be wonderful. Thank you for your inspiration, quality and attention to detail!

  8. Connie says:

    Glamping is right up my alley. I have a vintage Scamp 13 ft. trailer. My “scamping” adventures are generally with my sister and friends. Glamping will give us lots of new ideas and I can just see us seated around a fire making our plans.
    How can you resist a vintage camper? You can make the space your own. When I drive through small towns in Kansas, I am on the lookout for old campers that are longing to be back on the road. Yes, there has been an occasion that I knocked on a door asking if a camper is for sale. Reason enough to pre-order my copy of the book.

  9. Bonnie Olsen says:

    I ran across your magazine about 2 years ago and after a few copies decided to get a subscription. I also gave one to my friend Kris. We love it! I am from a small town and grew up on a far so many of the things remind me of our farm. However, there is so much more and ideas that have been outside the box that it always gets me excited to start something new from your magazine. We are enjoying daughter and grand kids from New Zealand for two months and the running in the gardens and picking food and flowers fill a lot of their day. Looking forward to doing a few projects with them. Thanks again for all you do and the glamping just gives rise to some excellent girlfriend adventures for this fall in MN. Maybe we will get to see you on our travels!

  10. Barbara Burch says:

    I am so sad!! I went to Amazon to pre order you book and alas, I cannot, as they will not deliver it to Alaska, which is where I live!! i get your magazine in Alaska and I love it and would LOVE to have the book!! So much for living off the grid!! I feel terrible!

  11. Marcia Haverly says:

    I love all your books! I was born and raised in OK and now live in Las Vegas, NV, so I am a misplaced country girl. Being a part of Mary Jane’s farm keeps me grounded in this very hectic city I live in. I raise horses and chickens…also garden and can the produce……sew, cook….you name it… can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl……oh how I long to be back in the country. Thank you Mary Jane!

  12. Kate says:

    I just pre-ordered through this afternoon. I love the idea of glamping in style with on e of farmgirl friends!

  13. Kris Pennington says:

    I love your books and have them all. I pre-ordered so that I could get it as soon as possible. I also got two extra for Christmas gifts for friends. I grew up camping and love the idea of glamping it up. Thank you for all of your inspiration.

  14. Jennifer says:

    I love all your books they are full of SO many great ideas! I can’t wait to see the new Glamping book. xoxo

  15. Genevieve says:

    I bought your latest “Glamping” book at Amazon because I needed a treat and your books and your magazine always fill that bill. They are perfect sources for dreaming material on warm summer nights when I can’t sleep…or rainy winter days when it seems like warm summer nights will never come again.

  16. Sherri Hazelton says:

    I am preordering your book on Glamping because I have a vintage camper that needs a lot of love. And since I plan to use it for my job I want it to be as Girly and comfortable as possible. I usually flag for road construction in the summer months and am gone from home months at a time. I aim to make it my “home away from home”. Thanks for the opportunity to win a stay at your B and B. Since I first discovered your magazine a couple years ago I have dreamed of visiting it. A couple months ago, my husband and I drove to Seattle to pick up my nephew and his girlfriend. When we saw the exit sign for Moscow, ID I wanted to have him turn there. Would have, to, if we didn’t need to get to Seattle and then back to Helena, MT that night.

  17. Sacha Anderson says:

    Happily I found your magazine two years ago! The Happy Cow article won my husband over and now we BOTH enjoy your magazine. He always knows that whenever I say, “I LOVE MaryJane!”, I have something good to share that I have read from your magazine! I have a dream of bringing my family to MaryJane’s Bed and Breakfast and to create a MaryJaneFarms kind of lifestyle for our little family! I am soooo excited to receive your Clamping Book and to gift one to a friend who is fixing up a camper to take on the road with her husband. Thank you MaryJane for being a Happy, Resourceful, Creative and LOVELY Cowgirl!! Happiness to YOU ALWAYS!!!!

    • Sacha Anderson says:

      I meant Glamping!! That’s what happens with lack-o-sleep when you have two babies under two years…….loss of brain function! 🙂

  18. Glenda Buchanan says:

    I own everything Mary Jane has written through her website. I love all her ideas and use many of them. Who wouldn’t want savings on a book they are going to buy anyway.

  19. Carli Stickels says:

    I pre-ordered because I love all things Mary Janes Farm!! I bought a 1960’s trailer last year and I am always looking for more glamping ideas!

  20. Pingback: team FARM | Raising Jane Journal

  21. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I ordered “Glamping” as soon as I read about it in MJ’s Cluck. I love & use your other books so often, as well as the magazines. There is so-o-o much information to utilize. I now have a dream to find a used camper, trailer, etc. to go glamping on my own 40 acres. I dream that I go out there, sit to read, crochet, scrapbook, or just plainly do nothing! Now that’s a dream worth fulfilling!!!! Thanks for more life to live in ways that are old & new.

  22. I’ve had my book on pre-order for quite a while. There are so many reasons…a possibility of seeing my photos in print and checking off an item on my bucket list…a desire to travel vicariously through other glamping Sisters…to snitch ideas for my Coffee Cup…to be able to pick it up and thumb through the pages when I need a bit of a pick-me-up and something to inspire my gypsy soul! Woohoo…can’t wait!!

  23. mila widdop says:

    I am a new subscriber and follower of Mary Janes Farm. Love it!!! Ready to gainall the knowledge and wisdom from farmgirls of all kinds everywhere. Im ready to get back to the more relaxed and simply way of living and Mary Janes Farm is a great help and resource.

  24. Lynne says:

    I have a friend who is a Glamper.”. And she sent me to you. I have just begun following you and reading . . . a great blog . . . I would love to be a winner in your book.

  25. Leslie says:


    My reasons for pre-ordering your book and wishing for the B&B givaway are all selfish. I read several of the entries here and know there are many who deserve a pampered stay at your beautiful glamping B&B more than I may.

    I don’t have much to complain of, when taken in perspective. I have a good enough job and a comfortable home, a great boyfriend and the sweetest puppies. But sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on things. I work, I go home. I work, I go home.

    I want to do more and see more, but I get caught in a vicious cycle and lose my pep and spark. I am excited to get your book, and adventure vicariously through your travels. Maybe someday, I can make one of them happen!

  26. I have enjoyed your other books and Mary Jane Farm. Our last child graduates next year and I plan to get away and do more camping!! Can not wait to recieve it thanks!! from South Dakota!

  27. Samantha Douglass says:

    I pre-ordered the book because 1) I WILL have this book and 2) lacking an independent bookstore – or any bookstore for that matter – in my town I am perfectly content paying Amazon’s low, low price for it.

  28. Marti Lundh says:

    I have pre-ordered Glamping as a Birthday gift for my darling niece. She is a strong woman of MaryJane character having survived Cancer and many of the other nasty curve balls thrown by Life. In true MaryJane fashion she fills her life with hard work, joy and a generous spirit. A stay at MaryJane’s B&B would be the icing on her 50th Birthday cake.

  29. Kim Bedtelyon says:

    I went to Amazon and ordered to complete my collection. I love the “Glamping” philosophy and can’t wait until it gets here- so excited!

  30. Kathryn Beausang says:

    I am so excited to receive the Glamping with Mary Jane Book!! I pre-ordered it today!
    My sisters and gal friends love to dress up, but also are outdoor girls at heart! Once I told them about the concept they were hooked! We are especially excited about wearing prom dresses and cowboy boots! Glass of wine, s’mores, campfire, starry nights, lace, great laughs with friends – priceless……
    Who says you can’t do this in your sixty’s!

  31. Kelle Arvay says:

    I have always loved your outlook on life and the way you have really instilled in all of us to take a step back and enjoy our surroundings. I treasure your books so pre-ordering your new Glamping book was a given. I know it will be wonderful as all of your books are and this topic is something close to my heart as I am passionate about glamping, vintage trailers, enjoying the outdoors and the fellowship with friends. Thank you in advance for sharing this book! I absolutely cannot wait to get it!

  32. Cat Livingston says:

    Ah, gee…I ordered your book because you are who you are! I have been called Mary Jane many times and so I guess you and me have a lot in common. I am ready to set down in front of our stone fireplace, in our Kansas lodge, on a beautiful Autumn evening and read your Glamping book cover to cover, breathing in every inspiring word that you always put into everything you write. Taking out the time to savor every word you have written is sure to bring joy and happiness to me. I am praying that the right gal will be picked to stay in your wonderful retreat. If not me, then someone who is so deserving. Blessings! Cat 🙂

  33. Deborah Bessom says:

    I ordered the book because I have been camping in a 1947 Modernistic tear drop trailer for 18 years. My husband restored it. I just got home from a tear drop rally about an hour ago that was held in the red woods of no. Cal. We have been glamping it up for years! Can not wait to read the book!!!

  34. Lady Dorothy says:

    I went to Amazon and pre-ordered your book because I want it to be mine! I love your magazine and I love the idea of glamping. A glamping trailer is on my wish list, and so is a stay at your B&B! Both are swoon-worthy.

  35. Emily E. says:

    I am beyond excited to get Glamping in the mail!! My parents (and me and my siblings too) have been building a cottage in the UP. Since I first heard of Glamping I have been dreaming, planning and drooling over having my own site! The book is preordered and I am anxiously awaiting tips from a Glamping girl! Can’t wait 😉

  36. Toni H says:

    Very excited to add this to my Mary Jane book collection. Love reading them as much as utilizing the ideas. Our dream camper is a gutted Airstream redesigned to our liking. I’m hoping this book will give me much needed help and ideas… Did I say I’m excited?

  37. Deborah says:

    I love the Mary Jane books. Keep them coming. Deborah

  38. Billie Jo Moffett says:

    I order 2 GLAMPING WITH MARY JANE……one for me and one for my daughter in California who “glamps” a lot. I know she will love it and I can’t wait to see it. I have all the Mary Jane books and save all the MaryJanesFarm magazines. I enjoy them so much and reread them often. They are so relaxing and they put me in my daydreaming less stressful mode.
    Thanks for another great book!

  39. Sallie Dee Walker says:

    Hi MaryJane~ Can’t wait til Sept. 7! (estimated delivery date of “Glamping”! ) So many glamorous camping trips to be had! Anticipating the inspiration, imagination and dreamy ideas that I know will be included! Thank You for writing another book that will feed our farm girl spirit and independence!! In Kindness~ Sallie Dee, Farmgirl Sister #441

  40. Mary Jane, I went to amazon and have ordered two of your newest book. I love their service, they have always been prompt. I would love to come and stay at The Farm. I came to the farm when you did your last sale, with fellow farm girls. I have dreamed ever since then I would be able to come back and spend some time at your little piece of heaven. Thank you for all you do for us Farm Girls. Farm Girl Hugs! Florence

  41. Marcia Worland says:

    I raised my girls to be good campers in the rv parks and in life. We love the outdoors, meeting new people and going new places. My oldest daughter and I have been ready to find a vintage RV and hit the highway! 🙂 This book will help us plan our adventures … and that is just what we have when we travel … 70s radio and the highway! MaryJane, I turn 50 this month. No better gift then to win this drawing! It’s time for this gal to grab her gear and make a road trip! Oh, and I just bought a mini-farm, complete with chickens! Marcia Ann’s Farm. Has a nice ring to it, eh?

  42. Debbie says:

    I pre-ordered your book because I would love to win a trip to your farm! Plus, I know the book will be full of great ideas for my next glamping trip in our ’57 Shasta.

  43. Sara Davis says:

    I preordered this book because I love all of your other books and we love to camp in our 78 Scotty camper!

  44. Kathie Kinney says:

    Oh, MaryJane it must fill your heart with such joy knowing how many of us admire you and consider you our sister. If you were to ever have a “family” reunion there probably wouldn’t be a place big enough for all of us, would be kind of cool though. Along with all the other comments I want to add your new book to my collection but I also NEED to know how to back up my camper:) You announced the pre-order of your book at the Fred Meyer event in Eagle, Idaho a few weeks ago, can’t wait for it to arrive.

  45. Terrie Drahman says:

    MaRy JaNe, all your books and magazines bring a smile to my heart and are so inspiring. I get so excited when I can pull off one of your ideas at my little farm, like your tree swing, which has delighted so many visitors, from Grampa to the 3 year old neighbor. My son and I built the swing in one afternoon. I love you like a sister whom I know in my heart but have never met in person. Congratulations!

  46. laura patton says:

    I preordered the book, because I love your other books. I am very excited to decorate my trailer and looking for some fun ideas!

  47. Well who wouldn’t want to order your book… :>)
    ‘Glamping’ is my middle name! lol!
    I just returned home from a Elk, ID., Glamping Trip with 14 other wonderful about an overdose of Fun, Food & Friendship…. as they say, “It’s not the destination… it’s the journey”… and Glamping gives us just that!
    Let’s get the word out… & your book will do just that!
    Wagons HO & Happy Trails

  48. Norma Hart says:

    I pre-ordered your book for a few reasons: I have enjoyed every issue of your magazine for over three years and have learned so much from it. In each of your other three books one could spend the rest of their life gleening as I do, and last, but not least, I and a couple friends and my step-daughter love traveling. Not just the run of the mill traveling, but really taking our time and investing (not going 65-75 mph), in the surroundings we want to see and pass through. Mostly, the relationships that develop along the way are what really matters to us. I am looking forward to reading “Glamping with Mary Jane” and sharing all it holds with the ones I love, as I do with all you make available to us.

  49. Denise Foster says:

    I get the magazine and wanted to camp and this looks like just what I need to get started. I’ve already started looking for my 60’s trailer and have three friends ready to go one already has her trailer.

  50. Amy Stingle says:

    Already had the book preordered from Amazon a few weeks ago….can I still be in the drawing? I am so very excited to get it! My glampmobile is a ’63 Shasta. “My Little Chickadee”. So happy you have another book coming out. I already own the others!

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