WINNER!!! Glamping B&B Giveaway!!!!!

Up until midnight Sept. 3, we tossed your names (326 to be exact) into my hat (actually Mia’s wheelbarrow) for a mighty good glamporific giveaway …

The lucky winner receives two free nights in my B&B (June 15 & 16, 2013) that include one free glamp-mate companion. The giveaway also includes a $300 travel reimbursement check toward gas or airfare once our winner arrives.

And the WINNER is …


Rachel, check your e-mail for details. You’re the one, girlfriend! Congratulations! Looking forward to pampering you next summer.

Rachel said:
“I pre-ordered your glamping book because a few months ago I purchased a 1968 Frolic camper that we are now in the process of restoring. Once it is done, I can’t wait to take her out and go glamping. I have already made blankets and pillows; the curtains and towels are on the list to be done. The whole idea of a comfortable getaway is very thrilling.”

Just a word about WHY we didn’t draw the name while on the road: “Stay tuned right here for my drawing that will take place in a glampground, somewhere between here and the Black Hills of South Dakota—streaming live from my Airstream.” I took a printer for my laptop with me on our odyssey. For the first part of our trip, everything worked like a charm, until that one big bump in the road near Dillon, Montana, that sent my printer flying from its designated place and onto the floor of my Airstream, plastic parts everywhere. Amazingly, once I got it home and put it back together, the thing fired up and still works. If you’re looking for a beyond-sturdy printer, I paid $60 for a Brother HL2240. What a great traveling companion it proved to be.

“One busy, hectic afternoon in my house, I sat down to take a quick peek at Glamping. Over two hours later, I was still reading, blissfully lost in MaryJane’s beautiful world. I’m dying over this book. I absolutely, positively LOVE IT!”

THE New York Times best-selling author of The Pioneer Woman Cooks

Glamping in my ’68 Airstream. Renovation details in book!

  1. Gail says:

    I pre-ordered the book from Amazon for two reasons….I love everthing MaryJane and I love to camp!

  2. shanelle l kent says:

    Pre ordered the book! saw the ad in your magazine and hit Barnes and Noble only to find it was not available (yet!) sad day…. Pre order price was much better through Amazon and got the Sisters on the Fly book as well for free shipping! Can’t wait for it to arrive. Now to find a beat up old (future) glamper I can start working on…right now we are still in tents, but heading out to the great AF canyon with my daughter for her Gold expedition exploration portion of her congressional award. We’ve decided to ‘glamp’ it up as much as possible for the 5 days, 4 nights. Tent or no tent. Can’t wait to take pics and share on your ‘glamping’ site when we are done!

  3. Dolly Sarrio says:

    I have pre-ordered my book. Why? I want to learn more about Glamping. I have never camped in my whole life except in the back yard as a child. If anyone should know all about it, well that would be you MaryJane. With your past job experience I figure you know all there is to know about being in the wilderness and you have turned it into something that inspires all of us to want to do it…Also who wouldn’t want to spend some time at your B & B…gosh beautiful! I would love to win…to go there…to see first hand what I have seen in your posts…Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. Connie Van Keuren says:

    Who would pass up the chance to get on the list for the next MJ book?!
    I’ve read the others cover to cover, refer to them often and hold them
    close to my farm-heart 🙂

  5. Lisa LeVasseur says:

    I would love to come to your glamping B&B. I have loved your style and am so excited to get the chance to meet you this August! I have all your books and subscribe for my daughter and myself and recently gave her the “July special” and she became a FarmGirl also. I also pre-ordered each of us the new book. Can’t wait! Our FarmGirl Chapter, “High Plains Sage Hens” are gaga over anything “MaryJane”! You inspire us!

  6. Amy Lund says:

    I love to travel, and miss the 5th wheel we used to own! My hubby found traveling stressful, and when we sold it, I promised myself that I would someday have my own small trailer that I could travel with by myself. I have had Glamping pre-ordered since the first day I could put it in my cart, and the sneak-peek published in the last issue of your magazine hooked my interest even more! I can hardly wait till it arrives!!!

  7. Turtle says:

    i have had this book bookmarked just waiting! So excited… would love to come stay at the farm… would be a dream getaway for hubby n myself…lol, especially me!

  8. Marlene Rainwater says:

    Mary Jane you are awesome! My daughter & I are great fans & would love to go glamping…I can’t wait to get your book.
    My daughter visited your store last year & brought me home a little something from your store!
    Please throw my name in the hat so I can have a taste of glamping & realize my dream of meeting you!

  9. As soon as I heard Mary Jane had a new book coming out in September I went to Amazon and pre ordered it, seems like about a month ago now.
    I have all Mary Janes Book, I belong to the Sisterhood #1582 and I love Mary Janes Forum and all the wonderful farmgirls I have met.
    Life is good and at the top of my bucket list is to stay at Mary Janes B & B, I can bring along my new Glamping Book to read while I am there:-)
    Thank you so much Mary Jane for yet another Fabulous Give Away.

  10. Teri Schneider says:

    My daughter will be a senior in high school this year and loves camping just as much as I do. It is my hope that this last year with her before she opens her wings and flies off to college, we will make the very best of our adventures into fun-filled GLAMPING! (Plus, I intend to introduce this concept to a few of my lady friends at church in the near future!) I believe your book will give us terrific ideas!

  11. Denise Brice says:

    I preordered the book just as soon as I heard about it. Mary Jane always takes me out of myself and shows me a world of wonder. I love her and her heart for women.

  12. Candy says:

    Everyone has already written all the reasons I am preordering your book, I would love to actually camp in a wall tent, plan to invite my sister to come with me if I win! Then on to seriously looking into a vintage trailer….

  13. Kimberly says:

    This is sooooo exciting!!! After an awful divorce, I was in the midst of trying to figure out just who I wanted to be…I don’t even really remember how I ended up with a copy of MaryJane’s Farm but unlike any publication before or since, I read it in ONE sitting- the whole issue – even the ads! It was more than eye candy, it was more than a flash in a pan, it was the beginning of my becoming a Farm Gal! Since that time, I have become a subscriber, started above ground garden boxes, learned to eat/preserve the food I have grown, became a Farm Gal Sister, given MJF gift subscriptions to other kindred spirits, and dreamed of becoming a glamper! It was like coming home to a part of me I had never been introduced to…silly as that sounds! I have already pre-ordered your book and my new “normal” has a budget that is saving for a little trailer I have already decorated & re-decorated everytime I see another sister’s ideas for their home away from home!

  14. Marlene says:

    I am buying two books, one for my 1989 glamper and one for my sister, who just bought a brand new 2013 glamper (that really is glamperous but needs your book to find it’s personality). Your book will also travel with me to the cabin we are buying at the end of the month. Talk about a canvas.

  15. Brandy Ward says:

    Oh! Mary Jane, Mary Jane how SWEET you are to give us this opportunity!!
    What a beautiful memory this will be:)

  16. Vanessa V. Wergin says:

    I preordered “Glamping with Mary Jane” because I am in the market for a pull behind camper. We used to have a camper, but it was too “new” for me and we sold it. Our family has been tent camping for years now, and I am ready to have a camper again and the idea of renovating one, or glamorizing one, is intriguing to me. I want to see what Mary Jane has to say and show! I have already had so much inspiration and “I can do this” mental stimulation from the magazine. I pour my life into my home school right now and need a different kind of project that we can enjoy and keep for a while.

  17. Diane Van Horn says:

    I have all your other books and my library would not be complete without it! I also have a tear drop trailer that needs some glamping!

  18. Eileen Stone says:

    I have NEVER been camping & never wanted to camp out until I started reading about “glamping”. You have inspired me with the desire. So now I think “glamping” seems like the way to go for me!

  19. Allison Mills says:

    Hi Mary Jane,
    I pre-ordered your book and I just cant wait for it to arrive! My husband and I have been hunting for our own vintage camper that we can outfit exactly the way we want to. I know that your book will give me all kinds of inspiration. I have a list of potential destinations about as long as my arm, and Idaho is on it. So very anxious to get out on the road with him.

  20. Shannon says:

    I was so excited to see the announcement of your new book in your magazine earlier this summer, I knew I would order it as soon as possible! I experienced my first “Glamping” trip with my best friend and her sister, mom, and friends just this past June. It was so much fun! With five kids and no thought of enjoying camping as a family, I fell back in love with the outdoors after ordering Mary Janes Outpost and sharing the ideas in the book with my friends on our Girl Campout. I have since been inspired to sign up with the sisterhood and am currently seeking out an old farmhouse to raise our kids. Inspiration and confidence abounds through all that Mary Jane puts her heart and life into. Thank you Mary Jane for giving new definition to “Home Maker”! 🙂


    I pre-ordered Mary Jane’s Glamping book from Amazon because I love glamping! I am hoping to go glamping with my daughter and best girl friend, Emily, this weekend–“tent style”. I am also in the market for a small trailer for this very purpose. I have subscribed to Mary Jane’s Farm magazine for several years and LOVE the ideas and articles. I also have some of her books as well.
    Thanks, Mary Jane, for dreaming with me!

  22. I pre-ordered your book after you told me about it when I went to see you in Toronto, Canada on my vacation in June. You mentioned that it could be ordered in advance, so as soon as I got back to Georgia, I ordered it.

    I have spent many a great afternoon and evening reading all of your other books and even listening to you read it on tape. I felt like I was right there beside you in all of your adventures and I was saddened when I got to the end. I’m looking forward to your next one!

  23. Sandi O'Connor says:

    I ordered your book from Amazon the second I knew it was available! I love your books and because ‘Glamping’ is my very favorite thing to do, I knew I couldn’t be without this Holy Grail! It’s coming out in my birthday month……perfect present to myself!

  24. Lainey (Elaine) Drane says:

    Although I have not ordered your book yet I intend to as I just found out about it while answering my e-mails. The reason I intend to order it is because I was hurt in an on the job accident several years ago and am no longer able to work. I moved and remarried but because of my disability am limited on being able to go and be sociable on my own at this time. I have wanted to redo a camper into a glamper for years , even before I became a follower and fellow farmgirl, #3848. Maryjanes has become my family and I count all my sisters as my friends, and they are the only ones I have at this time. By obtaining a camper I will be able to express myself and have something to do as my husband redoes the 2 RV’s he got for a hobby. I am not sure where to start and should be able to use any advice and ideas I can get from your book and fellow farm girls. I think it would be a great deal of fun and be great for short trips and even long where I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on gasoline like I would in the Rv’s. I also want to document as I do this to be an example to other woman and disabled people to show them what is possible and that life is not over – but just different and just as much fun as before. Thanks Mary Jane for all you are and all you do, you’ve made this farmgirls life much happier and fuller!

  25. Sabrena Orr says:

    I have everyone of MaryJane’s books and must have this one, too! I subscribe to MaryJanes Farm and along with the other books, I always have my nose into something MaryJane. I am excited to be add this book to my collection.

  26. Cheryl Kerr says:

    I anxiously await to arrival of your magazine every other month, and although I have had it for several years, I often pick up “MaryJane’s Outpost” and am inspired by it. We enjoy camping and have a 1966 vintage trailer that I would love to revamp and reconnect with the camping pastime. Thank you for your inspiration.

  27. Lori Becker says:

    I am so excited to read this book! I have enjoyed getting to know you, MaryJane, and appreciate all you do for women – you are a true blessing to all of us! After returning from a 10 day vacation with a car full of 6 kids, 2 dogs, grandparents, aunts and uncles, I need a little glamping!

  28. Jude Eustis says:

    You inspire me! and I’m a Farm girl at heart.

  29. Kathy S says:

    I just pre-ordered my copy at! 🙂 I grew up spending time on my grandparents’ farms. Also, while growing up, we lived as sustainably as possible (although we didn’t call it that back then…it was just the right thing to do)….spring water coming into our house, gardening and canning, putting bottles of hot water into my father’s wool socks to put in the bedsheets to warm our toes in the middle of the winter, and the list could go on. Life has gone speeding out of control over the years, and I am trying to get back some of the farmgirl lifestyle I grew up with. I’ve enjoyed all the other books and magazines so much that I’ve shared relatives and friends. Can’t wait to get my copy of Glamping! 🙂

  30. Frances Carter says:

    Pre-ordered your new book on Glamping because it sounds like a good escape and source of fun ideas to share. Thanks a lot!!

  31. Brenda London says:

    My husband and I have a small farm in upstate New York. I also have a tiny trailer, a Mother’s day gift I picked out for myself when I spotted it For Sale on a lawn in town (at $600, a price that could not be passed by). As much as I love my life out here I NEED some “Me” time after harvest, some Glamping time, (time my farm husband does not understand, bless his male heart), and time with my 23 yr old daughter. She and I would love to glamp. I’ll share my book with her and get her input and help in fixing up my little camper. She is as excited about this as I am. Thanks for all you do. love, Bren

  32. Dollie B White says:

    I love everything Maryjane does for us. Have all her books and magazines. She is so pretty and generous to share her life with us. Am giving myself her new book for my 69th birthday. Happy farmlife to all! Dollie

  33. Michelle says:

    Because I want to have my own glamping camper someday and want to learn from the expert 🙂

  34. Elena Riley says:

    I love everything about MaryJane Farms. Just ordered a copy of Glamping from Amazon and can hardly wait.

  35. I pre-ordered the book to get more ideas for fixing up my 1966 Aladdin Magic Carpet (“Hot Chili Mama”) for all my adventures!

  36. Gracie Barnes says:

    I pre-ordered the Glamping book because I have just started getting excited about finding out more about doing more things that are natural, organic and healthier. I have been getting the Mary Jane Magazine for about 4 years, but have really decided that I need to do a lifestyle change. I want to find out more about how to do that and I believe that your book can help with that. I am too old to sleep on the ground(LOL).

  37. DeAnna Deckard says:

    I pre-ordered it because it sounds like a great read! I love the magazines and I’m sure the book will be just as great. I also like the idea of 2 free nights at the B&B!

  38. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I pre-ordered “Glamping” as I Love my other MaryJane books so-o-o much! (They are constantly being opened for recipes, gifts, etc!) I now have a “dream” about getting my own glamper & putting it on our 40 acres somewhere to “get away”! Oh to get away at times!

  39. christy schaeffer says:

    I pre ordered from amazon as a christmas gift for my daughter. I bought her several back orders of your magazine, a subscription to the magazine, and one of your books for her birthday! we both love your magazine, and so does her husband! my husband and I gave them our old pop up camper and they are going to fix it up-they are very excited!

  40. Because I want to look like the girl on the cover! O.K., really, because I’m getting too dang old for roughin’ it camping, yet I still think being outside is the best. That brings me to glamping — the best of both worlds.

  41. Kim Watts says:

    I LOVE all things MaryJane. I fell in love with your style when I discovered the first issue of your magazine. I have since subscribed (and will never part with any of them), ordered subscriptions for my sister and cousin. I have all of your books and can hardly wait for the Glamping book. I had neck surgery 3 weeks ago and had to stay at home for one whole week, with strict orders to not do anything or lift anything heavier than a few pounds. Thank goodness I had your books, magazines and Farmgirl connection to keep me occupied. I can not wait until I am “all clear” from the doctor so I can continue working on my 1969 Nomad camper I am glamping up.

  42. Cheryl Fiske says:

    I pre-ordered the new book “Glamping” because I am a farm girl and love your ideas! I’m hooked, and look forward to new ideas and ways of doing things. Your books are works of art, and don’t look too bad dog-eared either! It will be a great rainy day distraction here in the foothills of Mt. Hood, cant wait!

  43. Jenna Dixon says:

    I love the “glamping concept” in fact I’ve sought out and purchased five vintage campers and am in the process of glamorizing them. My husband is very stoked as well and we’re going to make a circle of glampers for friends that come to visit and for fun family outings.

    I’ve pre-ordered two of MaryJanes new glamping books, one for me and one for a friend (if I can come up with the wherewithall to give it to her) – I hope that I’m considered for the B&B giveaway and I’ll ask that friend to join me. She has recently decided she doesn’t want to be my friend any more and I have no real clear cut reason as to why – I’m hoping that some time away together might shed some light and possibly help mend our friendship. If not – at least I tried everything I could possibly think of.

  44. Patricia Moxley says:

    I purchased your Glamping book for my daughter… she is infatuated with the vintage campers… She has been looking for just the right one to buy and restore. She recently has taken over the old family farm. Lots of repairs are in the process for the barn and house. I think the camper will be put on hold now. When she read the article about your book and looked at the photos… she asked her husband if he would buy her a prom gown to go with her future camper. Being a labor and delivery RN, she will be in need of a relaxing a bit.Thank you for your beautifully done magazine as well as your websites!!!

  45. 1969 Serro Sotty!That’s my Glamper. All my Farmgirl friends are grabbing up vintage campers like crazy and I am super excited!! Now when we have a “Hen” party, it can be out Glamping! We are always looking for ideas and I know the new Glamping Book will be full of fun ideas and info we need to know! Can’t wait for it to get here!!

  46. Pauline McConnell says:

    Dear MaryJane,
    I was at the new Fred Meyer store opening in Meridian, Idaho when you were there. That was the first time I heard of your new book Glamping coming out. I went right home and ordered it. Your other books have touched a chord in my life that I knew was there all along. Each time I read your books I get inspired to bake or knit or sew or go outside and garden. Now I am more ready to try outdoor activities more than ever and Glamping seems to be the next big step for me. I grew up camping and our kids go all the time and would like us to join them some time. You have inspired me to try new things and that is what makes life more exciting and interesting. I have always wanted a stay at your farm. We were there for your July 4th celebration and I bought a MaryJane Hat and wear it all the time. Many thanks for your creativity that speaks so loud and clear about so many important subjects and interest, Pauline

  47. Lynette McCutcheon says:

    I have always been drawn to strong women that kinda do what is set in their hearts. The reason I enjoy MaryJanesFarm is because MaryJane is a very strong and determined woman. I don’t understand how she lived in the wilderness as long as she did, but she did it because she wanted to.

    I grew up in a way that women, I don’t want to sound like I grew up in the cave days, but as a woman you were do your house work and then you were to help on the farm, but you could not really say what was on your mind and if you had a idea, well you had better keep it to yourself or you would be ignored. So I never really became very creative until later in my life.

    To me glamping is something just for us girls. We can make things the way we want and as girly as we would like it or not. Any idea is a good idea and if a man laughs at what we have done then I say we did the job right.

    I just don’t feel like I get to be the woman I want to be and if you go glamping you get to be with girls and talk about girl things and do girl things. I also think we appreciate each other and show it to one another and we don’t get made fun of for doing so.

    I have never been glamping, I don’t own a camper, but I really enjoy looking at some of the womens’ campers that they have made into their own domain.

    The reason I ordered your book is because I think I need to learn a few things about doing stuff for myself and your book can help guide me. Just maybe I’ll get me a little camper and decorate it up and have my own little world that I can have fun with my daughters. Maybe we will even have a tea party or a sleep over or go to the lake and let us girls just have some fun. We can dream, and nobody can take that away from us!!!

    Thank you Mary Jane


  48. bonnie ellis says:

    After having a VERY significant birthday, Maryjane’s Glamping idea gives me a fantastic new direction to meet new farmgirls. I bought two books. One for me and one for a friend. “Whoo Hoo” as Mary Jane would say. Thanks.

  49. I have a gaggle of girlfriends who are planning to go ‘glamping’ with me early next spring. We’re having cocktails together and poring over your book as soon as it arrives.

  50. Sara Biernaski says:

    I pre-ordered your book purely for the romance of it. I can’t wait to open it up and escape to the dream world in my head that is glamping. I stay home with my very busy 1,3 & 5 year old farmettes, homeschool included! Your books and magazines are my retreat, my oasis, and I look forward to everyone of them, dreaming of a time hopefully in the not too far off distance that I will actually have time to turn our house and a camper into that dream world in my head to enjoy with my very handsome husband and three amazing little girls.

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