WINNERS!!!! Glamping Book Giveaway #2 – tricks of the trade

Happy Monday to one and all—with glamping tents and trailers, big or small!

You’ve shared your secrets for setting up a good glamp, so now I present my two book winner champs for this week’s contest …

Okay, the names go into a vintage fishing creel. A little hand goes in. And two names come out …

And the second two winners of my Glamping with MaryJane book giveaway are:


Billie Jo Moffett and Lucy McCarty!!!!!!

Billie Jo Moffett said:

August 7, 2012 at 9:38 am “Watch for those lace curtains everybody sells at garage sales ……… cheap and can be used as curtains in camper or use velcro to attach to tent doors for elegant entrance ….. also helps keep mosquitos out. Or be creative and turn into fancy mosquito netting over bed.”
Lucy McCarty said:

August 7, 2012 at 9:43 am “Grands biscuits in a can…. You can make them as instructed, or…. fried buscuits, fried donuts… Super easy, quick and fun while glamping!!!”

If you’re reading this entry for the first time, read all 26 comments below for some mighty fine glamping tips.

Glampers not only know WHY one combines glamour + camping, they know the tricks of the trade. In the continued celebration of my new book, Glamping with MaryJane, I’m giving away two signed copies a week until the book is released on September 1. A comprehensive guide to all things glamping and filled to capacity with my favorite hints, tips, how-to’s, and recipes …

Speaking of hints and tips … here’s this week’s contest:

Share your most useful (and glamorous—this isn’t just camping, after all) tip in the comments section below. We’ll put all the names in a hat, mixer, chick feeder dish … whatever we can find! I’ll then pick two winners, who we’ll announce here on Monday, the 13th, mid-day. (Deadline to enter is midnight, this coming Sunday, PST.)

In the meantime, don’t forget to stay up-to-date with all things glamping by joining my new Facebook group, Glampers on the Loose, or by visiting our website, International Glamping Weekend (cool new video near the top). You can also check out my ever-growing collection of glamping photos and ideas on my Glamping boards on Pinterest.

  1. New to glamping, but my most useful tip is find yourself a pair of candlebras. Perfect for light outside in the evening, lovely glow inside in the dark. They are so shabby for glamping. Adds a bit of romance, provides light, looks elegant and receives so many compliments. Wonderful with white taper candlesticks.

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I have never been glamping, but I have done a lot of camping. Here is an easy dinner to make for campers and glampers alike. Using heavy duty aluminum foil, pull off a large square to which you add white or dark chicken pieces, a peeled and chopped carrot and potato, a slice or two of onion, and salt/pepper and seasoning to taste. Wrap it all up tightly and then double wrap for security . You can make these ahead of time, place them in your cooler, and either cook over coals of a wood fire or a small charcoal grill for about 45 minutes. Presto! Dinner all done and ready to enjoy with no pots and pans to wash. This combination tastes good with a hamburger or pork chop too. If you want to use the camper oven, just place packets on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for same amount of time.

    Winnie #3109

  3. Billie Jo Moffett says:

    Watch for those lace curtains everybody sells at garage sales………cheap and can be used as curtains in camper or use velcro to attach to tent doors for elegant entrance…..also helps keep mosquitos out. Or be creative and turn into fancy mosquito netting over bed.

  4. Lucy McCarty says:

    Grands buscuits in a can…. You can make them as instructed, or…. fried buscuits, fried donuts… Super easy, quick and fun while glamping!!!

    • Mary Jane chapin says:

      Just made these donuts on 8/11/12 while glamping with my sister and 5 year old grand nephew! Great lessons from being a girlscout!

  5. Megan Beyer says:

    Not sure its campin, or Glamin, without my horse. I’d say its havin an extra frying pan and a collapsible fishin rod in my saddle bags. Add a little color to the bed roll with different colored canvas, and grab that new pair of boots to add some flare.

  6. Kat Tylee says:

    A pretty flour sack dish towel turned table cloth or fold them up and turn them into cloth napkins that can get rinsed in the crick or sink and line dried. Cut some wildflowers and use your leftover tin can (after you rinse it of course) as your vase. I also love Mason jars for this purpose along with drinking glasses at home or while camping and Glamping.

  7. Debbie says:

    No vintage trailer should be without the World’s Best Kitty Litter for the Luggable Loo.

  8. Sharon Sigmon says:

    It’s just a simple redneck wine glass…$1.00 candle holder from Dollar Tree, 1 small Ball jar from Walmart, 1 lime green and blue glass marble, a bit of E6000 epoxy, and a cute charm made from a beer bottle cap…so very chic…LOL!

  9. Bonnie Jobe says:

    Oilcloth is good for your table but also to cover stuff in a hurry if the rain comes – and the new patterns are so 40’s! So easy to make placemat, lunch bags, hats, and totes! Seems like it should be a staple in a glamper!!!

  10. Melissa Bailes says:

    I have a vintage picnic basket that I keep packed with cross stitch table cloth( bought at a thrift store) , cloth napkins, pretty plates and glasses, fun salt and pepper shakers, and all “the might need” knives, cutting boards and hammered aluminum trays so we are ready to go on a lovely picnic at anytime. We can add the food on the way… Wine, cheese and fruit for an adult only or campfire packets for a family supper in the woods.

  11. Vivian V says:

    I like putting pillar candles in a large mason jar. Lovely light and the breeze will not blow the candles out.

  12. Laura says:

    I bought some cute charger plates …teal color that are the scalloped and put my paper plates on them to set the picnic table with a cute tablecloth….My camper has a wine glass holder under the cabinets with plastic wine glasses….very glamorous for camping!

  13. Barbara says:

    I am new to the concept of Glamping, but I have had plenty of camping experience since I was a child. I am racking my brain to think about the simple, but effective touches that would make a difference in one’s camping experience. After much thought, a pillow came to mind. When I have gone camping-to save space I would use a sack filled with clothes to use as a pillow. Practical, but not very comfortable. For Glamping I am thinking a REAL pillow covered with a lace trimmed case. Now that would be livin’!

  14. Chrissy says:

    One of the simplest tips I can remember is to rub dish soap on the bottom and side of any pan you need to place over/in the fire. Cleanup is a lot easier as the smoke marks wash right off. Take along a book of classical poems to read aloud at the campfire.

  15. Patty says:

    When looking for upholstery material for our camper, I was so discouraged at the prices from $24.99 to $59.99/yd. I needed 10 yards. Yet I wanted a durable fabric. I opted to go with painters cloth from Harbor Freight. I spent less than $20 on 2 painter’s cloths, which gave me more than enough fabric. Durable and it looks very nice.

  16. Becky says:

    camping with 6 children may not be considered glamping, but that is how we do it.
    I made each person in our family a fancy pillow case; flowers for the girly girls, race cars for the boy, etc. Now there is no comfusion as to who’s pillow is whose.

  17. Laurie Dimino says:

    The best Glampin’ tip I have up my sleeve? When no one is looking I sneak out to my glamping tent which is set up way out back, be it for a 1/2 hour of relaxation or a couple of hours to read in peace. They always know where to find me though….LOL.
    Thanks for the chance to win your latest and I’m sure greatest book!

  18. Lisa R says:

    I love enamelware and tin! Cute, fun items for my glamper would be an old enamelware bread pan to hold my napkins….an old enamelware or tin plate attached to a small chunky cut tree limb, giving you a rustic (and unbreakable) cake stand…..table centerpiece: an old metal box cheese grater with a cute gingham bow tied to the handle, placed on top of a votive candle, adding flickering and charming light to your relaxing evenings.

  19. Shery says:

    My little glamper does not have a screen door and it is nice to have one! I thought about getting one of those magnetic curtains now available, but they aren’t very ‘romantic’ looking. So, I opted to use a flowery sheer shower curtain (a leftover I’d saved). I mounted a cafe rod above the door, I put those little camper circle clamps though the curtain holes, slid them onto the rod and the curtain slides back & forth easily across the doorway easily. It is like a lacey screen…letting the light and breeze through, but not the bugs. You can see through it too. When not in use, I just slide it to one side, knot it and it hangs out of the way. Inexpensive, easy to do…AND glampy romantic.

  20. Vanessa says:

    My favorite decadent glamping treat is waffles made in an old nordic-ware waffle iron that you can use on a gas stove or over a small carefully controlled fire. Pile the waffles high with wild berries picked near by (or bring some berries or canned pie filling) and a big dollop of whip cream for the ultimate glamping breakfast or dinner!! They are by far the best waffles ever. 🙂

  21. Cat Livingston says:

    When camping/glamping I love to find a place to skinny dip! Nothing like nature in the buff…right? Such a free feeling, but mostly I do that in our spring fed creek in the middle of our 100 acres so no one sees me. 🙂

  22. Nancee McPherson says:

    The concept of glamping has renewed my interest in camping. Too old for camping on the ground… ;0

  23. Turtle says:

    as we love the mini mini campers i say make sure everything you have can be used in at least two different ways. I have a girlfriend who cannot do this and wonders why her trailer is so stuffed and crowded when mine is not. 🙂

  24. Chris Cherry says:

    My mom taught me how to glamp by looking for the “other way” to use everything and
    By making sure you don’t take more than you need!
    One cast iron skillet, one enamel coffee pot, one enamel dishpan and one set of enamel dishes with one set of utensils per person. Loads of books & pillar candles in garage sale hurricane lamp globes (the only exception to the “1 only rule”!)
    Getting ready to lead my son into his first overnight camp this weekend. Can’t wait to teach the next generation the exhilaration of glamping! Boys can glamp, right?!

  25. Marie Kelley says:

    I bought a sandwich maker and miniature crock pot for my friend Sue to use when she goes camping in her cute 13-foot Scamp. With the sandwich maker, she can even bake fruit pies with white bread and canned pie filling. For an elegant touch, I recommended that she shake some confectioners’ sugar on top of the pie.

    For comfort, we fashioned a pad for the couch from memory foam so that her guests will be comfortable when they accompany her. I’m anticipating my first “Glampin'” trip with her!

  26. Sue Fischer says:

    I love to look my best even if I am camping. I gather water from the creek and wash my hair–then set it in foam rollers. Don’t laugh!! It is easy and I feel amazing. And it dries so quickly, especially in the summer sun.

    Bring my own fresh eggs from my own poultry and homemade bread for french toast over the camp fire. Fragrant candles to read by candlelight… A favorite girly night shirt for slumber…plus I wear a favorite leather cord necklace with an amazing crystal for energy and comfort.

  27. Lucy McCarty says:

    I have so enjoyed the Glamping book that I won… Thank you soooooo much. I have read it from cover to cover and cannot wait to start on my own glampor!

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