National Thrift Shop Day is just around the corner, August 17. I can always come up with reasons to go thrifting. This year, I’m celebrating the day in a different fashion.
Summer is coming to a close, and there are quite a few things in the summer-wear section of my closet that never saw the light of day. So, no more excuses. This isn’t the usual time of year to “spring clean,” but if I share them now, they can be enjoyed by someone else while it’s still summer. My local favorite thrift store is The Storm Cellar, really a consignment thrift store.
I have a little pile going. Rather than let them continue to beg from my closet, I’m going to put them up for adoption. Have you noticed how hard this can be? It seems like when you have them in hand, you get second thoughts. My rule? If I didn’t wear it this summer, gone.
So here’s to thrifting! And maybe, when I drop my pile off, I’ll glance at the fall stuff, just in case I need anything …
About 90% of my glamper goodies are “used” items … including the camper! I’ve purchased a lot of vintage items to accessorize it (aesthetics); many of the utility goods were purchased at thrifts stores or yard sales too – like a single burner Coleman, 1940s cannisters, a wool granny squares afghan, lanterns, silverware and various kitchen items etc. I’ve been haunting 2nd stores since I was in High School (1970s) and I don’t want the cure :o) Over the years, I’ve found some AMAZING things … one of my all-time best finds was a gorgeous Cashmere coat for my father — it still had a handsewn tag on the sleeve. Cost: $5. ‘Thrifting’ is good for both the seller and the buyer and it is especially FUN for the buyer when you SCORE a treasure.
I am busy doing the same thing….letting go of all the unused stuff. I love thrift stores and consignment shops and get most of my things that I need, only when I find them at thrift stores. By the way, I am dying over that cherry dress. If I lived in your neck of the woods, I would be there to snatch it up when you dropped it at your consignment shop! I live in Emmett, ID where we are known for our cherries and I just cannot get enough of cherry everything!
I agree with you, Meg. Get those clothes out to the stores when they will be of use to someone else. Most thrift stores have limited storage capacity and current wares help them generate sales. Not much they can do with donations of summer stuff in December! I am coveting that cute red and white strip jumper you donated! Florida is a bit far to get to the shop to buy it!! I just took some things this past weekend to my favorite thrift store. You are right in that if you just keeping saying, not that today, for an entire season, it pretty much means the time has come for a trip to the thrift store!!
Just took a pile of stuff to Goodwill. I recently had my colors redone and decided this is the way to get my wardrobe organized and on track. Maybe it finally will all go together in a cohesive way. The only way to make way for the new is to get rid of the old which I did. didn’t think twice. it’ll be worth it.
I love to thrift shop & rummage sale. It is so much fun to see what others have/want to get rid of. Recently I purchased a milk glass pedestal bowl with grape vines & grapes on it. A perfect match to redecorate in my kitchen that I finally painted & am redoing. And for a bargain price. When the kids lives home, we went to rummage sales once a month to collect whatever we needed. Now my girls love to rummage sale whenever they can. It is so-o-o relaxing. I also purge things we don’t use or haven’t used in 6 months. I take them to Goodwill.
I want to rummage your thrift bags!!!
Ha! I love it! The items above are all actually the adorable things I found while dropping my wares off.
I so wanted to bring that cherry dress home, but it wasn’t my size.
But I did find some fabulous tea cups for my collection over the weekend too. So much for just dropping stuff off. Oops!