What do you do when you find a tiny orphaned bunny under a hay bale? Why, you flick off your ball cap and carry it to a safer place.
Has anyone read Watership Down by Richard Adams?
I read it in the late ’70s.

One of the most beloved novels of all time and a phenomenal worldwide bestseller for almost 40 years, Watership Down is told from the viewpoint of a band of rabbits and follows the rabbits as they flee from the destruction of their idyllic rural home in the English countryside by modern-day development. The new Scribner Classic edition showcases more than 20 paintings from an illustrator chosen by the author. “Spellbinding … Marvelous … A taut tale of suspense, hot pursuit, and derring-do.” –Chicago Tribune
OhMyGosh, I remember it well … the culture of the Bunny. And, now I know the pretty smile on the bunbun’s savior’s face :o)
What a surprise to find! I hope the baby will thrive and be able to return to its family in due time. Good luck with the bunny orphanage!
Good grief, this is like kismet for you & me today as I too have a baby bunny in my garden. Only thing is the bunny in my backyard has eaten many of my heirloom plants:-( And yet I find myself here typing this as the little muncher lays quietly in my Vinca Vine??? I’ve scooted the bunny out of the yard so many times now I believe I’ll just let him rest there under his protector as he apparently has taken a liking to my garden angel & sleeps just behind her wings? Thanks for the tip on the book; I will check it out.
I’ve read Watership Down and it is very memorable. To me it game out as a paridy of the human race. Loads of things to think about. Good Book
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