WINNER! Giveaway: Glamping Fabric Apron

How was your holiday? We had a spectacular time communing with friends and family. Coconut macaroons = devoured. Now that we are all back to work—it’s time to pick the winner of the apron giveaway! Thanks to all who entered and became new fans of the International Glamping Weekend FB page.

The glamping apron, above, was made by our very own Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) Elaine Forster of “Fit to be Tied Aprons.” The lady who wins this is a lucky duck.

And the winner of the eye-catching cooking companion is ...

S Rachel H Perry

She said:

“For sure “Liked” it … me and my gals have our Glamping Weeks planned for the summer in the hills of Tennessee. Can’t wait! I wear my aprons daily especially when packing up for camping and setting up when I get there.”

Thanks to all who entered. And Rachel, keep your eyes on your inbox for an incoming email shortly.

  1. Adorable fabric and apron!

  2. Kat Tylee says:

    Yep, I “liked” it. What a cute apron. I don’t have my own trailer but I can always glamp in a tent or the back yard. 🙂

  3. I not only “like” the International Glamping Facebook page, I LOVE it!!

  4. Oooh, the Giveaway Glamping Fabric Apron is great. It is a very pretty Glamping Apron and the fabric is adorable!

  5. P.S. I have been a fan of the International Glamping Facebook page for several months…love it!

  6. Nan says:

    I liked the FB glamping page. It is a nice page. BUt what is the fan page I leave a comment on? Is that different from the FB page? I do like this apron.

  7. Vivian Varela says:

    Just “liked” the FB site, oh how I wish I could attend the glamping weekend 🙁

  8. Cheryl Chance says:

    I “Liked” the FB International Glamping Weekend page–thanks for the opportunity to enter the apron contest. 😉

  9. Judy Cook says:

    I “Liked” the FB International glamping page!! Would love to win the apron!! BTW, I love your mag and your blog!! So inspiring and lovely!! Thanks!!

  10. Kendra P. Chubbuck says:

    Loved the Glamping Page! Happy Holidays to Everyone! Peace and Joy to All! The apron is awesome!

  11. Laurie Dimino says:

    I LOVE the apron, but alas, do not have a facebook account. Would love to still be entered in the giveaway, but totally understand if I cant be.
    Merry Christmas to all!

  12. missy says:

    I did indeed :LIKE” it. If possible I would have “LOVE” it. 🙂

  13. Tami says:

    Done! Awesome apron and fun idea for a late Christmas.

  14. HeatherB says:

    I just spent the entire afternoon with a cup of tea and “Glamping with Mary Jane.” I love it! I liked the Facebook page and I love the book!

  15. Kelly says:

    I love the apron and would love to go glamping one of these days. Love all the super fabric used in the apron designed.

  16. Sandy Monk says:

    Love the glamping site and the apron. I have my eye on some of the new fabric when it comes out in March. I just need a glamper. I could lie out under the stars wearing the glamping apron.

  17. Terrie R. says:

    I’m already a fan of the International Glamping Weekend facebook page, and a huge fan of your glamping fabric. What a great way to show off the fabric but in a cute apron. Love it! {{crossing my fingers}}

  18. Heather Burke says:

    I just love the new fabric! The apron is oh sooooo cute! I’m thinking I may have to do a redo on the interior of my 68 Security Traveler travel trailer. “liked” the glamping page.

  19. Karla Reinhart says:

    I liked it what a fun site. This would be so cute for me to wear in our trailer on our glamping adventures.

  20. Christina says:

    I love all the MaryJane stuff. Love the apron. Glad to see there is a Glamping page on Facebook. Just liked it. Thanks so much for all the awesome magazines with all the wonderful ideas!

  21. Jerri Peterson says:

    Yes, I did like it. I really love it. I make some of my aprons but, I would love to wear this one. I love my Mary Janes Farm magazines.

  22. Terry Steinmetz says:

    Loved the website. And I love the apron. Count me in on the give away, please.

  23. Debbie Fischer says:

    I went to the facebook page and like it on the site. Great website by the way. I would love to win the apron so please add my name to your hat!

  24. Cathy R says:

    I “liked” it! What an adorable apron! Thanks for your generosity!
    Happy New Year, Cathy

  25. Mary Beth Schwarz says:

    I Liked the Int Glamping Weekend Facebook page and love the apron. Thanks for the give away! MB

  26. Eileen Stone says:

    The new fabrics are gorgeously inspiring! I wouldn’t mind having that cute apron to wear while baking!

  27. shelley Travis says:

    I love the apron and “like/love” the page. Thanks for a chance to win 🙂

  28. Linsey says:

    Cute!!! I just liked the Glamping on FB.

  29. Amy Clark says:

    I “liked” it, and I love it! <3

  30. Billie Jo Moffett says:

    I liked the International Glamping Weekend Facebook page. Love the page and all it’s information, especially the pictures. The apron is wonderful. I wear them a lot and would love to add this one to my “collection”.

  31. Brandy says:

    Fabulous apron! I liked the FB page.

  32. Elizabeth Colvin says:

    Oh my this is so stinkin’ adorable! Love the ruffled bottom! YES I LIKED your International Glamping fb page!

  33. S Rachel H Perry says:

    For sure Liked it…me and my gals have our Glamping Weeks planned for the summer in the hills of Tennessee. Can’t wait! I wear my aprons daily especially when packing up for camping and setting up when I get there.

  34. Amanda DeLong says:

    I “liked” it. Can’t wait to see all of the posts 😉

  35. Dara Bell says:

    Liked it ! And I love that apron!

  36. Denise Stevens says:

    I LOVE this apron!! I liked the International Glamping fb page………and I REALLY like all the pictures of the campers and the whole ‘Glamping’ thing!! 🙂 Looking forward to discovering more on your pages and website!! 🙂

  37. Denise Stevens says:

    I LOVE this apron!! I liked the International Glamping fb page….. Looking forward to discovering more on your pages and website!! 🙂

  38. Lisa Holderman says:

    I “liked” it and I “love” it. Wish I could join ya!

  39. Bev Kraker says:

    Just “liked” the International Glamping Weekend Facebook page. Love the vintage aprons!

  40. Jennifer A says:

    Thank you for giveaway…its an adorable apron!!
    Yes I liked your glamping page…cute glampers too!!!!

  41. Marie Clarke says:

    Love the apron I hope it looks as good on me as it does on Meg! I liked the Glamping page on FB! I’m ready to win haha! 🙂

  42. April says:

    I already liked it…and I already live your new fabric line! Can’t wait to get that fabric! I was dreaming of glamping last night!!!!

  43. Raynita says:

    Love the apron! Oh, and I *liked* it for a long time 😉

  44. Linda Lepage says:

    Yes! I liked it!! And I love the fabric. We have a travel trailer and love Glamping!!

  45. Janet Doran says:

    I liked it and am going back to read it now. Love the new fabric, and really love the apron!!!!!

  46. Sara says:

    “Liked” and love the apron!

  47. Diane Jones says:

    I “liked” it, I “liked” it. Pick me!! Pick me!! Thanks and happy glamping!!

  48. Kathy Woodington says:

    I “liked” and I love the apron:) Great idea!

  49. Cheryl Shipley says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm, Glamping, and aprons. I have a collection of them and would love to add this one to it 🙂

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