I know there are times when I’m too tuned in …
I can feel it.
It’s that computerized conundrum we find ourselves in these days:
Love the connection, the info, the ease of getting stuff done.
Hate the fevered-focus-brain-fog syndrome that hits when we get too caught up in living online.
Been there, done that—right?
Not unlike an addiction, this fact-paced electronic lifestyle can be hard to quit—even for a few hours.
Sometimes willpower alone just doesn’t cut it.
We know we should unplug, but … hang on … just one more e-mail …
Cutting loose from the cyber juice is easier, I’ve found, since I learned a few reasons why it’s a MUST. The New York Times ran a compelling series of articles a while back called “Your Brain on Computers.”
Needless to say, the message hit home, and now, when I start getting that frazzled feeling and my eyes begin to strain, I call upon key points that remind me it’s time to power down.

Photo by Brian Kerrigan (CC-BY-SA-3.0) via Wikimedia Commons
I had one of those epiphanies just now, and know I need to walk away and pick up a stitching project.
But, wait … just one more thing …
Before I go, I want to share four facts that give me the oomph to unplug when I’ve hit my limit:
- The immediacy of the Internet, the efficiency of the iPhone, and the anonymity of the Internet may change the core of who we are. We develop online personas that spill into our real lives, rendering us impatient, self-absorbed, unfocused, and urge-driven. (Read More)
- Computer multitaskers actually have more trouble focusing and shutting out irrelevant information, and they experience more stress. Even after the multitasking ends, fractured thinking and lack of focus persist. In other words, this is becoming your brain off computers. (Read More)
- Technology makes the tiniest windows of time entertaining, and potentially productive. But when people keep their brains busy with digital input, they are forfeiting downtime that could allow them to more easily learn and remember information, or come up with new creative ideas. (Read More)
- Hundreds of kids whose parents who are perpetually “plugged” into computers and handheld devices confess feelings of hurt, jealousy, and competition. (Read More)
That’s my cue to log off, ladies.
It’s time to stitch a little something, fold laundry, and give my dear, sweet milk cows an unexpected treat.
How about you?
Let’s meet back here later to share all of those fresh ideas that sprout while we’re away from the screen.
Another part of this problem is when your job keeps you on the computer all day long. Keeping plugged in is how we function at work and after years of doing that, it all becomes just part of your way of living. Indeed it is hard to separate technology when sometimes, text or instagram is the only way someone will respond to you. For us older women, we remember life without the internet. But the younger generation don’t have that and think nothing of the new way of navigation through life. It is very hard to bridge some aspects of the younger generation.
I’m remembering a long time ago when my friends & I would write notes to each other in school; even though we had just seen one another for breakfast & would soon meet again for lunch. My dearest friend at the time was a straight “A” student (a really quick study who would finish her quiz/test/work early) and then she would write these super long letters to me. Her penmanship was impeccable too & her thought process more advanced than any in our group. I’m not sure where I’m going with this yet but I think it has something to do with creative minds.
Most of us seek a connection of some sort but few (certainly not me) can be proficient at more than one skill at a time. And with all of the electronic gadgets available now, it can be a bit overwhelming. I enjoy many different activities but can get wrapped-up quickly with too much computer time. Guess it is a lot like the child who just doesn’t want to go to sleep when everyone else is still awake…you just don’t want to miss anything:-)
But as soon as I can safely transplant all of my seedlings outside, I suspect the Internet & I will have much less time together…and that will be just fine for me.
Our “cyber connections” do become a habit and we become really aware of them when our internet service goes down or modem/router equipment has to be replaced. This is just we’ve experienced in the last month and it’s really an eye-opening experience.
I was shopping for a battery backup unit for our desktop computer and our modem/router in the event of power downspikes. That doesn’t happen often, thanks to the excellent services of our cooperative electric provider, but it does and most especially in the upcoming spring wonky weather and then summer monsoons. I was talking with the gentleman who was helping me with my purchase about going back to the “old ways”. He comment was that we can’t go back . . we’ve become so computerized, internet-ized, website-ized that we can’t go back. Hmmmmmm . . .
I do unplug and go for my power walks every day, go work on my sewing projects, papercraft projects or just go outside for some short “business trip” walks with my dog and to do outdoor chores. I try to just take care of whatever business I need to, then “sign out”.
And, with spring coming there will be more outside time! And then there is “glamping” season coming! 😀
I’m so glad that you shared what I was feeling. I don’t use the internet much, as we have s-l-o-w connections. But I get “wound” when I’ve spent too much time on our computer. So I like to go for a walk or knit or sew or even do the dishes. I noticed that when my daughter is on her computer, she is “addicted”. My grandgirls feel it too. They end up doing things by themselves when they could enjoy so much more with their mom.
A while back when The MJF website was new and I was recovering from total knee replacement surgery twice I was moderator for her site. I found that I loved the connection and discussions. My computer was slow and time consuming and since I was not able to do a lot of my usual out door stuff it was a wonderful way to spend my time. But when I was getting better and more able to do my usual things again I found I needed to set a timer and simply turn off my computer and disengage from the conversations so that I could accomplish the out door and household chores here on our mini-farm. I have found that since the emergence of Facebook it is harder to disconnect, because there is so much to read and talk about that I do not see in my local paper or even in group gatherings to knit or spin or sewing times. Then I have the “TIMER” to remind me that my main world is here and now with my local friends, neighbors and volunteering at things that I am useful doing like tutoring Phonics at the kindergarten in town or spending time volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity store here in town. Timer dings and I am outa here for the rest of the day until in the evening I look in again for about 30 minutes. It works to keep me connected locally, at home and online in a balanced way.