You’ve thought about it, haven’t you?
Come on, admit it …
You’ve wondered what it would feel like to live in an era where women wore big hats dripping in feathers.

Mlle Germaine Le Blon by Herman Richir, 1908
Don’t blush.
A farmgirl flaunts the fact that she feels all
with the fanfare, fancy, and frill
of a flock she might wear that would help her step back in time.
I dare you
to divulge
that you have dreamed also …
of chickens.
Your secret is safe here.
So, let’s indulge together.
If you’re already a Mother Hen,
you cherish your charming clucks.
But, if you haven’t yet committed to a coop,
I have found a book that will send you swooning.
One glance through the gorgeous images within, and I guarantee …
there will be a flock in your future.
Behold … The Magnificent Chicken.
Photographer Tamara Staples first fell in love with fowl during visits with her uncle, a chicken breeder in Athens, Georgia. His birds inspired Staples to begin capturing the essence of chic on film.
“I originally started using [backdrops] you would think of with chickens: gingham, burlap, even hay,” Staples said. “And one day, my assistant said he wanted to come with me. He was amazing. He showed up with all of these fabrics … and when we put them behind the chickens, it was just ‘wow.’ ”
While I would love to play dress-up in one of those lovely period piece dresses, I probably would prefer to go hat-less; just b/c I would enjoy showcasing one of their prettier up sweeps/hairdo’s. Many years ago (when we were celebrating my sister’s birthday) I decided to wear my hair in a similar fashion to one of the hairdo’s I had seen on a Southern Belle, in the miniseries, ‘North & South’. It was so much fun to try that hairstyle.
As for the chickens, I have been learning a lot more about them recently. My husband has always wanted to own chickens, so we talk about them a lot. I’ve bought him books on chickens before & even sent away for information on how to raise chickens/where to buy chickens & related products . But some of the best information I’ve ever read about chicken’s came from one of your 6 main MaryJane Farmgirl writers.
Just yesterday, I read Shery Jespersen’s latest Farmgirl story about choosing the right chicken. Until then, I hadn’t thought of varying egg production nor rooster temperament (heard some can be quite ornery) in some breeds. And Shery even discusses mothering skills or lack there-of in different types of chicken. So, last night, I shared all the information from Shery’s latest story on chicken’s with my husband. Hubby loves fresh eggs, so he was particularly interested in the French chefs’ favored chicken & its eggs. Fairly certain that pet chickens are in our future…however distant that may be? Until then, we’ll enjoy the fresh eggs hubby’s boss shares with him. My husband has even taken care of those chickens when his boss went on vacations; he Loved tending to those birds:-)
Well, Mary Jane, the only thing I’m a “mother hen” for is our Farmgirls Southwest Henhouse. While I’ve met and spent time with many of the “chicks” in this henhouse, it’s basically virtual so I don’t get to gather them under my wings much. But I try to do what mother hen-ning I can do, from afar.
As far as wearing a big, feathery hat . . . the ladies at our church used to have an annual Tea Party. It was an all day affair with lots of well planned decorations, food and a “progam”, with music, poetry, etc. One year our theme was Victorian and one of our guests has costumes that she rents out. For this occasion she just let us wear the ones we wanted to wear. I was decked out in a huge, beautiful hat with flowers and feathers and a skirt with a bustle. It was fun, but I’m glad I don’t have to dress like that . . . too cumbersome and too hot!
I LOVE HATS! And tea parties! I am building a garden area next to my cabin for tea parties! I LOVE to bake scones & muffins & tea breads, et-cettera!
Oh, my gosh, this is so me!! I love bygone eras and daydreaming of life then. But now, as I near retirement age, I fantasize constantly about … yes … tending chickens and raising my own fruits and vegetables, baking and canning, and gathering fresh laundry from the line. Not a day goes by I’m not thinking about my chicken coop, tilling soil, getting dirty (I always told my 3 boys when they were growing up that dirt was their friend), and immersing my heart into the life I’ve always wanted.
Oh, and I love hats, too! I have a few fancy ones with feathers and a few more straw hats for working in the sunshine. I get teased about them, but I don’t care! ;>)