Giveaway: Project F.A.R.M. Marvin’s Garden

Congratulations to Robin and Marvin Blitchock, of Marvin’s Garden, on their recent induction to Project F.A.R.M (First-class American Rural Made).


When Robin, an avid gardener, and her husband Marvin, a welder for 30 years, began working on their passions at home, Marvin’s Garden was born. They have had fabulous success taking custom orders from farmers’ markets, word-of-mouth, and boutiques for handmade iron trellises, arbors, and ornaments.




Here’s one of their lovely creations, the beautiful Twig Wreath with Bird. Can’t you just see this sitting picturesquely on the outside wall of your patio or above your bed or fireplace? You might be able to do just that because …


Robin and Marvin are giving it away!!!!!

To be entered in our giveaway to win this beautiful iron wreath, just tell me a bit about what you’ve planted this year in your garden and how it’s going—that’s it!

We’ll put your name in a hat and pull out a winner this time next week. Stay tuned!

  1. Karen R says:

    This year for the first time ever, I have done a garden all by myself. I learned some lessons and will make some improvements for next year. And because of all the rain in the mountains of western Maryland, the weeds have gotten ahead of me. But I have wonderful green beans, lettuce, onions, assorted herbs, beets, carrots, peas, corn, zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli, peppers, and some volunteer sunflowers – self-seeded from the year before. I’ve been canning and freezing with thoughts of great organic home-grown food this winter! Love the wreath and other artwork. I would be sure to have a special place for it. Thanks for making it available.

  2. Pingback: WINNER! Project F.A.R.M. Marvin’s Garden | Raising Jane Journal

  3. DeeD says:

    I have planted some peanut-pumpkins and am very anxious to see what I get. I purchased 2 of these last year passing through coal mining country in VA. I’d never seen them before but they were absolutely the most artistic, creative and gorgeous colored pumpkins I had ever seen. After paying $5 for each (not sure I was being taken due to my unfamiliarity with them) but worth every cent. My mother and I enjoyed them throughout the season. Has anyone besides myself heard of these? I wish I had taken a picture but so far have not met anyone that knows what they are.

  4. terri says:

    garden was doing great till we had our heat and humidity wave. so far i canned 54 quarts of pickles and few quarts of zucchini relish(before the squash bug hit it). snap peas are still coming in. tomatoes just started to turn red. plenty of butternut squash. all and all, i am quite happy with my garden this year.

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