WINNER!!!! Junk Gypsy Swag

To all y’all who entered a giveaway last week for a chance to win Junk Gypsy Swag … the waiting is over!

So who do the Junk Gypsies get jiggy with at their JuNK-o-RAMA prom?

Why, the stunning and talented … Miranda Lambert!


So I gathered all of your answers, put them in my Junk Gypsy bucket, turned my back for a second … and look who came to help …

Meet Rascal’s little sister, Moki! (Well, they aren’t directly related, but they’re farmcat sisters.) Ace thought Rascal could do with a playmate and so little Moki entered into the picture.

She is just tooooo adorable and spends lots of time sleeping on Ace’s desk, knocking pens and paper off the tables, and when my grandgirls visit she gets carried around (quite like a doll) and snuggled.


Little Moki trotted right over to the bucket (it’s her duty to examine all new items in the Design Studio) stuck her little face in, quite literally, and pulled out a name …


and started chewing on it. I know … seems almost preposterous, but it really happened and we were in tears laughing! We love you Moki!


So who’s going to get to jUnK tHeir TrUnK?? (It’s a Junk Gypsy thing.)

Moki chose … Theresa!

Theresa-Garden Antqs Vintage said:

Our famous Junk Gypsy side kick and junker Extraordinaire, Miranda Lambert, of course!!

Congratulations Theresa!!

Keep your eyes on your inbox for an e-mail from the farm, coming soon!

And here’s the original post dated August 5, 2013 and the contents of the swag:

Amie and Jolie, my Junk Gypsy friends from HGTV, sent a “goodie bag” to the farm this week. Look at the treasures inside! My, how they spoil me. So, in turn, I’m spoiling you and passing some of the love on to a lucky reader. (Okay, I did keep a few things:)

Look at ALL of the stickers, stickers, stickers, stickers to help you JUNK out your TRUNK!


“Honey Hush” Mason jar.


“Bless your Heart” Mason jar.


“Good Lord willin’ and the creeks don’t rise” Mason jar.


Key chains, key chains!


Drink cozy and a couple o’ “Mama Tried” cups. (There’s a knee-slapper!)


And this Junk Gypsy tote for all your junktique travelin’ finds.


To win, all you have to do is tell me what famous country music artist has been known to get jiggy with Amie and Jolie.

*Hint: she has a clothing line on their website!

  1. Mary Beth Schwarz says:

    Miranda Lambert is the country music artist who has put her designs such as MAMA TRIED on the Junk Gypsies website. The Junk Gypsies are famous here in Texas and we love ’em! Thanks for the giveaway! MB

  2. Laurie Dimno says:

    Looks like that country girl would be Miranda Lambert!
    What a cool stash of junk you are givin away!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Kim Noah says:

    Miranda Lambert…I just love that “Honey Hush…” mug!!! But I say “Bless your heart” a lot more!!! I love Junk Gypsy’s website, eye-candy!!!

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Pretty cute stuff! Perfect accessories for any glamper/tent set up!

  5. Karlyne says:

    I had to read (and look at the amazing pictures) the account of Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert’s wedding. Wow, if a wedding can be pure fun, I have a feeling that one was!

  6. Cathy R says:

    FUN STUFF! Thanks for your generosity! Miranda Lambert ~ never heard of her ~ she’s a cutie! I spent lots of years in Texas. Blessings from the hills of Orofino. Cathy R.

  7. Maria says:

    Miranda Lambert is the country artist. They were featured in another magazine doing a makeover for her. They also had her on their show.

  8. Jennifer Memolo says:

    Mrs. Blake Shelton herself…Miranda Lambert!

  9. Debbie Fischer says:

    Miranda Lambert, one of my most favorite Country Artist.
    Thank you Mary Jane.
    Blessed in Colorado

  10. Diana Mireles says:

    Miranda Lambert (Shelton). 🙂
    And what a beautiful collection it is!

  11. Carolyn Fisher says:

    Miranda Lambert….they did her wedding

  12. Muffy Myers says:

    The lovely lady would be the one and only Miranda Lambert. She is how I discovered The Junk Gypsies. <3

    Sending peace and love your way!
    Farmgirl Sister
    Muffy Myers #5370
    (yes, a very new sister)

  13. Heather Dragoo says:

    Miranda Lambert! Love her!

  14. Anita Waugh says:

    Miranda Lambert…she is a sassy thing!

  15. Laura Clifton says:

    Miranda Lambert!! She is how I found JG’s too…love her spirit.
    Laura C from Alabama

  16. Cathy Hudson says:

    Miranda Lambert:) love the junk gypsies! Those cute items would look so good in the 1972 red dale 12foot travel trailer I’m renovating! Just sayin’:)

  17. Amanda Mathis says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!!

  18. RoDonna Carson says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Girl Rocks!

  19. Kimberly says:

    Honey, hush … it’s Miranda Lambert! : )

  20. Melissa Gomez says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!! Whoop whoop !!

  21. Sheryl Simpson says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Love the Junk Gypsies 🙂

  22. Kimberly Owens says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Love Love Love 😀

  23. Kim Cooper says:

    Miz Miranda Lambert!

  24. Gwen Menz says:

    Miranda Lambert!!

  25. Cathy Lounsbury says:

    It’s Miz Miranda Lambert! Pick me, pick me!! :o)

  26. Sacha A. says:

    I LOVE you Mary Jane!! Miranda Lambert!! Thanks for the giveaway! You are awesome!

  27. Sandy says:

    Gotta be Miranda Lambert!

  28. Lacy K says:

    That would definitely be Miranda Lambert.

  29. Toni H says:

    Miranda Lambert. The junk gypsies styled an awesome airstream for her. Great giveaway!

  30. Cyndy says:

    Miranda Lambert! – Mrs. Blake Shelton!

  31. LeeW says:

    Miranda Lambert. Thank you! # 1712

  32. Jen in TX says:

    Love Junk Gypsy! They’re from here in Texas. Miranda Lambert is their friend.

  33. Jacorn says:

    Miranda Lambert, of course!!!!

  34. Dorothy says:

    Miranda Lambert. Good Lord willin – thanks

  35. Honey says:

    Miranda Lambert. Love the Junk Gypsy’s help to OK tornado victims!

  36. Alison says:

    Miranda Lambert!

  37. Paula says:

    The beautiful and talented Miranda Lambert! She rocks!!!

  38. Polly Piasecki says:

    Miranda Lambert! Also know as the lovely Mrs. Blake Shelton!

  39. Kelli Gibbs says:

    Miranda Lambert of course!!! 🙂

  40. Mama Taney says:

    Why Miranda Lambert of course! That is some sweet swag. Love those Junk Gypsies.

  41. Amber Dillon says:

    All day it’s..Miranda Lambert!! Love her and the Junk Gypsys!!

  42. Sara crawford says:

    Love them jg girls and Miranda lambert of course

  43. A. Bundick says:

    Miranda Lambert and bless your heart. <3

  44. Krystal Potter says:

    That would be Miranda Lambert!

  45. Abbie Jean says:

    Miranda Lambert

  46. michelle moritz says:

    Miranda Lambert <3

  47. Shelby H says:

    Miranda Lambert!

  48. Mary says:

    Miranda Lambert! Love that mug – Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise. My Daddy used to say that all the time.

  49. Miranda Lambert! Love her!

  50. Tammy Harper says:

    Miranda Lambert of course!
    She’s awesome!
    Fans of JJ and Miranda!

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