WINNER!!!! Junk Gypsy Swag

To all y’all who entered a giveaway last week for a chance to win Junk Gypsy Swag … the waiting is over!

So who do the Junk Gypsies get jiggy with at their JuNK-o-RAMA prom?

Why, the stunning and talented … Miranda Lambert!


So I gathered all of your answers, put them in my Junk Gypsy bucket, turned my back for a second … and look who came to help …

Meet Rascal’s little sister, Moki! (Well, they aren’t directly related, but they’re farmcat sisters.) Ace thought Rascal could do with a playmate and so little Moki entered into the picture.

She is just tooooo adorable and spends lots of time sleeping on Ace’s desk, knocking pens and paper off the tables, and when my grandgirls visit she gets carried around (quite like a doll) and snuggled.


Little Moki trotted right over to the bucket (it’s her duty to examine all new items in the Design Studio) stuck her little face in, quite literally, and pulled out a name …


and started chewing on it. I know … seems almost preposterous, but it really happened and we were in tears laughing! We love you Moki!


So who’s going to get to jUnK tHeir TrUnK?? (It’s a Junk Gypsy thing.)

Moki chose … Theresa!

Theresa-Garden Antqs Vintage said:

Our famous Junk Gypsy side kick and junker Extraordinaire, Miranda Lambert, of course!!

Congratulations Theresa!!

Keep your eyes on your inbox for an e-mail from the farm, coming soon!

And here’s the original post dated August 5, 2013 and the contents of the swag:

Amie and Jolie, my Junk Gypsy friends from HGTV, sent a “goodie bag” to the farm this week. Look at the treasures inside! My, how they spoil me. So, in turn, I’m spoiling you and passing some of the love on to a lucky reader. (Okay, I did keep a few things:)

Look at ALL of the stickers, stickers, stickers, stickers to help you JUNK out your TRUNK!


“Honey Hush” Mason jar.


“Bless your Heart” Mason jar.


“Good Lord willin’ and the creeks don’t rise” Mason jar.


Key chains, key chains!


Drink cozy and a couple o’ “Mama Tried” cups. (There’s a knee-slapper!)


And this Junk Gypsy tote for all your junktique travelin’ finds.


To win, all you have to do is tell me what famous country music artist has been known to get jiggy with Amie and Jolie.

*Hint: she has a clothing line on their website!

  1. Guia Lilly says:

    The beautiful Miranda Lambert.
    P.S. Love the Junk Gypsies. 🙂

  2. Kelly says:

    Miranda Lambert! I LOVED how they ALL dressed like her “KEROSENE” girl for Halloween. 😀

  3. Dana says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!

  4. Stephanie Dickens says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!

  5. Tiffany Bowman says:

    Miranda Lambert, my all time favorite!!!!

  6. Fran says:

    Miranda Lambert! She who dies with the most “junk” wins!!!!!

  7. Lauri Thomas says:

    Miranda Lambert. Would love to win the goodies from the Junk Gypsies who lived down the street from me when they were growing up!

  8. Cynthia West says:

    MIRANDA of course!!

  9. It’s Miranda Lambert!!!! just saw her last night at the state fair! Love junk gypsy awesome giveaway! 🙂

  10. becky rosaly says:

    Miranda Lambert is the lady in question i belive who is the answer to your question

  11. ashley moore says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!♥

  12. Katie says:

    Miranda lambert of course!

  13. Clara Cox says:

    Miranda Lambert, she is so beautiful.
    I am in my 60’s and joined her fan club four years ago, (first fan club that I ever joined). I vote and request her songs everyday. I love Miranda!

  14. Kathy says:

    Miranda Lambert
    Who I saw in concert just last week in Bangor Maine!!

  15. sandi reynolds says:

    Miranda Lambert

  16. Amiee Martin says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!
    Love her and love the Junk Gypsies!!!

  17. Donna Jobe says:

    Miranda Lambert

  18. The Fabulous Ms. Miranda Lambert!!!!
    My personal Favorite!!!!

  19. Mandy Maddocks says:

    Miranda Lambert! Love her!! And love Mary Jane’s Farm magazine and books!

  20. Heather says:

    Miranda Lambert is the country music star known for hanging out w/ Amie and Jolie. She is also known for her great music and good taste in men! 😉 All three women are know for their fabulous sense of style!

  21. Alicia says:

    Miranda Lambert! Any of those goodies would be awesome in my turquoise vintage camper!!!

  22. Shirley Sendgraff says:

    Ms. Miranda Lambert–my fave!!

  23. Jen Green says:

    Why the beautiful and talented Miranda Lambert of course! My daughter and I just love her, and the JG. My girl is defiantly my partner in crime!

  24. Misty says:

    Miranda Lambert, y’all! 🙂

  25. Lauren Parks says:

    Miranda Lambert!

  26. Mona Green says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Love the Junk Gypsy’s and their Junk!!!! And MaryJanes Farm of course!!!!

  27. Lauren Benson says:

    My fellow Texas girl, Miranda Lambert! 🙂 Love her and Junk Gypsy!

  28. Nancy White says:

    Miranda Lambert

  29. Kim Morrison says:

    That would be my girl Miranda Lambert!

  30. jaylyn morehouse says:

    Miranda Lambert, my long lost sister!!!! Love the Junk Gypsies, Miranda, and Mary Jane!!!

  31. Miranda lambert for sure!

  32. Denice says:

    The answer would be Miranda Lambert!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. Ginger Cochran says:

    Miranda Lambert………thanks for the chance to win some awesome stuff!!!

  34. Mary Ostby says:

    Miranda Lambert and I love the junkie sisters too. I really think the Junk Gypsies should start singing with the Pistol Annie’s. That would be a blast and they would really fit right in ;)! As a matter of fact I have been doing a lot of Junk Gypsie crafting this summer myself! I’m glad you are all friends. And I think they should have one of those proms in Minnesota in the winter. Nothing better to kill cabin fever!

  35. lauren laswell says:

    The junk gypsies get jiggy with miranda lambert.

  36. Dominique Chitwood says:

    Miranda Lambert

  37. Debra says:

    I LOVE LOVE Junk Gypsy!!! I love their style and makes me wanting ALL of their items! 🙂
    I don’t know about Miranda’s voice ( because I’m deaf 🙂 ) But,,.. she’s a beautiful !

  38. Teela Jones says:

    Miranda Lambert <3 her and Junk Gypsy's <3

  39. Jenna says:

    Miranda Lambert 🙂

  40. Rochelle says:

    It’s Miranda Lambert

  41. Jennifer Hansen says:

    Miranda Lambert is the artist. Just wanted to say I love the JG style!!

  42. Colleen Gorman says:

    Miranda Lambert

  43. Tina says:

    Oh for sure Miranda Lambert! <3 her!

  44. marsha florence says:

    Miranda Lambert

  45. Stephanie Holtgreven says:

    Miranda Lambert, of course!

  46. molly says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Love her. I love the bumper stickers and the mugs, especially the “good Lord willin’ and the creek won’t rise” mug!

  47. melissa lewis says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!!!

  48. nancy DOporto says:

    Miranda Lambert!! That girl is their “secret” sister!!

  49. Jennifer says:

    Miranda Lambert

  50. ginger applewhite says:

    Miranda Lambert
    Love her style!

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