WINNER! Magnolia Pearl Giveaway, Day 2 of 5

And the WINNER is:


who said on October 15, 2013 at 3:47 am:

“My eyes are a pistachio color. What beautiful clothing. The article was inspiring.”

Watch for an email from the farm, Jenny. Congratulations! You are the owner of a signature Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear.


And the original Giveaway on October 14 was:

We’re back for DAY TWO of 5 Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY DAYS. (As featured in the current issue of MaryJanesFarm.)


This question’s going to be a hard one. What are the color of your eyes? (No peeking.)

We’ll put your name in a hat and pull out a WINNER. It could be you Miss Blue Eyes Blue,Β Dreamy Brown, Hazel Nut, or Sea Green Serene.

  1. Kathleen Troeller says:

    Sea green with gold around the pupils.

  2. Sallie Dee says:

    I have Blue/Green Eyes! Love Magnolia Pearl clothing! So glad you found her!

  3. Nancy says:

    Brown, brown, brown! Beautiful pants!

  4. Ashleigh Poole says:

    My eyes are a light brown!

  5. Sara Youngerman says:


  6. Patti Bodenhamer says:

    Blue eyes

  7. Helen says:

    Blue eye’s here! πŸ™‚

  8. renee ranta says:

    Brown like chesnuts!!!!and I didn’t even peek

  9. Lynn Martin says:

    Dutch Chocolate Brown eyes!

  10. Gretchen Ervin says:

    I have dark brown eyes. Love all things Magnolia Pearl! The spread in the October-November issue was beautiful. If you haven’t been to their website, do yourself a favor. It’s absolutely lovely! Thanks!

  11. Susan Randall says:


  12. Alissa Lick says:

    BLUE Eyes!!!

  13. laurie says:

    Blue Grey! πŸ™‚

  14. Mary Jareo says:

    Green eyes on this gal.

  15. Brenda Rupert says:

    My eyes are as blue as blue can be! Just discovering both MJF & Magnolia Pearl and I am in love with both! Thanks so much for such a spectacular Giveaway! πŸ˜‰

  16. Linda says:

    I have blue green eyes some days they can be bright blue with a hint of green and some days they can be almost a emerald green with a hint of blue..Love magnolia pearls clothes they look old timey and I like that

  17. Genevieve Sophia says:


  18. Cynthia says:

    They are a mysterious shade of gray……

  19. Farah Gross says:

    My eye color is blue with a green sunburst around the pupils.

  20. Carol Urban says:

    I have deep blue eyes with hazel around the pupils. I would wear those bloomers every day of the week! giggle

  21. Sharon D. says:

    Medium brown eyes with gold flecks πŸ™‚ What a great giveaway!

  22. Janice says:

    My eyes are blue/green depends on the weather, I guess! :.) No it has more to do with what I am wearing.

  23. Mishi says:


  24. Daizy Bailes says:

    That’s an ever changing answer….it depends on what I’m wearing. Some days they are green and some days they are blue. Today, they are blue.

  25. Vivian V says:

    I’m a Brown Eyed Girl (cue Van Morrison’s song!)

  26. linda s foltz says:

    My Eyes are a Dark Brow, My Dad would say when I was little “Linda is full of S – – – up to her eyes…………He meant in a good way a funny way. He was the Best Dad !!!! I was the only one in the family with Brown eyes His were Hazel Mom’s and my sister were Blue.My oldest Granddaughter has Hazel eyes as well as Hazel hair…………..

  27. Bay Woodyard says:

    I’m happy to have green eyes!

  28. Kerri Smith says:

    My eyes are green….they fade into blue or gray…depending on my outfit for the day!!!

  29. Jenn says:

    Blue-green and sparkling!

  30. Susanne says:

    Blue! =)

  31. martina king says:

    brown eyes family always said looked like cow eyes so funny !!

  32. Cassondra Lashley says:

    Baby blues (only for Magnolia Pearl fashion of course)! πŸ˜‰

  33. Sherry Jackson says:

    Dreamy Brown eyes are always shining!

  34. Julia says:

    Green or hazel, depending on the day!

  35. Cheryl C says:

    They are blue with a touch of green.

  36. Jan says:

    I would be ‘gorgeous gris’ . That would be gray…

  37. I vote “sea green serene”…because I live by the ocean and I literally will wear clothes that will help me coordinate with the water when I get photos taken of me πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway πŸ™‚ Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather πŸ˜‰

  38. Joann says:

    Color of gingerbread, my favorite wintertime dessert. Mountain girl needs new fancy drawers to keep her legs warm!

  39. Kathy Chavez says:

    Very myopic Hazel eyes!

  40. Chrissy says:

    Hazel, and I have a neat pair of earrings in the same color which bring out their color.

  41. Vickie says:

    My eyes are hazelnut brown. πŸ™‚

  42. Rebekka Taylor says:


  43. Melissa Beard says:

    Speckled green/brown hazel eyes

  44. Terry Steinmetz says:

    My eyes are hazel, but they change to either blue or green depending on the color shirt I wear!

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