WINNER! Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY, Day 3 of 5

And the WINNER is:

Andrea who said October 16, 2013 at 6:11 am: 

“Her name would be Pearly. That was the milk cow’s name in the book “The Tall Woman” by Wilma Dykeman. Pearly not only provided much needed nourishment for the family, but also was a special friend.”

Watch for an email from the farm, Andrea.

Congratulations! You are the owner of a signature Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear.


And the original GIVEAWAY on October 14 was:

We’re back for Day THREE of 5 Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY DAYS. (As featured in the current issue of MaryJanesFarm.)


Here’s a question for you. If you arose at dawn and pulled on these Magnolia Pearl britches, a soft long underwear shirt, big baggy sweater, and work boots (milkmaid attire) to walk to the barn to milk your cow, what would her name be????? Winner will be selected at random. At dawn. In the company of a cow.



  1. Her name would be Pumpkin and she’d be a Dexter

  2. Jayme Finley says:

    Her name would be Daisy

  3. Shelley Yoshiwara says:

    The first name that comes to me is “Elsie” , it just brings back childhood memories!!

  4. Robin says:

    She would be a Holstein named Talula Bell
    and of course she would have a big ole bell
    On a pretty necklace around her neck!

  5. Kimberley says:

    I would have a Jersey cow and her name would be Rosie, named after the first cow that gave us the most delicious raw milk on vacation in Molokai. We’ve been drinking raw milk ever since. Forever grateful to the farmer!

  6. I would call her Gracie Lou after my granddaughter.

  7. jaylyn morehouse says:

    Paisley, I love that name so much and I doubt hubby will ever agree to naming our future daughter(s) that. We gotta have a Paisley in the family though!

  8. Julia Broeders says:

    Her name would be Tranquility . . . but I’d call her Quilly. What a gorgeous thought you thunked! What I wouldn’t give to quit my job and make it my reality!! From the milking of my own cow at dawn to the gorgeous, feminine, rustic, dainty yet hearty clothing . . . what a way to start each day!

  9. Kathryn Capps says:

    Her name would be “Shaddy Sadie”, and she would have her own song, which I would sing to her on the way to the barn. My goats all have songs. They run toward me when they see me on the way to the barn, and their bells accompany my singing. (Glad we live in the country, or I’d have some mighty angry neighbors!)

  10. Paula Sullivan says:

    Bessie would be my cow’s name. Classic.

  11. If I had a cow her name would be Mrs. (lena) Olson.her hubby would be Ollie(ole).I think that would be cute!

  12. Bay Woodyard says:

    her name would be Susan because of her brown eyes.

  13. Linda says:

    Morning Star

  14. Kathryn R. Warren says:

    My milkcow’s name would be named “Pet”. My Granny Pearl’s milkcow’s names were always named that. I have her jewelry box that she wrote on the bottom, “Carried Pet off today and the date is Sept. 9, 1939.

  15. vivian talley says:

    Sassafrass* just because 🙂

  16. Laura says:

    This cows name would be Maggie!

  17. vicki tyler says:

    my name for my cow is Alabama, we lovecows in Bama!

  18. Lady Dorothy says:

    Daisy! First name that popped up in my mind and any others I think of just don’t compare.

  19. Angie says:

    My cow would be named Maybelline… Because it’s such a fab name!!

  20. Teresa Arment says:

    My cow is named Betsy. She is a picture perfect Jersey and the queen of the barn!

  21. Loretta Heard says:

    She’d be a gentle Jersey cow with big brown eyes named “Dee” in honor of my grandmother who milked a cow and fashioned her own butter.

  22. Linda says:

    How funny is it I’m looking to buy a mini jersey or guernsey cow lol..her name would be gaia because gaia is mother earth and mother earth gives us our food so ya lol!

  23. Jan says:

    Her name would be Ms. Pansy..

  24. Tara Bianchi says:

    Mine would be a pretty Jersey named Gigi!

  25. Vanessa Clark says:

    Pearlie the Jersey.

  26. Shelly says:

    Well, growing up my brother and I didn’t get the pick of the litter as pets. So you’ll know why our calves were called “humpy” and “lumpy” 🙂 We loved those cows! Thanks for taking me back to hanging on the pasture fence!

  27. Hmm..for a girl cow it would have to be Petunia.

    But I want a boy cow, too, so I can name him Jasper 🙂 🙂

  28. Cathy Lounsbury says:

    I would name her Lula Belle. She would have a big cowbell on a leather belt around her neck and I would be able to hear her bell while she was grazing in the meadow. She would be a doe-eyed Jersey.

  29. Amanda says:

    Her name would be Minnehaha, and she would be a jersey cow!

  30. martina king says:

    belle, I love that name would be great for a cow

  31. lynnia says:

    Her name would be PRECIOUS…and she would
    Be a holstein..

  32. Sheryle G says:

    I would name her Precious.

  33. Cheryl C says:

    My cow would be named Belle.

  34. Patty Neuspickel says:

    Sweet Annie !!!!

  35. rod jackson says:

    My cow’s name would be Lula May and she would be a first class holstein

  36. Kathy Chavez says:

    Her name would be Friesia.

  37. Sharon D. says:

    Mine would be a sweet mini-Jersey named Buttercup 🙂

  38. Cheryl Fiske says:

    She’d be a Jersey, and her name would be “Bossie” because that’s what we called the more stubborn cows that would moo as we walked out to the barn.

  39. Terri D says:

    Swiss brown named Cocoa

  40. I’ve always wanted a cow and would name her…..Buttercup!

  41. BeLinda Scanlin says:

    It would have to be DAWN…of course 🙂

  42. sharon d. says:

    Congratulations Andrea!!! 🙂

  43. I want those!! Am I too late??? Our cow was Come Ba’s….she answered to that name….would come running down the lane towards us….loved her!

  44. Donnajoy Regolino says:

    I would have a jersey who’s Name would be Rosie After my beautiful precious Nona Rose who lit up the world with her smile!

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