WINNER! Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY, Day 3 of 5

And the WINNER is:

Andrea who said October 16, 2013 at 6:11 am: 

“Her name would be Pearly. That was the milk cow’s name in the book “The Tall Woman” by Wilma Dykeman. Pearly not only provided much needed nourishment for the family, but also was a special friend.”

Watch for an email from the farm, Andrea.

Congratulations! You are the owner of a signature Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear.


And the original GIVEAWAY on October 14 was:

We’re back for Day THREE of 5 Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY DAYS. (As featured in the current issue of MaryJanesFarm.)


Here’s a question for you. If you arose at dawn and pulled on these Magnolia Pearl britches, a soft long underwear shirt, big baggy sweater, and work boots (milkmaid attire) to walk to the barn to milk your cow, what would her name be????? Winner will be selected at random. At dawn. In the company of a cow.



  1. Eileen says:

    Her name would be “Bessie” because she’s an old fashioned sort of cow.

  2. jenny says:

    She’d be a Holstein named Clementine.

  3. Jan says:

    Shouldn’t every cow be a gentle big eyed jersey named Bossy? I’ve got fond memories of an old blue roan cow while growing up. She was very gentle and everyone learned to milk by hand on her. I don’t think she had a name though.

  4. Jennifer Memolo says:

    A sweet lowline named Gert.

  5. Toni says:

    Her name would be Milky because my grandpa taught me to not name my food! Lol! I’ve always wanted one of those fuzzy cows, although I don’t know what they’re called. G ;)randpa never warned against cute food.

  6. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Hmmm, If I had a cow, I would want her to be a Jersey with those big dreamy brown eyes. Her name would be Emma.

  7. My cow is Flora and she’s a Guernsey.

  8. Andrea says:

    Her name would be Pearly. That was the milk cow’s name in the book “The Tall Woman” by Wilma Dykeman. Pearly not only provided much needed nourishment for the family, but also was a special friend.

  9. Debbie Fischer says:

    She would be a Jersey Cow and her name would be Elsee. Great name for a cow don’t you think?

  10. shawna m says:

    my cow would be named Buttercup and she would have big long eyelashes

  11. Darcy Kane says:

    I’d have a guernsey named Flossie.

  12. Karlyne says:

    She’d be a Brown Swiss, and her name would be Heidi, of course!

  13. Michelle Kirby says:

    Bessie, and she would be a Jersey.

  14. Melissa Beard says:


  15. Susanne says:

    I would love to head to the barn to milk in the early mornings! She would be a Jersy and would be named Daisy. =)

  16. Cassondra Lashley says:

    She would be a Holstein of course! Daisy would be her name(complete with hat and all)!

  17. Terry Steinmetz says:

    If I had a cow, her name would be Cutie. All cows are cute to me.:-)

  18. Connie-killarney says:

    I would be Daisy Jane ,yawning and stretching and going to milk Phoebe, I’d give her a hug and pat first and of course she is a Holstien Dairy cow!

  19. Judy Shaddix says:

    Mine would be a jersey named Susie. I love cows, they seem so sweet and gentle, reminds me of my childhood. Always had plenty of animals around.

  20. Vivian V says:

    My BFF’s granddaughter (age 2) is totally in love with all things cow. She has a three foot high stuffed cow in her bedroom (and her daddy made the cow a stable). So in honor of Meridith, I would name a cow for her 🙂

  21. Cathy R says:

    HMMMMM! I’d be living in Switzerland and my cow’s name would be Coree
    with a big swiss bell on her neck! Ahhhhh! Dreams are great! Thanks Mary Jane!

  22. rishell says:

    I would give her the same name our family cow had when I was a kid: BOSSY.

  23. monica crouch says:

    It would be Daisy! Even though I milk goats…and yes..I do have one named Daisy too! would love to win!

  24. Jennifer Galbraith says:


  25. Melanie K. says:

    My son has the funniest Jersey cow named Sis. You can even put a saddle on Sis and ride her. She’s due to calve soon and my son is so excited! My son is 8 years old and we’ve already started his cow herd. He has 4 cows and Sis is definitely the leader of the pack. Of course, that would the name of the cow I awoke to milk. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  26. christina scott says:

    why, “Mercy”, of course.

  27. Elaine Martin says:

    My Cow’s name would be Daisy because she loves to graze in the daisy covered fields in California, she is a happy cow, happy cows live in California

  28. Annie Pangle says:


  29. Michelle Smith says:

    She would be a Jersey named Magnolia!!

  30. linda s foltz says:


  31. Cheryl Schuh says:

    Fiona because of the fresh sweet milk she gives.

  32. Tammy Hoyt says:

    She would be a Jersey named Clementine! I’d kiss her right on the nose!

  33. Kelly Zak says:

    Annabelle, the beautiful Jersey.

  34. Brandy Lovell says:

    My sweet beautiful cows name would be Lily Bell. ☺

  35. pauline davidson says:

    Celia Rose an old fashion name from an old fashion girl

  36. Jamie Q. says:

    I think I’d name her Calypso. We’d be somewhere on a prairie – she’d have sweet eyes and room to graze. I’d teach my daughter things long forgotten by our suburban companions. And it all would start with milking a cow.

  37. Lindy Pacelli says:

    Her name would be Evangeline! <3

  38. Penny says:

    Always wanted a second daughter, would have named her Grace. So I think Gracie would be an awesome cow name!

  39. Belinda says:

    Isabella…she is of no special breed…my grandmother always had milk cows and they were always of some mixed breed that know one wanted. She always said that they made the best moms and milk cows…So here is to Isabella so sweet…

  40. Elizabeth Plewa says:

    My sweet cow’s name would be Morning Star!

  41. Dianne Hawhee says:

    A Jersey, named Rosie!

  42. Christie says:

    I Think I Would Have To Name My Beautiful Cow Ella Mae After My Great Grandmother. I Remember Her Always Being Up At The Crack Of Dawn With A Good Breakfast Ready To Be Served, My Great Grandfather Was Of Course Already Up And Out Taking Care Of His Animals. Those Are Some Great Days Full Of Great Memories I Have Of My Grandparents.

  43. Ashleigh Poole says:

    Rose or Rosie would be her name!

  44. Debbie Kirk says:

    My cow would be named Princess because she would be ruler of the barn, giving me her wonderful fresh milk.

  45. Kerri Smith says:

    I would call her Penelope~♥

  46. Patti Bodenhamer says:


  47. Lynn Martin says:

    my milk cow would be a Jersey…named Buttercup.

  48. Linda Young says:

    My cow would be named after my grandma Pearl. Miss Pearl was a sweet, loving and gentle woman who nurtured her 4 children and thousands of others that she taught in school.

  49. Sallie Dee says:

    My cow would be named Elsie. My favorite cow from the 60’s and my paternal grandmother’s name!

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