WINNER!!! Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY, Day 4 of 5

And the WINNER is:

Katy K, who said October 17, 2013 at 4:40 pm:

“A mountaintop in Montana, where I could feel the cold wind blowing through my hair and look down at the rivers, trees, rocks, grass, and wildlife and take just a moment out of my ridiculously chaotic and busy life to quiet my mind and see the world for what it really is and appreciate this beautiful creation.”

Watch for an e-mail from the farm, Katy K.

Congratulations! You are the owner of a signature Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear.


And the original GIVEAWAY on October 14 was:

We’re back for Day FOUR of 5 Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY DAYS. (As featured in the current issue of MaryJanesFarm.)


If you could be airlifted anywhere in the world for a two-hour picnic, where would you go? I’d go to Wales and then beg to be dropped off for two more hours on the Isle of Jersey. (My favorite cow has distant relatives there who’ve asked to meet me. 🙂

Your name will go in the picnic basket Meg is sitting on in today’s photo-of-the-day and a winner will be selected at random.


  1. Laurie Dimno says:

    I would go to the Peyton Lake, in B.C.. Years ago I hiked there while on vacation with my husband and dear grandpa. It was a magical place.

  2. Jennifer Memolo says:

    I don’t think I would need to be air- lifted, becsuse it’s only 30 minutes from my front door…..Craggy Garden off the Blue Ridge Parkeay in NC.

  3. Michelle Kirby says:

    Isle of Sky, Scotland. My family came from there.

  4. jenny says:

    Maybe over an active volcano! Feeling adventurous today.

  5. I would go to the beach in Wellfleet on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The ocean is so beautiful and exciting to me. I love hearing the roaring waves during an incoming tide and the salty air blowing around me. It’s breathtaking!

  6. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I would go to Port Iassac, England. It is the home of the British TV series Doc Martin which my husband and I have loved watching. There are some high hills where the ocean comes in that are covered in green thick grass. I would like to be there when the tidal bore is beginning to roll in and raise the boats back out of the sand!

  7. Cheryl C says:

    I’d like to be taken to Lake O’hara in Yoho National Park, BC.

  8. Julia says:

    A Kauai beach, hands-down.

  9. Darcy Kane says:

    I would like to go to a mountain stream in Colorado to fly fish.

  10. shawna m says:

    I would go to Prince Edward Island!

  11. Connie-Killarney says:

    I would go to Port Orchard, WA. The town that the Hallmark Channel’s new series Cedar Cove is based on. I have fallen in love with that show!

  12. Lisa A says:

    A high mountain lake, anywhere!

  13. Kat Tylee says:

    I think I’d head for the big butte in Southeastern Idaho where my dad’s ashes are scattered. Late June, early July would be perfect because the wildflowers would be in bloom.

  14. Sharon D. says:

    I would love to go to Scotland! That to me would be perfect, it is a place I have always wanted to travel to. 🙂

  15. Debbie Fischer says:

    I would like to be airlifted to Mary Jane’s farm in Idaho to have a picnic with my favorite farmgirl who has made all my friendships possible on the farm.
    To meet you Mary Jane would be a dream come true.

  16. Jan Floyd says:

    I would like to be airlifted to somewhere in Tasmania. I’ve got lots of relatives there I’ve never met.

  17. Ireland for sure! That is one place I’ve always wanted to visit. The emerald isle!

  18. Helen L Olson says:

    Boundary Waters in Minnesota

  19. Cathy R says:

    Any beach in NEW ZEALAND! Vacationed on both islands years ago and still have
    vivid memories of all the places we experienced.

  20. Toni says:

    The French countryside.

  21. Cynthia says:

    I would be dropped upon a mountaintop…naked to the world… Oh wait a minute, those are song lyrics!! :). But mountaintop for sure for two hours of solid meditation…ohm…

  22. jaylyn morehouse says:

    Hmm, this is a tough one! I think I will pick Flamenco beach in Culebra, PR. I have been there twice, but it’s probably one of the prettiest/nicest beaches you can find. After my picnic, I would lay in a hammock and sip on some fancy Puerto Rican drink!

  23. Kathryn Capps says:

    I’d request Siracusa, Sicily. Greek ruins, gorgeous beaches, great organic food and wine, and some of the friendliest people on Earth. Oh and they have “glamp grounds”, so you can get your “girlie glamp” on!

  24. Terri D says:

    Hmmm…..Mendocino, CA

  25. Jayme Finley says:

    Paris, with a view of the Eiffel tower!

  26. Ashleigh Poole says:

    Too many places to name!!!! Paris. Scotland, London, Ireland… I would just love to travel all over!

  27. Dianne Hawhee says:

    That’s a tough one! So many beautiful places to choose from on this planet. Today I would choose Bora Bora!

  28. Helen Nickerson says:

    The beach at the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. I grew up there & it is a brilliant place!

  29. Lady Dorothy says:

    Prince Edward Island. Where I would channel all the Anne I could.

  30. Annmarie W. says:

    I would picnic on the beach on Grand Cayman Island!

  31. Karen says:

    I first thought of a few out of the country places. But then I decided for 2 hours, I’d go to Iowa to spend the time with my 90 year old mother. That would be a blessing!

  32. Loretta Heard says:

    I think I would like to go to . . . Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park. . .grab a dozen popovers to take along in my picnic basket. 🙂

  33. Teresa Arment says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm would be where I would want to go for a picnic!

  34. Karlyne says:

    I’d have to go to Castlebar, Ireland, because not only is it close to the amazing east side of the Atlantic, but I have friends there that I could continue on with tea-drinking and such!

  35. Deborah Kirk says:

    I would want to be air lifted to a Greek Isle.

  36. Melissa says:

    Any random place in Ireland!

  37. Cassondra Lashley says:

    I would go to lower Normandy. So much beautiful countryside there! I found a very old family crest when I moved into our old family home right years ago. On it, is one single lion (such as those which are pictured on the flag of Normandy). So my purpose for going is not only the scenery, culture and cousines that one can find there, but it has a bit of anticestorial importance to me as well.
    Oh, and did I mention cows?

    • Cassondra Lashley says:

      8 years ago (stupid spell check).
      Oh and I also meant to mention where I found the family crest…in the old well house! Still in its original and not so great of shape frame:)

  38. Shelley says:

    Definitely Ireland

  39. vivian talley says:

    On a raft floating down a river somewhere in Egypt ~

  40. Linda says:

    the isle of jersey my fiance has been there and said it’s nice.or I would go to china for some sweet and sour chicken/pork balls with sticky rice and a nice up of oolong or pu-erh tea!

  41. Patti Bodenhamer says:

    A picnic on a beach somewhere since I have never been.

  42. Vivian V says:

    Prince Edward Island, I was a huge Anne of Green Gables fan and would love to visit there.

  43. Sheryle G says:

    Somewhere by a mountain lake in the summer.

  44. Ann Marie says:

    I would go to East Tawas, MI on Lake Huron.

  45. Kathy Shaughnessy says:

    I would like to be airlifted to Ireland….my grandmother was born there. I’d love to have a picnic with some of my (as yet unmet) relatives and talk about old times.

  46. Katy K says:

    A mountain top in Montana where I could feel the cold wind blowing through my hair and look down at the rivers, trees, rocks, grass and wildlife and take just a moment out of my ridiculously chaotic and busy life to quiet my mind and see the world for what it really is and appreciate this beautiful creation.

  47. Cheryl Fiske says:

    I’d go to the island of Santorini, Greece, go wine tasting and collect various local food there for my basket, and sit up in the rocks and watch the Mediterranean Sea and soak up some rays.

  48. Cathy Lounsbury says:

    I would go to Three Creek, Idaho where I grew up on the family ranch. Perfect picnic place!

  49. Kerri Smith says:

    I would love to go to the coast of Ireland, high on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

  50. linda s foltz says:

    At a nice picnic table in Amish Country in Ohio………..

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