T@bitha is ready to roll!

UPDATE 6/28/2017:

A heartfelt thank you!!!!!! to everyone who signed up to be a Tabitha owner. We’d love to continue hearing about your many adventures! The crowning moment for us was when my daughter and her family passed another Tabitha owner two hours over the border in the neighboring state of Washington. As is so often the case, manufacturing and businesses change. T@bithas, as part of the T@b family, are still in good hands but we’re going to take a hiatus from the production of them while the re-branded company producing the well-know T@b teardrop gets up and running. If you are interested in buying a new or used Tabitha, please contact your local dealer to find out if they can track one down for you, https://nucamprv.com/dealer-locator/



Tabitha is finally ready and orders coming in …

(Thanks for your patience; we had a lot of manufacturing details to iron out.)


Here’s the brochure we made for RV dealers across the U.S. who are offering her for sale. (Readable text printed below each page.) Or you can read it online here: http://www.maryjanesfarm.org/Tabitha_Brochure.pdf. Scroll down on this post where you will find even more photos and a Q&A section. If you’ve asked us a question, you’ll find the answer further on.


With news giants like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Today Show, and CNN finally giving glampers their due, it’s high time for an official designated glamper. And who else to design it but the woman (moi) who pioneered the concept of glamour+camping?

Here at last is your dream machine! “But why a shiny NEW one?” you ask. Over the years, I’ve received letters like this: “How do I get started? I’m so afraid of buying something old for fear I won’t be able to complete it or it will be such a lemon it will never see the road. I’ve never refinished anything. But I LOVE your idea and I love camping.”

Well, YOU’RE the reason I created the care-free, ready-to-roll, lightweight, easy-to-manage-but-fully-loaded T@bitha. All you have to do is dust off your prom dress, pack up your mule (she’s so dainty that small cars like a Subaru Outback can tow her), load up on chocolate, gather up your glamping gal friends, and pick out a NAME. What adventurous, out-of-the-box gal doesn’t love an old-fashioned double name? Or a triple name … Rosie Royce T@bitha anyone? How about Annie Mae T@bitha or Rebekka Jean T@bitha or Lacy Lou T@bitha or just plain old Tabby T@bitha? I named mine Honey Bee T@bitha.


She could be yours!


Fully loaded but lightweight (easily towed by most vehicles), the T@bitha gives you some serious bragging rights: non-toxic Marmoleum flooring, neutral tones (blank canvas for the decorator in you), antiqued glazed birch-wood cabinetry, stainless-steel counters, indoor/outdoor stainless-steel table with U-shaped couch seating that converts into a 70″ x 72″ mattress, toilet/shower, stabilizer jacks, 3-way fridge, LED TV/entertainment center, AC/heat, 2-burner gas stove, electric brakes, and so much more! Also available: attachable awning or tent, all-weather UV cover, and contrasting skin/trim colors.

Oh, there’s one more thing this Idaho Jane forgot to tell you. I intentionally gave T@bitha an interior design that is feminine but neutral because I also know how unique your design ideas are. T@bitha is almost a blank slate (actually, her floor and upholstery are the color of slate) so that you can decorate her to your heart’s content.


Interior Features

  • Sustainable, Eco-friendly Marmoleum Flooring
  • White & Espresso Glazed Birch Wood Cabinetry
  • Neutral, Wales Grey, Linen Upholstery
  • Stainless-steel Counter Top
  • Easy Up Indoor/Outdoor Stainless-steel Table
  • LED Light Fixtures
  • 3-Way Norcold Fridge
  • Alde Heat System
  • 19” LED TV w/Hassel-free DVD/MP3/CD/AM-FMEntertainment Center
  • 2-Burner Gas Stove w/Glass Top
  • Sink with 12v Water Pump
  • Fan Tastic Powered Vent/Fan
  • U-Shaped Couch/Seating Area converts to a 70” x 72” Mattress
  • Full Wet Bath w/shower
  • Duo-pane Side Windows w/Roll-away Shades & Screens
  • Front Window w/Roll-away Shade
  • Bathroom Side Portal Window

Exterior Features

  • Skin Color Options: Silver or White
  • Trim Color Options: Red, Teal, Silver, Black, Blue, Yellow, or Orange
  • Pre-Installed Keder Rail System for Awning and Tent
  • Electric Brake System
  • Diamond Plate Gravel Guard
  • Propane Tank and Battery Storage Tongue Box
  • 14” Alloy Wheels
  • 2 sets of Stabilizer Jacks
  • Ship-to-Shore Power & City Water Hook-up          

Additional Options

  • Tent for Keder Rail Install System
  • Awning for Keder Rail Install System
  • UV Resistant, All-weather Cover

15’2″ (tip to tail) 89″ tall 76″ Wide, 1670 lbs

Amish-made in the U.S.A. $21,995* (Ask for Tabitha at a RV dealer near you!)

*Shipping and/or dealer prep charges not included.

Tabitha Q&A

Question: The brochure says that the T@bitha has just a 9″ LED TV, but the picture of the T@bitha shows a 19″ TV. Is it just a mistake in the brochure?

Answer: Yes that was a mistake in the brochure; the TV is a 19” LED. It’s fixed now; sorry about that!

Question: Is there a window in the shower/toilet that requires a curtain?

Answer: Yes there is a window in the shower/toilet. In the photos provided, we’ve taken a window valance (from our MaryJane’s Home bedding collection) and customized it to fit that size window. We like to call that “farmgirl style!”  We found some inexpensive adjustable curtain rods and attached them to the wall with Velcro so that the curtain can be installed when needed and then easily taken down and stored for transit.  If this doesn’t suit your fancy, you can use the in-window blind that comes with the Tabitha , called a Peek-a-boo Shutter, that sticks to the window and can be swiveled to open or shut, here is a YouTube video from a customer with a sailboat that has installed them in the sail boat’s cabin: (obviously yours would be round, but the concept and function are the same.)

Question: The window in the door looked tinted. Is Tabitha’s door window tinted? 

Answer: Yes, the window in the door is tinted.

Question: Is it possible to see a photo of the flooring?

Answer: Here is a link to a picture swatch of the Marmoleum flooring color. And here is a link giving more information on non-toxic Marmoleum.

Question: What is the floor plan of the Tabitha?

Answer: It’s an “S” floor plan. You can find it here.

Question: It doesn’t appear there’s a dealer in Arizona where I can buy a Tabitha. Can I buy it direct from the manufacturer?

Answer: Tabitha is American made in Sugar Creek, Ohio. Our guy Joe who makes them says that you must buy Tabitha from a dealer. Even if he attends an RV show he makes sure he’s with a dealer who can sell the Tabitha should someone want to buy it on the spot. Here’s a dealer in Arizona who can sell you a Tabitha:

Tom’s Camperland http://www.tomscamperland.com/ East Valley- 480-894-1267; West Valley- 623-977-2888; tomscamperland2@aol.com Phoenix- 602-258-3663; tomscamperland@aol.com

Question: Do you have more photos besides those in the pretty brochure?

Answer: Yes, here are a few more:












  1. Kai Bravo says:

    I have an almost new, only used once, white with silver trim 2015 T@bitha to sell! Perfect condition! LOVE her but unexpectedly need funds. New they sell for $26,750 plus taxes, will sell for $21,950. kaibravo@gmail.com N. Cal but open to delivering!
    Thank you!!

  2. Karen in Texas says:

    I ordered my T@Bitha 3 weeks ago and can not wait to get it. Shes gray with red trim. Planning how to decorate and outfit the interior is so much fun. The guy at the dealership had never seen one so wasn’t much help when it comes to the small details. Does the T@Bitha still come with the covered kitchen sink? How about the sink in the bathroom? I did not see these on any of the other T@B models on the lot but am hoping they are still standard for the T@Bitha. I. Can’t. Wait!

    • MaryJane says:

      Well, hello Karen in Texas! Gray and red is one of my favorites. Red is endlessly happy, gray is endlessly flexible/peaceful. Please remember to send us a photo of you with your Tabitha in tow. My daughter and her family were traveling out of town a couple of months ago. They were several hours “out of Dodge” when they passed another driver pulling a Tabitha in the opposite direction. Lots of horn honking and waving! To answer your questions, yes, we still have the covered sink in the kitchen, but the sink in the bathroom has been removed. The feedback we received was that people would rather have the extra space in the bathroom, especially since there is a sink only a couple of feet away in the kitchen. We felt with the proximity of the kitchen sink, the added space in the bathroom was a positive compromise. I hope you’ll agree once you get to spend some time in your new Tabitha! Yay!

      • Karen in Texas says:

        Makes total sense! Can’t wait. And I’ll be sure to wave and honk at your daughter when I see her out on the road : )

  3. Carol says:

    where would you get a mattress for the bed? 70″ x 72″?? Looking on retiring within in the next few years so saving up for it. It is good to know about the sink in the bathroom and all. Is there somewhere we can see them before we order? Thanks

  4. Georgie Sheppard says:

    Hello! Are there any dealers in Canada selling the Tabitha? It is exactly what I am looking for. I live in New Brunswick and am planning my summer to be fishing and kayaking. I hope I hear from you….Thank you!

  5. Penny Skalka says:

    Where can I find one in or ear Nebraska?

    • MaryJane says:

      UPDATE 6/28/2017:

      A heartfelt thank you!!!!!! to everyone who signed up to be a Tabitha owner. We’d love to continue hearing about your many adventures! The crowning moment for us was when my daughter and her family passed another Tabitha owner two hours over the border in the neighboring state of Washington. As is so often the case, manufacturing and businesses change. T@bithas, as part of the T@b family, are still in good hands but we’re going to take a hiatus from the production of them while the re-branded company producing the well-know T@b teardrop gets up and running. If you are interested in buying a new or used Tabitha, please contact your local dealer to find out if they can track one down for you, https://nucamprv.com/dealer-locator/

  6. Lucas Trice says:

    Beautiful small rv, just what I’m looking for. Can you tell me the dry weight please? After over 40 years of camping with Class A coaches, I have finally decided that a 14 or 16 footer is all that I need. After all, the only thing that one wants to do is drive it someplace nice and get out of it. Why did it take so long to figure that out.

    • MaryJane says:

      UPDATE 6/28/2017:

      A heartfelt thank you!!!!!! to everyone who signed up to be a Tabitha owner. We’d love to continue hearing about your many adventures! The crowning moment for us was when my daughter and her family passed another Tabitha owner two hours over the border in the neighboring state of Washington. As is so often the case, manufacturing and businesses change. T@bithas, as part of the T@b family, are still in good hands but we’re going to take a hiatus from the production of them while the re-branded company producing the well-know T@b teardrop gets up and running. If you are interested in buying a new or used Tabitha, please contact your local dealer to find out if they can track one down for you, https://nucamprv.com/dealer-locator/

  7. Lucas Trice says:

    Are there any pre-owned units in Tennessee ??

  8. Barbara E. Stewart says:

    I live in Kansas City, Kansas, and want to buy Tabitha. I am confused! Does someone still make them? If so, where can I get one? Thank you in advance for your time.

    • MaryJane says:

      Hi Barbara, for now no one is making them. We’re looking for a new manufacturer. I’m so sorry. It’s frustrating for us as well.

      • Bsrbara E. Stewart says:

        Oh no! I am so disappointed! Could you please keep me posted and let me know when they will be available, and where I can purchase one? I have craved one since you first came out with them, and only now am near a time when I can have one…and, “slmost” have the money together. Thank you for your time in responding.

        • MaryJane says:

          Yes, of course! Again, I’m so sorry for the hiccup in production. It’s such a great little trailer.

          • Barbara E. Stewart says:

            Well, Mary Jane, this is Barbara Stewart from Kansas City again. I think I am getting confused (age 72 has done it to me!). Is that Sofitel by NuCamp my dear Tabitha’s replacement now, and you won’t be making any more Tabithas? I contacted the dealer listed in Missouri, Missouri Teardrop Trailers, and that is what he is regrettably trying to palm off on me. I have read everything I can find on it, and it is nothing like Tabitha in my opinion. They changed the substance of the design and quality seems to have no comparison to Tabitha. And, the info on it states they are focused on being in the Airstream niche. Again, sadly, no comparison. Therefore, the Sofitel is not for me. For my understanding: Are you just taking a break from making Tabitha, and will be doing so again? Or, is this NuCamp group who will be making it some day (which I do not recommend)? HELP! Thank you for your time.

          • MaryJane says:

            Hi Barbara,
            We were unable to go forward with the new NuCamp folks given all the changes, plus they felt they could come up with something comparable. We haven’t been able to find another manufacturer willing to create a trailer using our standards. Just think, it’ll be a quality collector’s item some day.

          • Barbara E. Stewart says:

            Thank you again for your response. Very sad for those of us who wanted one and now can’t get one. Collectors will be the only ones being happy, especially as they rake in the profits! Hopefully you will not give up in your search for an appropriate manufacturer, and that you will be successful in that endeavor. Much luck wished to you.

          • Karen Holmes says:

            Barbara, you say that as if you are angry at Mary Jane. As if there was a conspiracy to keep you from owning a T@bitha and then benefitting from selling it. It’s not Mary Jane’s fault NuCamp no longer wishes to produce T@bithas. The most likely reason is a lack of enough demand.

            I have a 2017 T@bitha. I love it and plan to enjoy it. Not sure there will be a run on “original, hard to find T@bithas”.
            And I hardly think I will “rake in the profits” when/if I choose to sell.

            Look at the other T@b models when it is time for you to buy and see if you can trade around some options to make it perfect for you. I saw a very nice T@B Outback that was customized to have the T@bitha cabinets. You never know …NuCamp is very accommodating in customization requests.

  9. Pingback: Part 2: More Sisters on the Fly Vintage Camper and Trailer LUV! ~ Thistle Cove Farm ~ Sandra Bennett

  10. Lana says:

    I was very lucky to find such a gem! I traded my other teardrop in on a 2017 Tabitha this summer and love it. Tows great and I love the color or the cabinets and is roomy and cozy. I camped in 26 degrees last week and alde heat kept me warm.

    • Barbara E. Stewart says:

      I, too, was fortunate enough to find a “Tabitha” last October. I am still learning about her, so have not yet tacked the Aldel. However, with Winter coming to Kansas soon, I am sure I will give it a go. I love her and curling up cozy in her with a good book. I will be thinking of you. “Happy trails to you.”

  11. Julie ferreira says:

    Hi Mary Jane I have a tabby just like yours and I’m in love !! I have a question about the gray upholstery how do you clean this I’ve gotten some stains on them and I’m afraid that I will ruin it….. should I unzip remove from cushions and take to dry clean ? Any tips ? I have tried to clean it leaving it on the cushions and blotting with a sponge but hasn’t worked.
    Thank you for your adorable website and your handy hints…

    • MaryJane says:

      Yes, I would try dry cleaning. Remove, and take your cushion covers in but ASK first if they think they can clean them and if there will be any shrinkage. Good luck! We had our Tabitha out last weekend. To this day, I continue to love everything about her. Good little rig all around.

  12. Mikala says:

    Hi Kenzie! Awesome that you tried it, you need to freeze it longer, 4 hours is the minimum. What temp is your freezer set to? You probably need to turn it on its coldest setting and let it freeze for a few more hours. Unfortunately without an actual ice cream roll machine, the home freezer is the only way to go, and the freezing process can t really be rushed. Also, make sure you put your spatula at a 45-degree tilt angle, that will help it roll too. ?? ?? Try it again and let me know how it turns out, it is a pretty cheap experiment to work with.

  13. Kathleen says:

    Are the Tabithas still being made and for sale?

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