
May your day sparkle with moments of love, laughter, good food, and goodwill. Love, love, love from us to you.


  1. Christina D #5572 says:

    Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to you and your family

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Mary Jane, I wish you could see the beautiful indigenous Poinsettias that grow here and are in full bloom in yards across town. Some plants grow like huge bushes and are covered with beautiful red blooms! Merry Christmas Day!!

    • MaryJane says:

      Merry WONDROUS Christmas Day to you dearest loving Winnie!!!!

      • Winnie Nielsen says:

        Thank-you Mary Jane! I hope your celebration with your family was full of joy and laughter and delicious merriment! Hehe, a Tomte in the cow barn? In Norway they call them Nissen and they live on every farm helping AND potentially causing mischief if not properly rewarded on Christmas Eve with a bowl of porridge! Norwegian Nissen usually wear long read caps in winter so be on the look out just in case you have a few sleeping in the straw somewhere!!

        • MaryJane says:

          I will have to investigate the tradition of the Nissen. Maybe next year porridge also at midnight!

          Yesterday ’twas wonderful! Board games, legos, and dressing the dollies in their new clothes, in addition to playing school … but the best fun was the proper welcoming of the girls’ new kitty they named Rosie Rock Star. Meg had the flu so she was prone on the couch. It was our job to entertain her and not make her too sad she couldn’t be eating all the great stuff we were enjoying.

          I highly recommend four seasons in a wall tent. I want to do it again someday when I’m not so busy … when I have your status, retired but living life to the fullest!

  3. Dear Mary Jane,
    You have become part of my life this past year as I read your blog each morning to start each day off happy.
    May your entire family and all your animals have a wonderful Merry Christmas. Did the animals talk at midnight? I know they did.
    thanks for all the happiness you have given me

    • MaryJane says:

      I didn’t get to hear them talking when I went down to the barn around midnight to give them treats (I’ll keep trying every year but I’m sure they’re very private about it) but I did see evidence of a silent tomten afoot. That was my favorite book I read to my kids. Are you familiar with Astrid Lindgren who also wrote Pippi Longstocking? Merry Christmas Lisa and THANK YOU for visiting my blog each morning. Hmmmm, a midnight celebratory treat with cows? Seems like I have Christmas mixed up with New Year’s. Okay. But that’s not the worst of it; I like to celebrate with cows!? Double hmmmmmmm.

      • Thank you Mary Jane ! I did read Pippi Longstockings as a child and even was her as my Halloween costume one year, complete with wires woven in my braids to make them stick out. And yes, I do have ” the Tomten and the Fox” by Astrid Lindgren. It is one of my favorite books. I shall reread it today. I decorate for the seaason with children’s Christmas books with their sweet covers and this is one of the many that are out.
        When I was a child a little girlfriend of mine had a pet fox which was so sweet. Very tame and like a cross between a cat and a dog. I so wanted one for Christmas but my parents couldn’t make me understand that they are a wild animal.
        I will be on the lookout for the Tomten at night. Cows with their sweet grassy breath are a joy. I think a little New Year’s celebration with the 2 new calves is a great way to start 2014.

  4. Cathy R says:

    Thank you MaryJane and all for such a delightful blog! Have a wonderful Christmas day celebrating our Savior! JOY&PEACE!

  5. Terry Steinmetz says:

    May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas celebration! I’m so glad that we are “sisters”. Thanks for being there and sharing. πŸ™‚

  6. Karlyne says:

    Thanks for your good wishes to us, and know that we’re sending them right back to you! Happy Christmas!

  7. Laurie Dimno says:

    Merry Christmas to everyone of you! Mary Jane’s farm has been one of my greatest gifts for the past 4 years. The wonderful farmgirl connection and everything that MJF represents is a true blessing in my life! Thank you!
    Blessings to all!

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