“You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.” What better way to celebrate Dr. Seuss than with a day of reading.
In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2, students, teachers, parents, and grandparents nationwide will pay homage by reading book after book in honor of National Read Across America Day. Mia’s teacher is celebrating with their 2nd Annual Book-a-Bunga Day, and the kids are encouraged to wear their coziest pajamas and bring their favorite blankies, teddies, and books. The lunch ladies will even be serving up green eggs and ham for lunch! Mia has been talking about this author’s birthday for weeks.
“Mom, did you know Dr. Seuss is an author? Do you what an author is? A book writer!” my Mia has said over and over in recent weeks.

Dictionary art prints by BluePoppyGallery
We know many of his stories by heart, read a particular pick every year at Christmas, and might own all the movies made from his marvelously rhymed works. But while they’re all such fun for an adult to read aloud, they address so many pertinent life lessons for children and adults alike.
“Don’t cry …” My favorite of Dr. Seuss’s reminders. If you don’t have a Dr. Seuss book nearby, pick up anything with words and honor an author. They matter.
Dr. Seuss was an important author for my children growing up. So many fun stories to delight and make story reading special. He brought so much to children and adults with his clever rhymes and important messages. My all time favorite is the one about trees!
Ah Dr. Seuss ! The greatest author of all !! Because he made reading fun and accessible for very young about-to-read children. Up until the ” Cat in the Hat” ( and his many others ) , there was nothing for a young child to read. His silly, silly rhymes and repetitive words started many a pre-schooler onto the happy road to reading. I still treasure my copy of the now hard to find ” The King’s Stilts”, given as a prize for improvement in French during first grade. And it just wouldn’t be Christmas without the now classic ” The Grinch Who Stole Chirstmas”.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Our family’s all time favorite!