GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. Wraylee Flodin says:

    I would name her Frankie and her first bucket of milk would have to be enjoyed by my whole family in ice cold glasses! Yum!

  2. Marti Johnson says:

    I would name that cow Marian Viola, and from the first bucket of milk I would churn butter to be spread on homemade bread!! <3

  3. Melodae Farley says:

    My cow would be Daisy, after my favorite flower. I’d make yogurt from that first bucket.

  4. Marti King says:

    I’d name her Daisy and would make fresh peach ice cream!

  5. Debbi Downs says:

    I would name her Vivian, because I like the name. 🙂 I would make butter with my first bucket of milk. The first time I made butter I was so excited! It gave me the confidence to believe I could go back to the country and live on my own small farm. I mean, if I can make butter, I can do anything! 🙂

  6. Kim says:

    I would name my cowpanion – Pan-cow-ski, you see my maiden name was Pankowski and I remember once someone misspelled my last name Pancowski and I need forgiveness. First bucket of milk? Finding a healthy rendition in my new Milk Cow Kitchen book for a healthy rendition of cheese curds, of course!

  7. Frances Fowler says:

    I think I would name her…Daisy, of course…and then try my first hand at making yogurt!

  8. Carolyn says:

    I would name my Cowpanion “Betsy”. In memory of my mother whose name was Elizabeth. Looking forward to that first glass of milk from my own cow “Betsy”.

  9. Luann says:

    My friend and family cow would be named C.C. And of course together we would make cheese!!!!! I love cheese and C.C.

  10. Alex says:

    I have been longing to begin a herd of mini Jerseys for many years! My first cow would have the honor of being named “Flora”, in memory of my Grandma…a dyed-in-the-wool Pennsylvania FarmGirl from the early 1900’s.( Thank you Grammy, for all the wonderful stories about the animals and the farm of your childhood. They are some of my most cherished memories of you…turns out being a FarmGirl is in my blood!) As for my first pail of fresh milk, I’d try my hand at some of the cheese recipes I’ve been saving…after giving the dogs, cats and of course, the family a taste of creamy deliciousness!

  11. shayna wilcomb says:

    I would name my cow Ida, after my nurse instructor in nursing school and i would make tons of yogurt and cheese!

  12. Pat Sylvester says:

    I would name my cow Clair and I would churn butter as a tribute to my grandmother who taught me to love (and to name) each of the cows on her farm; to get up at the break of dawn to go milk those lovely cows; and to churn butter for fresh-from-the-oven homebaked bread.

  13. Suzy Field says:

    I would name a cow Georgia and the first thing I would do with the first bucket of milk is to chill and drink it. Later I would make yogurt and/or clotted cream.

  14. Monica Markley says:

    I would name my cow Beauty because that was the name of my favorite cow in my dads heard over 60 years ago!! My first milk would get skimmed of that wonderful cream and I would make a batch of butter and then the rest would go in the frig for a wonderful glass of ice cold milk that evening with some homemade pie!!

  15. Monica Markley says:

    My cows name would be Beauty after the cow my dad had over 60 years ago! And homemade butter would be made and an ice cold glass of milk with homemade pie!!

  16. Kelley Mulick says:

    I would name my cow Bella (after our farm) and I’m all about the cheese. 🙂

  17. Brenda says:

    We would name our Jersey cow Elsie & we would definitely be enjoying fresh peanut-butter cookies with a nice cold glass of that milk to dunk them in. 😉

  18. Krystle Townsend says:

    I would name mine Daisy, she would be a Brown Swiss or Heritage breed. The first thing I would do with a pail of fresh milk is make the family recipe bread pudding and serve it up with a fresh glass of milk! That, or huckleberries and cream!!!

  19. Grace McHugh says:

    Beth. I grew up on a farm and our last milk cow’s name was Beth. She was so sweet. My daddy would let me ride her.

  20. Mary says:

    My sweet cow would be named Sadie! Her milk would help me create wonderful mashed potatoes, cream for my coffee, and a good cold drink of milk to go with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sweet Sadie!

  21. Toni Gipson says:

    I would name her Judd and make some good homemade ice cream.

  22. Wendy says:

    I would love a mini-jersey cow. Something like this
    I would call her Milkweed!
    I would let the kids make butter by shaking it in a jar! (my daughter just missed out on this on her Oregon Trail school trip because they were out of cream!)
    The rest we would drink with freshly made gooey brownies! yum!!

  23. Connie Iddings says:

    I would name her Marabel and with the first bucket of milk I would drink it allow my family and myself to unashamedly drink one tall glass of milk after another!

  24. Melissa Zinke says:

    We have one Angus heifer, but no dairy heifers as of yet. My girls and I decided long ago though, that all heifers would be named after flowers. So I think the first dairy heifer we get would have to be named, Buttercup. Seems only fitting. And that first pail of milk would definitely be drank with breakfast.

  25. Maureen wall says:

    I would name her Chloe an I would make butter.

  26. Corri Riebow says:

    I’d name my sweet girl, Violet and after having a few sips of milk, I’d definitely be making some cheese!

  27. Julie Hill says:

    Her name would be Bossy. I would have to make Cottage Cheese. Missing the good ole days.

  28. Sue M says:

    I would name her Bessie. Aren’t all cows named Bessie?

  29. I would name my beautiful cowpanion Genevieve. I once tried to see what I could make from one gallon of milk and here’s what I came up with and it’s exactly what I would do with my own first bucket: butter (of course), yogurt, yogurt cheese, ricotta and of course… a cold glass of milk goes great with cold apple pie. For breakfast.

  30. Monica Talley says:

    I would name her Daisy and use that first pail of fresh milk for many things. Cream for fresh berries, milk for making fresh ice cream and maybe make some fresh yogurt.

  31. Raeann says:

    I used to have cows and milked cows when I was a kid. Nothin’ like a fresh glass of sweet raw milk with…anything! If I had another cow I’d name her Daisy and make some fresh butter and yogurt!

  32. angie shurtleff says:

    I just got my first milk cow in december she is a 3 year old jersey named IVY and i love her so much april 14th she had us a little heifer we named her LILY her dad was a red dexter, biy do we have alot of milk! the first thing i made was butter.

  33. I would name her daisy, after my pet cow I had as a child living on a dairy farm. I would make either homemade cheese, or sour cream or butter. The very best is homemade fresh from the cow. Mary fitzpatrick Farmgirlsister#3232

  34. Sharon says:

    I would name my cowpanion MuuMuu and I would make some coffee ice cream.

  35. tam dudley says:

    gal would be her name and fresh butter would be first on the list,we always got our milk in a gallon glass jar from our neighbors and the cream took up almost half the space….mom always made butter and buttermilk,the buttermilk to go with cornbread and the cream to go over the wild blackberries we would pick….and milk to drink of course…..nothing tastes like that anymore.

  36. I would name my milk cow Angelina for my Nonni. She came from Messina when she got married. I would use my first pail of milk to make cheese, wonderful whole milk cheese.

  37. Kelly Seibert says:

    I’d name mine Daisy, I would be making up a batch of yogurt pronto!

  38. Christi Head says:

    I would name her Melanie after my grandmother. That wonderful first pail of milk would be turned into ice cream for all the family and neighbors to enjoy.

  39. Pamela Hemmes says:

    My milk cow would be a Brown Eyed Jersey and I would name her Sassy-frass…she’d kick the bucket over if I pulled to hard on her teats! That first bucket of milk would become nutritious and yummy Keifer and I would blend it with raw honey and lemon….Yum!

  40. Lainie H. says:

    I have always yearned to have a Jersey named “Buttercup.” I haven’t had fresh milk since I was a kid in the 1950s and living in WV. I’d have to make ice cream with my first bucket of milk…fresh STRAWBERRY ice cream made with berries from my little garden.

  41. Shellie Schultz says:

    I would love to make butter and yogurts and fresh cheese. Our plan is to get a cow this year! We are looking!

  42. Shellie Schultz says:

    I would love to make butter and yogurts and fresh cheese. Our plan is to get a cow this year! We are looking! We would name her abby!

  43. Cathy Failor says:

    I would name my cowpanion Aunt Bea. I would make some butter and cheese for my family and friends with my first bucket of milk.

  44. Dee Carter says:

    I would name my cow Lizzie for my Grandma Liz. She used milk in so many ways and never drank a drop of it. I’ve been told I was to watch the electric churn one day and proceeded to stick my little finger in the top of the motor, I guess. Still have all my finger. Grandma raised 18 children in the hills of WV and provided all the milk they needed from the cow. Buttermilk cornbread in the iron skillet was wonderful. Thanks for letting me share! I can remember my Mom leaning against the cow milking her….oh, so many years ago!

  45. TammyLynn Everett says:

    I would name my cowpanion Bossy, cause my dad named all his milk cows that thru the years! I have to say I would make myself sick drinkin my fresh milk and then sit around makin a mason jar of fresh butter!!!! Oh my…..heaven on earth!!!

  46. Annette Wulffe says:

    Amazing Maisie without a second thought and my first bucket would go to the residents I care for at the home I work at, many who might even remember cow s milk.

  47. Brenda Girdley says:

    I would name my cow Rose. In honor of the first cow I ever milked, back in the early 80’s. She was very patient with me, bless her heart. Then I would skim the cream and make some fantastic butter. Then drink an ice cold glass of delicious “real” milk.

  48. Christy Capps says:

    I just got my first milk cow..I named her Molly McButter.. we made chocolate milk and my girls took the cream and put it in a jam mason jar and made butter.. 🙂

  49. Cindy says:

    I would name my little milk cow, Matilda. I have always wanted to make real mozzarella….I think that would be on the top of my list. I was born and raised on a dairy farm, that first glass of ice cold milk would be so nostalgic! I have just recently been on a mission to rid my family of GMO’s, grain-fed beef, cage free chickens, etc. I have 5 grandchildren and it makes me so sad to think of them growing up with these toxins in their system. I raise my own chickens and have a garden, I would love to eventually get a mini jersey!

  50. Pauline parsons says:

    I would name my cow when I see her , not sure until then. I would strain the milk like my mom used to, and put it in the fridge until ice cold. Then when I drink it , close my eyes and be transported back to my childhood.

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