GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. Tanya Copenhaver says:

    I would name my cow-panion Elsie (of course!) and my first bucket would be used for drinking!

  2. Candace says:

    My cow would be named Sweetie because they all look so sweet. I would be torn as to what to do with that first bucket of milk. I would want to take some of the cream for my tea; I like White Peony tea with cream. The rest I would make into cheese. We rented a farm house from friends a few years ago and occasionally their cows would get out. We would wake up in the morning to a cow looking in our dining room window! I miss that!

  3. pansy says:

    because she would have big saucer eyes that looked like flower blossoms fluttering in the wind, when she batted her eyes, a black and white jersey!

  4. Mary Jane Landwehr says:

    I would name her Daisy and have some friends over for fresh made cheese pizza!

  5. Pamela Polk (Lokteff) says:

    The name would be Lilly…and i would make icecream…

  6. Mary says:

    Her name would be May in rememberance of my favorite childhood milk cow. The first thing I would do with my bucket of milk is separate it, whip the cream, and put it on top of home made strawberry shortcake. Yum!

  7. Dolly says:

    I would name my little Jersey Cow “Beauty” especially if she is as pretty as yours are. I would yum drink and cook with my milk make some butter with the cream. Please enter me I’d love to win your book MaryJane! Thanks too.

  8. Teri Anne valentine says:

    Bessie would be her name. Don’t know why? Maybe it was the name of one of my great aunt Jenny’s milking cows. I used to watch her milk cows during my summer vacations to the Old Angle Farm in Virginia. Plus, occasional feed the barn kittens she had a good aim! With the fresh milk, I would love to make mozzarella cheese! Then I would make a batch of her rolls, fresh mozzarella cheese, cut up a fresh tomato (her favorite) from the garden with some basil and evoo. Then enjoy with a tall glass of sweet tea! Thank you for the walk down memory lane:)))

  9. Edie Batt says:

    I’m getting my two jersey cows next week! They are only six months old so it will be a while before I will get to taste that sweet bucket of milk! Their names are Tallulah Belle and Elsie…..and with my first bucket I would drink as much as I could!! Then make butter…and I cannot wait to make cheese!
    SO looking forward to this book!!! I have all of your others. Love your website and thank you for sharing your world with us!

  10. Laurie Collins says:

    I would name my girl Maybelline, and use her milk for everything I possibly could. I have wanted a cow since I was a little girl.

  11. Barb George says:

    I would name my cow Cherry. I don’t know why… It is different. 🙂

    Of course we would make Cherry Ice Cream! Chopped Rainier Cherries in fresh ice cream and served over warm brownies! Side of fudge to follow…

  12. Elizabeth C says:

    I would name my first cow after some sort of flower, maybe Lily. I would take that first bucket of milk and drink it along some fresh cookies or warm pancakes!

  13. Elizabeth Plewa says:

    I would name her Mabel and would make delicious ice cream!

  14. I think I would name her princess or Mary moo after an old neighbor named mary that my dad called mary moo!! Oh I’d have to learn to make ice cream the old fashion way for my sweetie,from the first Pail.

  15. Jennifer Grabinski says:

    Would love this. Your books are great.

  16. Jennifer Grabinski says:

    I would name my cow’s Genevieve and drink my first bucket of milk.

  17. Dana K. says:

    I would name her Maybelle and use half to drink and the other half to make cheese – I love cheese!

  18. I would have to name her Anna Pearl. I would make a batch of mozzarella cheese. Love it!

  19. Amanda says:

    I would name my cow Bessie!! I have dreamt about having a cow for sooo long :). With the first pail of milk I brought in I would of course, take lots of pics, lol. Then I would enjoy every drop with my family.

  20. Cheryl Severeide says:

    I would name her “Goldie”…having my own cow would be a golden treasure… I would make fresh butter first and whip cream…of course I would drink the milk too…

  21. I’d name my cow Daisy! I always wanted a cow with that name, fresh delightful and giving white milk. 🙂
    For my first pail of milk, I’d most likely strain, chill and give tall glasses of the sweetness to my family! oh, and one for myself to.

  22. Terri Dye says:

    I would name my first cow-panion “Tillie” because that is what my Grandpa called my Grandma with such admoo-ration and love in her BIG brown eyes! And that first bucket would be brought in and I’d pur everyone a fresh glass of milk to have with a chocolate chip cookie breakfast…the rest would be set in the fridge to let the cream come to the top of which I’d make some sweet creamy butter and the rest I’d make a delicious potato soup!

  23. Would love to have this wonderful book. Cows, recipes and all.
    My imaginary cow’s name would be Simone–very French, very cheesy!
    First milk drawn: Greek-style yogurt. But first, need cream for coffee–gotta have the cream.
    I’ve collected all your books, this one is a must-have. This city girl wants to farm.

  24. Melissa says:

    The name kind of depends on the cow’s temperament. But I would think Daisy or just Beautiful. The first thing I would do with the bucket of milk is chill it and then pour myself a big ol’ glass. Then I would make my husband some homemade vanilla ice cream.

  25. Debby Riddle says:

    I would name her Rosie, and I would make butter, and scones with the cream.

  26. Kelly says:

    I’m not great at naming an animal until we meet face to face, and I get a sense of their personality. That is how I named my Llasa Apso “Anabel”, with one n. It just popped into my head after gazing at the cute little puppy for a few days, and the name just seems to fit. We usually keep animal names simple, like Daisy & Betsy for our Labs, Mittens & Ester for the kitties, Fred & Elvis for the roosters. (Fred has really long legs and smoothly struts around, while Elvis has an incredible deep crow that makes me chuckle every time I hear it (even at 4am!), and he sings a perfect cocka doodle do, every time. I love flower names, like Lily and Buttercup, but the cow that I imagine would not only be sweet and gentle, but also one tough mama keeping order in her pasture. She’d keep a watchful eye as her calf and the chickens free-range; coyotes and hawks fear her, but the grandchildren love her (grandkids are a long way off however)… Do cows make good guards animals? I don’t know because I’ve never had one, but anything is possible because my Llasa Apso loves to herd chickens and keep them on the property. Maybe Sparticus would be a good name… “The Adventures of Sparticus, My Milk Cow and Anabel the Chicken Herder”… lol. With the first bucket of fresh milk I would make sour cream, kefir, yogurt, and cheese because these are my current new cultured foods I am learning to make with store-bought organic milk products, and I can’t wait to try them with fresh, pasture grazed, cow milk.

  27. Maria Earl says:

    I would name her Mildred after the lady who taught me everything farm! She was the next door neighbor/babysitter. She taught me my love of quilting, farming, caning, I got to see puppies born, gathered eggs, killed the wasp nest, fed everything, hunted for mushrooms, ….and what I would do with the first bucket of rich goodness….drink one cup right out of the bucket and then make butter!
    She used to give me a small glass of milk when her husband would bring in the 2 pails after milking their milk cow.

  28. Kellie Schultz says:

    My little cow would be called, Ginny after my great-grandmother Virginia’Ginny’ and with that first bucket of milk I would make a big pot of oatmeal and drizzle it with the fresh milk…….YUMMY!

  29. Claudia Konkus says:

    I am going to name her Daisy Mae. I believe that every cow should have a proper first and second name. And her milk will make all different sorts of cheeses for me. Because I am almost vegan except for cheeses and quark. Can’t live without them.

  30. Cathy Lounsbury says:

    I would name my cow Buttercup and make some ice cream — strawberry or peach, I think.

  31. Sarah B. says:

    I would name her Daisy May, first thing I would make would be butter using my grandmothers old butter churner~

  32. Shari Witt says:

    Daisy! After the Borden’s cow I loved as a child. First Bucket: home made ice cream!

  33. Madison Smith says:

    I actually don’t have a made up name for my cow, because her real name is Dolly. Dolly Parton to be exact. When I bought her her tag said DP60, Naturally Dolly Parton came to mind! Sadly, now that I am in college, I sold her to my dad who now uses her as our ” mascot” for our farmstead cheese and yogurt operation. One day, I plan on making some yummy butter and Ghee from Dolly’s milk. Yummo!

  34. Debi Chandler says:

    I would name my first cow – Baby and make lots and lots of chocolate ice cream with my first bucket of milk (After I did the Happy Dance, and took tons of pics to share on the internet!)

  35. JillW says:

    I would name my cowpanion “Beth” after the Kiss song, “Beth I hear you calling…” lol, and the first pail of milk would make butter and cheese

  36. Deborah Renholm says:

    I would like to try making the yogurt, as I’ve been having stomach issues since a major loss in October. I read about your new book in my new copy of Mary Jane Farm and I would love to have one. The cows name would be Bertha!

  37. Susan Boysen says:

    Growing up with annual visits to my aunt’s dairy farm taught me that I love love love newborn calves…and their mamas! Nothing sweeter, softer, more precious than those little babies! I would name my cowpanion Millicent after my favorite kitty…or Margaret after my dairy farming auntie! And the milk…memories take me right back to pouring fresh milk in a bowl outside of the milking barn for all the barn kitties!

  38. I would name her Daisy just like the jersey cow we had when I was a little girl. The first thing I would do with my first bucket of milk is make butter! 🙂

  39. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    I would name my cow Carrie maybe… It depends on what she looked like. I would drink some of it an make some cheese

  40. sherri burkett says:

    I would name her Mary after Great-grandma Burkett. Farming was never work for her. She enjoyed every second. It is my dream to continue her traditions of doing everything by hand. I would relish the gift of raw whole milk for my children. It’s hard to come by in these here parts!

  41. Ingrid Rowe says:

    I would name her Dandelion and I would make kefir or maybe ice cream or maybe both!

  42. Ramona Lamar says:

    My cows name will be Bella a nick name of my youngest grand daughter . Since I have never had fresh cows milk just to drink….. I will make it chocolate milk!!! Sometimes fresh is hard to get use to when all you have had your while life is the store milk!!!

  43. Darci says:

    I would name my cowpanion Glitter Cow and
    I would take the 1st bucket of milk to my friend to make cheese!!

  44. Donna Trent says:

    I would name my cow “Daisy” because that’s my favorite flower. I would make good old fashioned ice cream with the churn and serve it with strawberry rhubarb pie! Yum 🙂

  45. Cindy H says:

    I would name my cow Petunia and she would have a beautiful collar of woven petunias!
    My first bucket of milk would become cheese!

  46. Traci Lee says:

    I would make the most delicious, fresh cheese with it!!!!! And I would name her Winni….it’s just the cutest name for a cowpanion.

  47. Susan Quimby says:

    Madeline, Maddy for short! Pour the milk into containers and wait for the cream to rise. Make something yummy that needs whipped cream!

  48. Mary Lynn Mauer says:

    I would name my cow Betsy, my Grandmother’s favorite cow. I would make my favorite tapioca pudding. But then again pouring the milk fresh from the cow over cinnamon toast, my Grandmother Ruth made this when we came to visit. I love your site.

  49. Anita K. says:

    Her name would be Buttercup and I would skim cream off the top of that milk to whip for a dessert topping.

  50. Judy Shaddix says:

    Oh I would just have to name her “Betsy” it just sounds so sweet, and I know she would sweet also. So many things to do with the milk but i think for the very first, I would have to just drink it, and enjoy.

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