GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. Katie says:

    I’d name her Betsy….sweet ol’ Betsy. And we’d make icecream….vanilla bean!

  2. Soraya khoury says:

    My first bucket of milk – I will get my cup and have me a drink just like I used to on my country. – milk with no antibiotic or hormones and then make some cheese and ice cream.

  3. Rachel Davison says:

    My cow’s name would be Honey. With my first bucket of milk I would make mozzarella cheese. I would use the cheese on homemade pizza dough topped with veggies and herbs from my garden. The whey from making cheese would water my garden since rain water is sparse.

  4. Valerie Jean says:

    Gotta go with Cloverleaf. I can just see her now; grazin in that pasture over there. I’d definitely drink a cup before the screen door slammed; it’s been so long since I had REAL fresh milk. Then I’d chill the milk and make butter with the cream.

  5. jenny says:

    I would name my cow, Bessie or Babe. I would love to make cheese, have cream for coffee, fresh butter, and clean milk.

  6. Sacha A. says:

    Daisy! I would name my cow Daisy and make a delicious cream pie. Thank you for the giveaway! Love Love your books!!!

  7. Kathryn Capps says:

    My cowpanion would be named Rosie, because dairy cattle smell so sweet when the sun is on their hide (just like my horse does). I would take the first bucket of milk and pour it in my claw-foot tub add a bit of lavender and warm water and take the plunge for a marvelous milk bath. It’s oh so great for tired old bones of a farm girl like me. 😉

  8. Tina says:

    I would name my sweet cow daisy an that first bucket of milk I would give all four of my grand babies a tall glass each and we would graham crackers along with it. Making memories

  9. Diane Spath says:

    I would name my cow Ceilidh (pronounced Kay-lee, which is Celtic for : happy, funn, good time). And the first thing I would make is some homemade vanilla custard…real comfort food.

  10. Ruth says:

    If I had a milk cow of my own, I would name her Daisy Lou. Everyone needs a middle name. With my first pail of milk, I would chill it and drink it(I never could stomach warm milk)!

  11. Heather says:

    Elizabeth is a noble name for our cowpanion, after Miss Elizabeth Bennett of Pride and Prejudice fame….Elizabeth would like butter and cream to be used atop boiled, multi-colored roasted potatoes!


  12. Patty Deatherage says:

    Daisy!!! I think I would chill the milk and enjoy it with a lovely fresh scone! Best wishes on your book…you encourage ladies to reach out and enjoy life to it’s fullest!!

  13. Elfwine says:

    I would name her “Isabeau” (iz-ah-bow).
    I can see her dewy eyes and sweet face. She would be sweet tempered – right?
    Can I put a pink bow on her tail?

    I would make butter from the first bucket or -wait – maybe just take the cream and pour it over strawberries. But, I don’t know what milk looks like from the cow and I’ve never had real-fresh-unpasteurized butter or cream. So much to learn.

    /sigh dreaming

  14. Shelley Troy says:

    I would name her “Dud” ( As in Milk Dud 🙂 And with the milk I would make some soap. Oatmeal, Milk and Honey soap 🙂

  15. Gail M says:

    I would name my cow Abigail and we will have ice cream….hand cranked!

  16. Terrie Coleman says:

    I would name my cow “Dorothy” after my great grandmother’s cow that lived 27 years and was in Ripley’s Believe it or Not. She was called “Dot”. And I would make ice cream with the first bucket of milk.

  17. Renaye Johnston says:

    I would name my cow Hazel. I would let the cream rise to the top of the first bucket of milk and make homemade ice cream.

  18. Christine Sass says:

    I remember the herfords on my Grandma’s farm. I would name her “Ella” after my Gram. I would make ice cream!!!

  19. Lori Ann says:

    My cow would be named Bess. Because that is the name of our milkcow when I was a girl. With the milk, I would make fresh cheese, just like my mama used to make.

  20. Ethel says:

    Bossie, we always had a Jersey, Bossie milker. I now have goats and we have another Bossie just born last week. Thanks for all the great information.

  21. lynnia says:

    I would name my cow MILLIE…..because that was what my Great Aunt Gussie called hers… the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, I loved being there with her and her beautiful black iron cookstove…..I would make yummy WHOLE MILK yogurt…..peace

  22. Delores Brown says:

    I can picture a cow in my back pasture. Her name would be Lucy after an ancestral grandmother. I’d save the cream for a little butter and drink a tall glass with oatmeal cookies. Then I’d try my new cheese kit I received for mother’s day.

  23. My little cow would be named Frances. after Frances Willard who was one of the founders of the WCTU, and wrote a very inspirational book about learning to ride a bicycle at a time when women still traditionally wore long skirts and were just beginning to adopt bloomers. “Two things must occupy your mind to the exclusion of all others,” they were keeping your eyes on your goal, and pedaling as fast as you could. I would make cheese.

  24. I would name my cow Maudie after the grandma I look just like (and even sell things from my farm just like her like butter, eggs and more) but who I never got to meet because she died when my daddy was 16….and I’d take that first gallon of fresh milk from Maudie and drink half and use the other half to make creamy soap to sell along with my goat’s milk soap in my little general store here on my small homestead….She would be light to dark brown and have long brown eyelashes that fluttered when she looked into my soul as only a woman’s cow can do…..and Maudie and I would walk these fields together and think about her namesake who walked these fields and woods long before me….

  25. April West says:

    I would name my cow Daisy! Such a pretty, funny name! I would use the first bucket of fresh milk from Daisy to make a batch of yummy potato soup!

  26. Cindy Owen says:

    I would name my cow Bella Luna, which means “My beautiful moon,” in Italian. The very first thing I would do is share some milk with my three cats; Pixie, Skitty and Biscuit. What cat does not dream of fresh milk from a cow? The rest of the milk I would most certainly use to make cheese. I love cheese so much and I would be anxious to try a cheese recipe!

  27. Carol Kincaid says:

    I would name my Cow Gracie after my mom and make all sorts of things with the milk..

  28. Jami says:

    I would name her Mandolyn and w/ my first bucket of milk…..I’d do just like my daddy and I did when I was a little girl !…….I’d let it sit til it formed about an inch of thick cream on top and I’d ladle out me a cup of milk beneath the cream annnnnnnd…….dunk us some Oreos in it !!!!!!!

  29. amber says:

    annabelle…i know, i know! not original at all. i use to love the movie “annabelles wish” and always wanted one after watching that movie! i would love fresh milk for homemade ice-cream 🙂

  30. Jalyn says:

    I’d name her Buttermilk and drink the milk cold! 🙂

  31. Elisabeth says:

    I have always wanted a Guernsey or Brown Swiss cow. I would name her Taffy and my first recipe would be homemade egg nog. 🙂

  32. Nancy says:

    I’d name my cowpanion Lizzy after my one and only granddaughter whom I live too far away from and don’t get to see except via Skype. My first pail of milk would be first chilled and then skim off the cream to try my hand at making butter – something my husband did in his childhood.
    She would be welcome on my 1/2 acre of heaven in TN with my neighbors cows to keep her company.

  33. Janine Curtis says:

    Lillywhite would be her name and I would fill up my Bathtub with warm water and than slide in with my bucket of cream and ladle it over my head

  34. Heather H says:

    I’ve always wanted a Gertrude to make butter. There is no replacing real, homemade butter.

  35. Terri T says:

    I would name my cow “Joanne”. When I was a kid in Hawaii…yes Hawaii…Joanne taught me how to make butter. I was amazed that cream could be made into butter. She was a friend of my mother’s growing up in 4-H and when my dad was stationed at Wheeler, her husband was the principal of my school. She was always talking about farming and gardening. So, my cow would be Joanne!!

  36. Jo Gill says:

    I’d name her Josie. I’d probably make some ice cream with it. My strawberries are almost ripe, so, strawberry ice cream.


  37. Cindy says:

    I would love to see a cow grazing outside my kitchen window! I’d name my companion Bossy. Just seems like that’s what milk cows are named! The milk I would use in my coffee, use in a latte’ and bake with it.


  38. I’d name my “cowpanion” Petunia 🙂 🙂 :)…and I’d probably put the milk in the refrigerator and once it was nice and cold, I’d drink a tall glass and then turn the rest into yogurt 😉 🙂 🙂

  39. I’d name her Daisy. I’d use some milk for drinking and cooking and use some for soap.

  40. Elizabeth howser says:

    My companion would be Esmeralda and maybe cheese, or butter, or even ice cream!

  41. I would certainly name her Beauty, since all dairy cows are just beautiful as can be, especially Jersey cows with those big eyes. The first thing I would do would be drink a big glass of milk with a little something sweet to eat — what a treat! Then let it sit until the cream rises and make some wonderful butter.

  42. Sharon Demers says:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity MaryJane! I guess that I am in good company with wanting to name her Buttercup. Second runner-up would be Bluebell. I would skim the cream from the first bucket to make butter and then drink the fresh milk chilled 🙂

  43. Lori Nawyn says:

    I would name her Grace because she would be a blessing in my life. I would share her sweet, creamy first cup of milk with my daughter, Mags.

  44. Robin says:

    I would name her Daisy. And I would drink it…warm! Or maybe make a pot of hot cocoa!

  45. Renee Lam says:

    I would name my cow Molly. When growing up my dad was a milk tester and traveled to many dairy farms. When I would go with him I always read the names of the farmer’s cows and there was always a Molly. Must be a good cow name! I would chill up that first bucket of milk and drink a nice big glass. The cream would be skimmed off and poured over strawberries….just like my grandpa used to do.

  46. Konnie says:

    Sapphire would be a great name for a good little cow girl who would provide milk for her baby

  47. I would name her Scooby, and with the first pail would watch it separate to get at the best part, the cream! Yummm 🙂

  48. Debbie Doughty says:

    I’d name her Mootilda and after having a nice tall glass of fresh milk I’d make some kefir.

  49. Huckleberry Wine says:

    My sweet mini cow would be called Dandelion, for the batch of dandelion wine I made years ago for my mother-in-law, and then shared with the lovely MaryJane Butters, who then shared it with her dear friend Carol Hill, leading to a lot of golden laughter and happy women. Such can be the power of sharing, names, and memories. As for her first bucket of milk, being sentimental, I would use it to make milk paint in that golden hue of sunshine, dandelion wine, and laughter, and paint a proper sign at the road to announce the path to my little farm.

  50. roxanna Phelps says:

    I would name her Sweet Cream, and want her to be a Jersey cow. With my first pail I would wait for the cream to go to the top and then drink it! When my kids were growing up they would have to take turns on who got the cream!

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