GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. charlotte fogelstrom says:

    I would name it Carma!!!!!!!!! My first bucket I would put it in the frige and let it get really cold. Scim the cream off and then drink the milk. With the saved cream I would make butter, glorious butter! Yummmmmmmm!

  2. Dayna says:

    My cow’s name? I would love to have a Jersey or Brown Swiss named Agnes – Aggie for short. Their faces are the sweetest! I would drink that bucket of milk – nothing like fresh milk, straight from the tap! I would sour a bit of it, though, to make a chocolate cake from scratch…Heaven on Earth…

  3. Amanda Y says:

    I would name my cowpanion, “Blossom,” and I would enjoy drinking my first pail of milk along with a warm batch of chocolate chip cookies. I would save some milk to pour over homemade baked oatmeal for breakfast the next morning (one of my favorites!).

  4. Robin Essert says:

    I would name my cow MooBella. I would make pancakes and have a glass of fresh delicious cows milk also ice cream got have ice cream with fresh milk

  5. Belinda Dean says:

    I’ve always wanted to own a Jersey heifer & name her “Daisy”. (I almost got one when our youngest son was in 4H, but he changed his mind & we already had dairy goats.)
    And with the first bucket of delicious hard-earned milk I think we would strain it, chill it & drink it raw before making ice cream. & soap. & paint. & cheese. & yogurt. & kefir.
    I may yet have this dream someday! :0)

  6. Lori says:

    She would be called Rose…for the flower Ferdinand sought instead of a red cape. And of course, a wild rose natural fence would enclose her pasture! Her milk would be sent to the WSU Creamery -“Ferdinand’s” Ice Cream Shop, to be used in all their yummy cheeses and ice cream!

  7. Claudia C. says:

    I would name my cow Rosie and the first bucket of milk would go in the fridge until it is ice cold and I would drink a tall glass of it. Maybe even 2. And then I would make homemade butter from the cream ~

  8. Chrissy says:

    When I was a child, our Jersey cow was called “Jers”. Not very original, but sweet none-the-less. I would drink a big glass of the milk once it was cold and make coconut cream pie with some of the cream.

  9. Raelene Fleming says:

    Her name would be Cowlick, and I’d make homemade ice cream because summer’s coming!! Yummy!!!

  10. Delinda Lea says:

    Her name would have to be Blossom, and that bucket of milk wouldn’t last the afternoon with my bunch! Lovely book.

  11. Maggie B says:

    I’d name her Wonder, because she is wonderful in so many magical ways. With the first bucket of milk, I’d make the creamiest homemade yogurt to serve with honey and fresh fruit.

  12. Stephanie says:

    I would name my cowpanion underlying delicious…. And the first bucket would be chilled to ice cold and drank out of the bottle…. My grandma loved fresh milk…. I have always wanted to try it!!

  13. I would name my cowfriend, Peaches and Cream. What a great way to use my first bucket of milk, pouring the cream over my homegrown freshly sliced peaches. The following buckets of milk would be used for feeding my baby goats, making cheeses, and even using some to feed my chickens and dogs–that is if there is any left over after drinking the raw milk ourselves.

  14. Karen says:

    I would love to have a cow named Buttercup 🙂 We had our Faithful Buttercup for 9 years and she was such a gift to our family. I would make Kefir, and Cottage Cheese, along with using the whey to ferment our Veggies, since they are super important for our Special Needs Child 🙂

  15. Karin Davidson says:

    I would name my cowpanion Beulah and my first pail would be for drinking!!

  16. Nadine says:

    I would name her Daisy! We would probably just enjoy the creamy goodness and make yogurt.

  17. Colleen Gorman says:

    First, I thought I would name her Daisy, then thought of my grandfather and remembered him in the barn with his cows and cats. So, I would name her Edwina Rose and would enjoy an iced coffee with fresh cream, then make whipped cream for a strawberry shortcake on homemade biscuits.

  18. Debbie Grable says:

    I would name my cow, Clarabel, just like the cow my parents had when I was growing up. It’s been so long since I’ve had fresh milk, I would have to drink it.

  19. Tammy Starr-Evans says:

    I would name her Posey, and that first bucket of milk, after it was icy cold: I would drink it!

  20. Linda says:

    I’d name her Daisy and the first bucket of milk would be shared with my family in pretty glasses toasting Daisy and washing down homemade ginger cookies!

  21. Glenda says:

    I’d like to say that I’d do something really creative with that first bucket of milk, but I know myself too well. I’d grab a chilled Mason jar, pour it full and drink up. Fresh milk straight from the cow is the best. I don’t have a cow yet, but someday I will, and I will name her Clementine. Until then, I buy from a local farmer not far from my home.

  22. Vanessa Clark says:

    I would name her Greta and fresh butter would be delightful!

  23. Kimberly Golly says:

    I would name my sweet baby Bertha Jean. After my grandmother and mother. Both were very important in my life. They were both original, creative, beautiful and giving. What a wonderful way to have a daily reminder that LOVE is forever and being role models for your kids is the “cream” of life.

    I would make rice pudding. If you had ever tasted my grandmothers version… would know why.

    Thank you for showing us it is possible….no matter where we are in the world.

  24. I would name our cowpanion “freya” (prounced fray·a). With my first bucket of milk i would serve a glass of it to each of my kids at dinner and not tell them what ot is. Lol Otherwise they would never try it. I personally have never had cow milk or used it so i would need to learn how. We love cheese i know that. 🙂

  25. Jennifer Vulhop says:

    Daisy! Pour it into a pitcher and chill. Stir it with a wooden spoon. Drink a refreshing glass and savor its richness. Next day I would skim some cream and make butter. I really want a little jersey! Grew up with dairy cows and now Im yearning to add that to my homestead small-scale.

  26. Deb Davey says:

    I would name my companion Dolly, no special reason. I just like the name. ICE CREAM! I’d make ice cream with fresh strawberries! Oh yum! I love your magazine!

  27. Malinda says:

    I’d name my milk cow whatever silly name my children (2 & 4) came up with…. Then, for that first pail, I’d make sure they got some of the cream right off the top. We’re a big milk – drinking family, so honestly a fresh pail of whole milk won’t last long here. Just seeing their faces as they taste milk that fresh would be amazing.

  28. Victoria Rasmussen says:

    So excited about this book. I dream of my very own milk cow. I’d name her Rosie and the first bucket of milk I’d make cheese after tasting the beautiful pureness on its own.

  29. Heather Rather says:

    I have wanted a milking cow for about 3 years because my husband drinks 2 gallons a week it seems like. Milk however is expensive and so is cheese. I would LOVE doing it from scratch! I have heard raw cow milk is disgusting, but how about we give it the good old try first before judging. 🙂 My mom has stage 4 cancer and we are not sure how long she has left with us. She is my best friend, I would name my cow Sherri or Momma. Can’t decide.

  30. lori gottula says:

    I would name my cow Queen Bessie. The first thing I would do with a bucket of milk is to skim the cream off and have some sort of fruit with cream. While I am liking my lips and paging thru the book, I would dream about how the first recipes I make would taste so heavenly!!

  31. We just bought some land and I’m dreaming of getting a dairy cow . . . I’d name her Majesty . . . she’d be treated like royalty, the queen of all my farm animals. After tasting the first cup of raw, healthy milk . . . I’d make my family’s favorite treat . . . homemade banana ice cream!

  32. I’d name my cow Sara-Anna’, as that’s the last cow I remember my Daddy milking. The 1st thing I’d do with my bucket of milk would be to pour enough out for our neighbor & then pour some for the cats.

  33. Barbara K says:

    I would name her Gladys….and love her soo, like the lady whose name she has 🙂 Would definitely make cheese, my favorite thing!!!

  34. Jill G says:

    I would name my cow Franny, because I just met the most wonderful woman of the same name. She is 85 and she volunteers to mentor teens. And, I would drink my first cup of milk warm from the cow!

  35. Regina Sluk says:

    I would name my cownpanion Tillie after my grandmother, who gave me the interest in simple living. I would use my first pail of milk to make butter, and savor the rest in a tall glass.

  36. Jackie Cooper says:

    I would name my cow Blossom for the beginning of a “flowering” relationship. That first bucket of milk would be skimmed of the cream to make whipped cream to go over the fresh pudding I would make with the skimmed milk. Mmmmm!

  37. Amy F. says:

    Miriam 🙂 Definitely Miriam 🙂 We love love love raw milk, so butter and kefir would be our first things to make!!

  38. Chanda says:

    When we had our cow she started out as blue star but soon became Moomoo! This was because every time she would get out of her pen she would come up to the house and moo to let us know she was out!

  39. Karla says:

    I’d name my cowpanion Clara and I have myself a good old fashioned milk bath with her very first bucket of milk!!

  40. ruth ann says:

    I would name my cow “Petty” after the first cow that I ever milked! I would use my grandmother’s churn to make some real butter to go with the cornbread and biscuit(using the buttermilk) that I would bake.
    Thanks for your wonderful magazine!!!!

  41. Amber Mauss says:

    Her name would either be Cowbella or Clarabelle. I would let my kids “explore” the first bucket of milk. Tasting it, checking out how it is different from store bought, etc.

  42. Tmari Ti'na Johnson says:

    Gerdie, with her sweet face strolls up to the window of my bedroom. In her deep southern dra, announces the arivalle of the early morning sun.
    I rise, stagger sleeply to open the window. “Goodmorning Gerdie,” I say. “Tell me, was it your turn to make the coffee?”

  43. Mary Jane Hubler says:

    I grew up on midwestern family farm, my pet cow was Molly. I made butter in churn, or hurry up butter, large Mason Jar, carefully shake. Drain whey, pat out butter, jar easy to wash.

  44. Deborah says:

    I’ve always thought I would name my cow Betsy and she would have big brown eyes that would look kind and gentle. I would love to bring in a pail of her milk still warm and do a little “happy dance” in my kitchen. Knowing I had a treasure trove of possibilities in all the milky goodness. Fresh milk, cream for my coffee or better yet butter made in my grandmother’s wooden butter mold. Cheese made without fillers or dyes, honey sweet yogurt and the BEST ice cream in the world. Oh, to have a cow.

  45. Amber Mauss says:

    Her name would be Cowbella and I would let my kids “explore” the first bucket. Tasting it, checking out how it is different from store bought milk, etc.

  46. Debbie F says:

    I would name my cow Rosie, after a cow my grandparents had when I was a child.
    I think I’d try my hand at making cheese. My grand kids all love cheese 🙂

  47. Jill Stidham says:

    I would name her Tessa and with that first bucket of milk I would drink a cup and make some fabulous Mozzarella Cheese to eat with homegrown tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and sprinlked with fresh basil.

  48. Cathy says:

    I’d name my cow Jennie, after my Grandma. With my first bucket of milk – I would put some in the refrig for a nice cold drink, and then the rest I would use to make some cheese. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now. Would love to win your book! Congratulations on it!!

  49. terri jones says:

    her name would be mildred and the FirSt bucket would be separated to make beautiful Butter!

  50. Dianna Gregory says:

    I would use my old hand churn to make sweet butter from the first bucket of milk. The remaining ‘buttermilk’ would be put in the spring house to get very cold and my husband would drink it right from the mason jars.

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