GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. allie wright says:

    I would name my sweet bovine Delvenia and I would make butter.

  2. Lori Hindman says:

    I would name my girl “Pickle” to honor the family that took such great care of the little farm house we live in. No doubt about it, I would drink the first bucket of milk through the door. I LOVE raw milk! Our little spot in the country was once part of a small dairy operation. The barn still stands and makes a very wonderful workshop for my husband. I love to go in there and think about all the cows that gave so generously to support the family that built our home in 1940.

  3. Shirley says:

    I would name her Rosie, I would make ice cream from the first pail of milk.

  4. Beth Buster says:

    I do believe I would name her Lola. And if there was any milk left over after all nine children had a tall glass of milk, we would make butter. How we love fresh butter around here!

  5. Cheryl Mitchell says:

    We have a beautiful black faced Jersey heifer who just had her first calf on 5-14-14. Her name is Bessy and is our first milker. We recently purchased an electric butter churn, home pasturizer, cream separator, and cheese making supplies so our first bucket of milk from Bessy will be for butter and drinking. I can’t wait to learn how to do more with her milk!

  6. Shannon Job says:

    I would have to wait to see my cow before I named her… But my husband has this old guitar that is named Betsie, and I always thought that’d make a good name for a milk cow! I so very badly need a cow! I would bring my first bucket of milk in, chill it and drink a glass of fresh milk! I would use the fresh cream to make ice cream! Heaven.

  7. Mindy says:

    I would love to have a nice little Jersey which I would name Lacy. Those beautiful Jersey eyes require an ultra feminine name, and Lacy fills that requirement in my mind anyway. I would celebrate the first offering of milk with a nice batch of homemade ice cream, that is, if it escaped being drank by my grandchildren while I got the other ingredients together.

  8. amy rose says:

    I would name her Patsy and my first bucket would be for butter and cheese! Always wanted to try my own fresh from the pasture 🙂

  9. therese sunderman says:

    I would name her Bossie and I would not pasterize the milk. I would seperate it and drink it and enjoy the cream and of course share it~

  10. Jinne Killer says:

    I’d name my first Cow Gertrude, and I would make butter with my first pail of milk. 🙂

  11. Gail Merry says:

    I would name my cow Malcey because it sounds like the old fashioned generic name for a cow “Kelsey” but had milk in it. 😛

  12. Tim Killer says:

    I would name her Bessie, and Bessie would be my girl! 🙂 I would be trying out some cheese, lots and lots of cheese!!!

  13. Christina says:

    I Could Think Of A Dozen Names To Name A Cow, But I Think I’d Go With Cocoa. I Love The CuteLittle Brown Jersey Cows With their Big brown Eyes.
    My First pale Of Milk Would Have Many Uses… First The Kids And I Would Have To Have A Tall Glass To Drink, My 3 Year Old Would Likely Ask For It To Be Chocolate. Then I’d Have To Fine Done Great Recipes For Soup, Ice Cream, And Of Course A Hot Milk Sponge Cake.

  14. Dina says:

    I would name my Jersey cow ‘Dandy’ because dandy rhymes with handy and that is what she would be, handy dandy to have around!
    My first bucket of milk I would try my hand at some farmers cheese. Being my first time I would want to start out with something that has been told to be easiest. I LOVE CHEESE!
    Congrats on the book!!!
    Good luck to all!!!

  15. LR Barnes says:

    My cow’s name is Buttermilk. I’d make yogurt, kefir, and have cream for my coffee.

  16. Michelle Holleman says:

    I would name her Happy.

  17. Tara Potter says:

    I would name my cowpanion, Gilbert (and then get a second one to name, Anne!)
    I would make homemade icecream…..chocolate with brownie!

  18. Tami Wright says:

    Her name would depend on her personality, but I do like “Elsie” (my pediatrician’s nurse was named Elsie, and she could swab you, give you the shot, stick on a bandaid, and have a lollipop in your hand and you never even knew you’d been stuck!). The first bucket for me would go a long way, since it is just me, but yogurt and some fresh butter would top the list! My friends keep telling me, “Oh, don’t get a cow, get dairy goats”, but I love cows and their sweet faces. Don’t get me wrong – goat cheese is great and I understand why folks like them, but I just love those cows and have the room for one or two…

  19. Brisja says:

    Tallulah! We’d have to all have a glass, and then make some of our favorite cakes to share with friends.

  20. Kendrain Summers says:

    I love your magazine, and blog. Planning a trip the the farm this summer. So of course I love the idea of this book. 🙂

  21. Kitty Lowe says:

    The name of my cow would be Yippee! As that is how I would feel about getting to milk her everyday! I would use the cream from the first bucket of milk to pour over a medley of fresh berries for my enjoyment! I am truly a farm girl~!

  22. Alice says:

    I would name it Belle for my great aunt who had a dairy farm and let me feed the calves introducing me to and her love of dairy cattle at a young age. The calves are so fun 🙂 And .. I would make home made ice cream 😀 Yum!!!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your books <3

  23. Wilene Williamson says:

    Buttercup Let the cream rise. My husband loves the cream in cereal and over a bowl of fruit.


    I would name her MEMORY. I have wonderful memories of helping my grandfather on the farm back in Michigan. I would probably sit down after I milked her and drink a cup of warm milk because that’s what my grampa would let me do. I loved the warm milk and I love raw milk. I would also make some cheese and or butter.

  25. Debra Cole says:

    I never will anything so I would name my cow lucky and hope it works,,and with that first lovely milk I would make a wonderful creamy strawberry ice cream ,,yummmmmmmmm

  26. Mel Almas says:

    If I had a milk cow I would name her Beatrice and I would make butter. Lots and lots of butter! <3

  27. Barbara Berry says:

    I would call her Daisy Duke – and I would make mozzarella cheese

  28. Kim Watts says:

    I would name my cowpanion Clara. The first thing I would do with the milk is drink the cream right off the top…yummy!

  29. Cassandra Gore says:

    I would name her Flossie because doesn’t everyone want a cow named Flossie? I would try to figure out what to do with such wonderful milk. I have never been blessed to have raw milk but I am up to exploring.

  30. Jennifer Rasmussen says:

    I’ve always wanted a milk cow named Molly… We used to have milk cows on the ranch as a kid, but never one named Molly. My favorite thing to eat is yogurt, so I think I’d make homemade yogurt with honey swirled in. Thank you, Mary Jane! : )

  31. I would name my cowpanion “Belle”. With my first bucket of milk I would make yogurt after pouring myself a big glass of fresh milk.

  32. Katy Prange says:

    I would name her Anina – the names of my two beautiful little girls combined (Anna and Nina). The first thing I would make…probably chocolate milk for everyone!

  33. Kimberly Reeves says:

    If we get a mik cow one day I would name her Ophelia. When I think about having a cow that is the name that has always come to mind. 🙂

  34. Susan Herlan says:

    My cow would be named Buttermilk and with that first pail of that delicious milk I would make homemade ice cream..maybe have a ice cream party! 😉

  35. Kelly says:

    I’d name her Cookie and the first thing I’d do is make some cheese! 🙂

  36. Glenna Preston says:

    I would name my cow Elsie, after my mom. I had a dairy farm back in the 70s and 80s and had two Elsies … Elsie Mae and Elsie Bo. I love that cold fresh milk straight from the tank and would drink it with homemade chocolate chip cookies !!

  37. Jessica Bryand says:

    I would name my cow- Sweet Cream. I’m kind of practical that way. Blue Heeler dog named – Blue. Pig named- Pork Chop! My first bucket of milk- I would be giddy over. I’d pour up an glass and enjoy, first thing!!

  38. rachel says:

    I would name my cow Ruby. We would be best friends. First, I would take a picture of the milk to keep record of my accomplishment. Then I would love to make farm fresh butter and ice cream. 🙂

  39. Debbie says:

    Oh, a beach farmgirl can dream which is why I’m purchasing your book today! No need to enter me as you’ve already been gracious enough to do a giveaway for my Dandelion House friends… If I had a cow of my own I would name her G G ( short for for Girl Genius Jersey Girl ) 🙂 And I would make ice cream first then butter.
    Hugs to you MJ and Congrats!

  40. Brenda McGarr says:

    I have an acre and would like to have a milk cow! Her name would be Lucy and I would make a cake and cookies with that first bucket of milk. I would really enjoy adding this book to my Mary Jane Butters book collection. Thank you!!!

  41. Aimee Love says:

    I didn’t grow up on a farm but my husband did. He is a school teacher now but his dad still farms. When our daughter was old enough we got her her first cow to work with in 4H. On my 45th birthday I got my very first heifer… I named her Faith. Her first offering of milk will go to cheese. Just because it takes time to make cheese, and I want Faith around for a long time. She loves me as much as I love her. We raise brown swiss… The big brown cow.

  42. Min says:

    Common, I know, but I’d have to name her Elsie. And I’d love to convert my family to fresh, raw milk, which is unheard of in these parts! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  43. Debbie K says:

    I would name her Maggie Moo, and I would first have a glass of my first fresh milk. 🙂

  44. Leslie Carlson says:

    I would name my cow Lucille, after my grandmother. When she was growing up on the farm they had a cow that was such a pet my grandma would often ride her to school! The first thing I would do with the milk is fill up some antique milk bottles, put them in the fridge, and settle down with a nice cup of tea trimmed with fresh milk and local honey.

  45. sue feely says:

    I would name her Daisy! I would drink every last drop at my next meal!

  46. Brandy Lovell says:

    It’s kinda difficult to pick a name for my (future) beautiful milk cow… since I have not met her yet…. I would need to see what her personality is and let her “choose” her name.
    I am fond of Isabelle however. 🙂
    My first bucket of milk… OH MY! What would I do? Cheese? Butter? Cream in my tea? Heeheee…. That’s a hard one as well to think about! 🙂

  47. Cindy Farley says:

    I would name her Eleanor because I love the show Green Acres. I would make cake and enjoy cold “real” milk. ( No watered down mess from the store!!)

  48. Mandy Maddocks says:

    I live on a dairy farm and have had many cows throughout the years. One of the best girls we ever had was Miracle. She was a tiny Jersey not expected to live. We brought her into the farmhouse to warm her and to try to save her life when I was just a child. She stayed with us until the great old age of 27!!! She lived a good long life and gave us lots of creamy milk. She never attempted to kick and was always loving with all of the kids. She lived out her retirement contentedly grazing out behind the barn. We miss her. Milk is best cold with a warm molasses cookie or used to make my dad’s hand cranked ice cream. 🙂

  49. Chelsea Kolich says:

    We just moved to a little homestead in January and our goal is to get a milking Jersey next year. We want to name her Lucille after the lovely Lucille Ball. I’ve read that the cow enjoys it if you have a little tune for her so I changed the lyrics to the actual “I Love Lucy” theme song and it’ll go a little something like this
    “I love Lucy and she loves me. She gives us wonderful milk for free. Cream and butter and cheese. Yogurt and whey it’s tastes just right you see. Lucy milks like no cow can, she’s my cow who kicks the can. And life is better you see cuz I love Lucy and she loves me.”

  50. Jo Richards says:

    I would name my cowpanion Carmen Moo-randa. The first pail of milk would soon be ice cream!

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