GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. Julie Coates says:

    I would name my cow Bessie. And I would make butter with the first bucket of milk.

  2. Jenny Black says:

    I would name my cow Ruthie, since I love that name. With the first bucket of milk, I would joyously offer myself, my husband, and our children each a big glass of it to drink. I would save the rest and learn how to make yogurt with it.

  3. Penny Raine says:

    name Dairy Queen
    make Ice cream, yummm
    can hardly wait

  4. catrena says:

    Her name is betty lou. My first pail would be butter and mozzarella!!!

  5. cassie carney says:

    Good Morning! I would name my lovely cow “Poppy” and make buttermilk biscuits for my Kentucky guy and fresh butter for them. Thank you for the great place to just “be”

  6. Jenn S. says:

    I would name my cowpanion Gidget. I think my teenagers would lobby hard to make ice cream out of our first pail!

  7. Erin Healy says:

    I would name my milker Molly… it’s a great name for a cow! We’ve raised dairy goats for years and it might just be time for a bovine milker! The first thing I would make is butter… that’s what I miss with the goats, the darned cream won’t rise!!!

  8. Laurie Scott says:

    Patches would be the name of my “cowpanion”. The first bucket of fresh milk would be chilled, take the cream make homemade butter with my vintage butter churn and have my granddaughter help. Then have a ice cold glass of milk with cookies.

  9. Dianne Hawhee says:

    I would name my sweet cow, Clover or Rose depending on her personality, although I do believe they some how let you know what it really is, if you are patient! I would use the milk for homemade butter from the cream and scallop potatos from the milk.

  10. Brenda says:

    I would name my cowpanion Daisy. We had a cow named DAisy and she was the best! I would make some butter!

  11. Amy J. says:

    Hmm, I have it narrowed down to Sweet Pea, Buttercup or Daisy. I’d have to her sweet face to see which name suits her. With that first bucket of milk I would make butter, cheese and yogurt. Oh, if only. 🙂 The book looks beautiful!

  12. Leslie says:

    I’d name her Sweet Pea and I’d use her milk to make the SCD yogurt that has helped my husband to heal from his Crohn’s.

  13. Becky Lambert says:

    My cow Ginger !
    First I would run the milk through my separator then make butter, Yum!

  14. Candy C. says:

    I would name her Delilah and I would make butter with that first bucketful of creamy, rich milk! 🙂

  15. Pamela Villela says:

    I would name my cow Miss American Patriot and would use that sweet smelling milk to make some lovely cheese, and for our sweet tooth, chocolate fudge, yum!

  16. Chanetta Ludwig says:

    I would name my companion Milk Dud . I have four boys that love milk and I would put the delicious cream in my coffee with my first pail of milk…yum!

  17. Kris Jones says:

    My cowpanion would be Daisy, and my first bucket of milk…ice cream! But not before I would have some to drink – my first straight from the cow!

  18. ann welsh says:

    My cowpanion’s name.. Sunshine. Or, Daisy. (Because I love Daisies)
    What would I do with my first bucket…. I would attempt to make butter. And fresh cream for Organic berries…
    I would love to have a big farm. We recently down sized…and my heart was left at our old place, out in my perrenial and vegetable gardens… I really miss my raspberries …

  19. Sarah Blue says:

    We keep beef cattle here, and every now and then we steal a few squirts! We’d love to have a milk cow. I think I’d name her Honey and we’d make vanilla ice cream, of course!

  20. Lynn M says:

    I would name her “Tromme'” after the ranch I grew up on, Orme Ranch. And I have not had fresh milk since then so that would be the first thing, A glass of milk. Then Ice Cream!

  21. diana olivier says:

    I would name my cow Mary after one of our milkcows we had when I was a kid. She was the first cow I milked without playing out and having to have Mom and Dad finish for me! I’d separate the cream off and have it on chocolate cake like we used to do when I was a kid!! 🙂

  22. Pam W Davis says:

    My girls name would be “Grace”. I would make butter from the cream and drink the rest! I wish my grandma was here to share with me….

  23. Linda Shepard says:

    I’d name my my new cowpanion, “Sunshine”, after the cow my uncle had when I was growing up. He and my dad would take turns milking her each day so we always had “fresh” milk. It was wonderful. The first thing I would do is skim off the cream, pour myself a tall glass, and then share some with my kids and grandkids who have never tasted fresh whole milk.<3

  24. Brenda Magee says:

    I would name her Bossy. As far as first pail of milk, I guess it would have to be whatever my family desires that day! Fresh is always the best!

  25. June B. says:

    With two Jerseys in the barn here on our little homestead, I dream of milking one someday! I’d love to make fresh mozzarella and pour that sweet cream in my iced mocha! Ours are named Lace & Legend. Super excited about this book! (And the fabric collection!!!)

  26. We raise dairy goats and love the milk…but who could resist a Jersey named Clarabelle!? She would be a sweet pet who we would cherish the cream to make butter and all sorts of fun things with!

  27. Amanda Williams says:

    I would name my sweet moo cow Emma and with that milk we would make ice cream because my daughter Emma Dawn loves ice cream.

  28. Sheryl says:

    I would name her Emily and we would make lattes, kefir and the rest for daily usage!

  29. Hannah says:

    I’d name my cow Tallulah, and I would certainly make a giant bowl of whipped cream for my two little boys to enjoy (and most likely, wear).

  30. Sandy says:

    Can not have a cow where we are living now, but growing up we milked “Daisy”

  31. whittney says:

    I would name her Penelope. I would make butter. I’ve always want to make my own. I’m exited for this book.

  32. Kerry says:

    I would name her Hattie and would make rich, fresh, mozzerella!

  33. Marcy says:

    I cannot wait to get a copy of this book. I love everything that Mary Jane does, it just speaks to my heart. I would name my lovely cow (I so love cows) Buttercup! And the first thing i would make?? Homemade strawberry ice cream with homegrown strawberrries of course.

  34. AlyssaMarie says:

    I’ve always wanted a Jersey with the name of Annabelle. I would skim the cream off that bucket and whip me up some butter. Fresh, delicious, homemade butter…mmmm

  35. Geri Young says:

    My first Jersey I bought when she was 7 days old. I named her Josephine after my grandmother who had a milk cow when my mom was a young girl, (till the barn burned down when her candle started a fire). Josephine is now 14 years old and we have 2 heifers that came from her, Katie, after my daughter in law, and Maggie, after my daughter. The first milk we had from her we drank and made butter. I am so blessed for this life I get to live and that my family helps make it possible to live my dream of being a farmer<3

  36. RoDonna Carson says:

    I’d probably name my cow Esther because that’s my favorite woman of the Bible. The first thing I’d do is make cheese. My kids love cheese. It would be a great homeschool lesson too.

  37. Melissa Legg says:

    I would name my cow Bessie… because who wouldn’t? I would make cheese with my first pail. Or maybe whip cream? Oh sounds so delicious!

  38. Debbie Lawrence says:

    I Would call her Mandy mae. She would have golden milk with thick cream. I love homemade ice cream and would make every flavor and the cheese would just be out of this world. Bet your book is great.

  39. Ann Darden says:

    I would name my cow Ethel- I would skim for making butter and have tall glass with slice of cake

  40. Denise says:

    It is hard to say. Before I give an animal I name I spend a bit of time with them to find a name that fits them. I have a few animals whos name on paper is different then that we call them because we named them before getting to know them. But if I had to pick I guess I would say Rosie but I do not know why.

  41. Julie Mahoney says:

    I would bring in that warm milk and cool it down, skim the cream off the top and make ice-cream with it. Joy Joy joy !!!

  42. Oh, to dream of a beautiful Heritage Breed Holstein maybe an Ayrshire! (Not ones of today’s standard with the monstrously huge bag. I would love one that can walk without problems of getting tangled up in her udder…nice tall girl.)
    Her name would be Princess Buttercup.
    Buttercup’s first pail of milk would go right into the fridge. From that first pail, I would make some Rice pudding with plump raisins and aromatic Cinnamon. I’d be sure drink some of that cold fresh milk with a nice slice of homemade bread that has Almond butter and jam on it. Oh, to dream….

  43. Sheila Huber says:

    Love your magazine, Facebook page and website! Thanks for all the work you do and the ideas!

  44. Prisciilla Monson says:

    Lilly Pearl! Her first bucket of milk would be used for homemade peach ice cream….with big chunks of fresh peaches, skins still on….my idea of heaven!

  45. Kelly says:

    We’re buying a mini Jersey in June! Drink it straight from the jar!

  46. Theresa Pierce says:

    I will name her Daisy. My Granny’s name for all her milk cows.I would like to make fresh butter for my fresh bread.

  47. Sarah Wilson says:

    My cow’s name would be Amelia…a strong but yet feminine name. With the first bucket of milk I would drink a tall glass myself then share with my family! 🙂

  48. Annie says:

    She would be called Daisy and I would make the most wonderful whipped cream over berries with her milk. I would love her and always care for her.

  49. Chantel Connell says:

    My cowpanions name – ELLIE MAE
    My first bucket of milk….. Homemade peach ice cream!!!!

  50. Lynn Martin says:

    I would name my milk cow Buttercup and I would drink the first milk…straight…with chocolate chip cookies. 🙂

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