GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. Elizabeth C says:

    I am giddy just thinking about this book coming out! I would name my Cowpanion “Curate’ ” which means Heal Thyself ~ With my first pail of fresh milk I would make “kefir” and then I would no doubt make ice cream ~ vanilla

  2. jennifer Loshinsky says:

    Her name is buttercup she will freshen in aug. so excited ! I will make butter and soft cheese with my first bucket . I love my girl she is a blessing to us!

  3. Karen says:

    I would name her Daisy, and I would probably enjoy a nice tall glass of milk sitting out on the back porch, watching all my farm animals!

  4. Dana Attwood says:

    I have always wanted to make some mozzarella cheese!

  5. Pat Giaquinta says:

    I would name my cow Anna (after my grandmother) & I would make strawberry ice cream with Anna’s milk & strawberries from our garden. My grandsons would love that cow & her ice cream <3

  6. Marilyn says:

    I would name my cow Bella. Why, Bella? Well, in my perfect dream of a small farm, there would be a green pasture for Bella to spend the sunny days. Next to the white fence that surrounds the pasture, a large bell on a tall iron stand would be stationed. Bella would answer the ringing bell at sunset. Time to come in, Bella!

    I think that freshly churned butter would be perfect from Bella’s first pail of milk. Putting that butter on homemade biscuits would be quite a treat!

    I was raised a country girl; but, I’m now in a suburb of a large city. Thankfully, I have almost an acre to plant and dream. No way that this country girl will ever totally lose her roots!

  7. Nicole Havens says:

    I would name my milk cow Buttercup and my first bucket of milk would make some fresh herb butter and drinking milk for my family 🙂

  8. Kris says:

    I’d name her “Creamy”, & make some sweet whipped cream to go with strawberries!

  9. Cheryl T says:

    I’d name my “cowpanion” Sassafras and call her Sassy for short. I would make cheese with my first bucket of fresh milk.

  10. Chasity says:

    It would definitely be Petunia (I know that’s more of a pig name but I love it). I would get that sweet cream and make some wonderful butter. I love fresh butter. And then definitely start with some cheese!

  11. Colleen Miller says:

    I would name my cow Millie and by all means, make a batch of homemade strawberry ice cream!

  12. Katie says:

    I would name my cow Daisy after my favorite flower. With the first milking I would make butter and buttermilk to make my grandmas biscuits!! YUM!!

  13. Chas says:

    We are in the process of buying our FIRST! family cow now! My first bucket of milk will definitely be for drinking. But… I have great plans for cheese and butter making. I would love to win this book, it looks absolutely beautiful!

  14. Debby Purkey says:

    I would name by cow “Lola” it was my grandmother who taught me to milk at age 5. I would use my first pail of milk in a photo. To reflect back to my younger youth of having fun on the farm. Then I would get busy and look up so yummy recipes to use my milk in.

  15. Kimberly Selders says:

    We will be getting our first milk cow next year and I’m so excited!!! We will probably name her Sally May, and with the first bucket of milk I will of course skim the cream for butter. We are a huge milk drinking family so I’m sure the first bucket of milk won’t last long. Can’t wait to see your book!!

  16. mary armstrong says:

    I would name my cow momma and I would enjoy drinking and baking with the first bucket of milk.

  17. Stephanie says:

    I would name her Daisy Lucille after my great grandma and my grandma. I would drink a cup myself, then maybe try my hand at making cheese curds! YUM!

  18. Cynthia says:

    I would name her Clara after a dear elderly woman whom I used to buy fresh, raw milk from. And then I would whip the cream to put on fresh strawberries! And drink the rest of the bucket with my family.

  19. Hannah Hounshell says:

    I’m horrible at naming animals I haven’t met yet, but if I had to pick one, I’d say Kasia and the first thing I’d do with my first bucket of fresh milk would be enjoying a tall creamy glass, ice cold of course. 😀

  20. Dawn says:

    Her name would be Cassie and we would drink the milk!

  21. jaylyn morehouse says:

    Paisley would be her name, and I’d drink that milk raw!

  22. pamela bailey says:

    i would name my cow mollymoo, all my family agrees with this name. i would use my first pail of milk sitting at table with family, homemade cookies, and a big glass of mollymoos milk cant wait.

  23. I would name her Buttercup and the first gallon would be churned into butter!

  24. Rhonda Heimericks says:

    I would name her Gerty Mirt after both my grandmas who would get such a kick out of my lifestyle! I would make soap and ice cream!

  25. Come boss, . I would make butter,cream,and homemade pumpkin pie with fresh milk awesome !!!! I grew up with cows ,used to sit on their backs .

  26. Becky Iannaccone says:

    I would probably name her Buffy and that first bucket I thought was meant for her calf. The first for my kitchen would be some for pancakes & coffee, most would be for butter and buttermilk (biscuits, fried chicken, coffee cake). Heaven would be the scent my kitchen makes you think of when your nose enters there.

  27. Brandi Fletcher says:

    I would name my cow Sweet Fern after my favorite smelling herb.

    My first pail would probably be drank with fresh cookies and then off to make some butter!

  28. Cindy says:

    Gertrude the Guernsey, oh how I loved fresh milk as a kid, so fresh milk and hot brownies.

  29. Kay says:

    My cow would be Clover and I would have to make butter or ice cream. Yum

  30. Mary Lou Bartoli says:

    My cow i would name Milkmaid::::and i make a batch of butter first thing…omgosh i can just taste it….

  31. Shelley Waggoner says:

    I would name her Clara Jane (after my grandmother who said her name always reminded her of a cows name…..) and I would separate the cream from the top, make a tall ice coffee and relax in my rocking chair!

  32. Barb Meyer says:

    Buttercream! Cookies!!

  33. Alice Barton says:

    I would name my cow Betsy. I use have a Jersey cow named Betsy. She was friendly, and, she would let anybody milk her. I would make homemade butter like my granny use too. SH Had so many different molds to make different designs.

  34. linda b. says:

    I’d name her Lizzie, I’d drink and share her milk! 🙂

  35. Cathy Shonk says:

    My cow would be named Jezebelle because I promised one of my students when I moved from Florida I would name my cow Jezebelle (no reason given on his side!). The next cows would also have “‘-belle” names, such as Annabelle, Bluebelle, Clarabelle, et cetera. My husband is just happy with Dinner Belle. I would drink the first glass of milk and, if more was left, leave it in the refrigerator to make cream…or butter…yum!

  36. Cherry Messer says:

    I would name my cow “friend” because she would be my cowpanion. I would invite over all of my single lady friends to drinking the first offerings of “friend” as a celebration that even divorce cannot keep us from fulfilling our dreams of a farming life.

  37. I would name her Ginger and I would make cheese for all my cheese-loving kiddos!

  38. Her name would be Daisy and I would make yogurt!! I love to make yogurt with homemade granola for my kids. Having fresh milk from our own cow would be amazing! I love your magazine Mary Jane!

  39. Kara Brasure says:

    I’d name her Nellie! I live in Delaware. I’ve wanted a cow since we bought this property. Five piggies and 30 chickens.

  40. Esther England says:

    I would name her Elsie and since summer is right around the corner I’d use my first bucket full for home made ice cream and butter. The ice cream speaks for itself but fresh butter on fresh asparagus – yummy! You just can’t beat either one!

  41. Lindsey says:

    I would name my cow Daisy and I would make butter!

  42. Ina says:

    I would name my cow Elsie and then I would let the cream rise and then skim it to collect to make butter and then I would make some ice cream or cottage cheese….yum

  43. Tammy Johnson says:

    I generally like to meet animals first before naming them… Get a feel for their personality. But if I had to pick one, I’d go with Belle and I think the first thing(s) I’d make would be butter and vanilla bean ice cream

  44. Alyce Kremer says:

    I will name my milk cow Tansy and will make Kefir with my first bucket of milk!

  45. Diana says:

    Her name would be Daisy and we would make ice cream!

  46. my girls name is Annabelle she is a pure bred jersey i also have a jersey bull and 2 steers she is one of my many joys

  47. Beverly says:

    Before I ever got to the house, I’d take an extra glass & catch some fresh from the cow, to totally enjoy the frothy foam you can only get by squirting it in & drinking it fresh … like I did as a child! Miss this soo much! Then, take it in, run it through a screen, chill it to let the cream rise to the top. Whipping Cream for first cream to go on homemade Scones w/ strawberry jam. OR Make yummy homemade cheese!

  48. Terah T. says:

    I’d name her Daisy May & I’d make yogurt from the first pail of milk.

  49. Diane Van Horn says:

    I would name her Mamie after my Paternal Grandmother. The first bucket of milk, well I would just have to drink it and make plans for the next bucket!

  50. fran hooper says:

    I think I would name my cow corrina, and I would want to make some soft cheese with herbs from the garden. hope I win, but I am due some new mj books cause I shared all mine with my niece who is home schooling. when I start getting my finances back in order I will make a big purchase and reorder my mj. library.
    love from texas, frannie

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