GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. fran hooper says:

    cows name, corrina…..where you been so long
    I would make soft cheese with herbs.
    frannie in texas

  2. kimberly k evans says:

    I would name my cowpanion “Honey”…then I would have a land flowing with milk and honey. I would have a jethro-size bowl of cereal.

  3. Dwan Loomis says:

    I would name her “Molly” and I would skim the cream off the top and put some on top of a bowl of berry cobbler! Yumm 🙂

  4. keisha says:

    I would name her Sweetpea. I would drink the first glass of fresh milk the rest I’d like to make ice cream!

  5. MS Barb says:

    I’d name a cow, “steak!” (This from my 10 yr old grandson–I’m a vegetarian!) With my 1st bucket of milk I’d use some to make butter, some for ice cream, and drink some of it!

  6. Carey Braidt says:

    I would definately name our cow “Daisy Moo-moo” and I would serve that fresh milk as is right at our breakfast table, any left over would be made into homemade vanilla ice cream in our old fashioned ice cream crank!

  7. Penny McGee says:

    I would name mine after the cow we had when I was a child, Baby, and I would let my milk sit and then skim off the cream and churn butter…ohhhhh fresh butter….yummy

  8. Mardi Ward says:

    Her name would be Miss Daisy Cakes… ’cause I love the picture it conjures in my mind! The first thing I’d make is cream cheese ~ YUM!

  9. Victoria Woyak says:

    I would name her Blessy (blessed) because that is what I would be.
    What would I make? First, I would chill the milk, pour a big glass, take a deep drink and remember what milk was meant to taste like! Then I would pour the rest into a churn and make some REAL butter and of course I’d save the wonderful buttermilk!!!

  10. Patti Spathes says:

    If I had a cow (and I will some day soon) I would have to name her Prissy, because I am Patti, the horse is Pandora and the big big dog is Percy….all P’s

  11. Patti Spathes says:

    OOPPSS!! I will make Pancakes – sticking with the P theme!!

  12. Kathy Aho in MN says:

    I would name her Betsy! Love that name for a cow!

  13. Her name would be Darcy and my first milk would be used to make a cream sauce and butter.

  14. Julie Abercrombie says:

    I’ve always dreamt of my own sweet “Lassie” with big soft eyes and a cheerful moo! The first thing I’d do with her first bucket of goodness is to drink a tall fresh glass! Then have a field day making all sorts of other treasures to make her proud! Good thing I’m not lactose intolerant!

  15. Debbie Lewis says:

    I would love to make butter as my mom and I did years ago

    It’s name would be samantha my 5th grade school teacher named my cow many years ago

  16. Lenora says:

    I would name my cow, Betsy. Yes,,,,Betsy would be a good name. 🙂 With my pail of milk,,,,I would I would gladly bring it to the kitchen,,,,pour it into a big glass jar,,,(like we use to, when I was little) and then enjoy a big glass of it with my “no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies!!!” Oh yes! 🙂 Would be delicious and bring back fond memories of my childhood……:) That’s what I would do! 🙂

  17. Sandra Conley says:

    I would name her Amazing Grace Our farm name is Glory Road Farm. And I would make fresh creamy butter. I use to love to make fresh butter. Hope I win.

  18. I’d name her Annie. And the first bucket of milk would be for drinking and ice cream!

  19. I would name my cow, Betsy! Yes,,,,Betsy is a good name! With my pail of milk, I would gladly bring it to the kitchen,,,pour it into a big glass jar (like we did when I was a little girl) and then enjoy a big glass of mile with my “no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies!” Oh, yes! 🙂 Would be so delicious and bring back fond memories of my childhood. That is what I would do! 🙂

  20. Kimberly White says:

    Well, I once had 2 dairy farm cats named Guernsey, and Charolais that had the same colors/markings as their namesakes, so maybe I would name it Kitty 😀 I would love some fresh ice cold milk, make a little butter from the cream, and put it on a slice of warm bread.

  21. Nancy M says:

    I would name her Janet (after my mom who taught me about healthy living). I Love raw milk, would chill, save some cream for my tea and then my family would make short work of the delicious milk. 🙂

  22. courtney says:

    I would have to see my cow first to see her personality before I could name her. My first pail of milk I would put some in freezer to let it form ice. One of my memories of grandparents having milk cows was the fresh milk in the cooler out in the milk house. The milk was in cans. It was so cold. It was the best milk ever.

  23. Cheryl Schuh says:

    Moonshine would be her name. I’d take that first bucket in and sit down to a warm glass of milk and then proceed to try my hand at making some cheese.

  24. I’d name my cowpanion Bessie. My first bucket of milk would be used to make cheese – and if there was enough cream, homemade butter. Oh the possibilities! Ice cream, fudge – I love fresh milk and cream!

  25. Joyce St John says:

    I named mine Amy, and I would make some cheese or ice cream.

  26. Kathryn Cartier says:

    I would name her Elsie and I would make yogurt and tapioca with my grandchildren, it’s their favourite. <3

  27. mary soran says:

    I would name my cow GRACE..thank her everyday for the bounty for which I am about to receive–icecream!

  28. She would be named Hermione, for certain. First bucket of milk . . . Homemade crockpot yogurt. 🙂

  29. Lori Bowyer says:

    My family has had pet milk cows. My grandma always watched them graze out her windows. We always made butter. My brother and sister showed Dairy heifers at the fair. I would have a brown Swiss. I have no idea what her name would be! I would definitely make butter!

  30. LisaY says:

    We would most likely name her Gladys and the first bucket would be half for drinking and half for ice-cream. What a wonderful goal and dream!!!

  31. Valerie Elore says:

    I would name my cow Lisa Marie and with the first bucket of milk…..I am not really sure what all the possibilities are. I wish I had a book to guide me….;*)

  32. Laura Olendorff says:

    I would have to see her to be sure of her name but I’m thinking Penelope might be a good name. I would skim the cream and make fresh butter and have a fresh glass of milk and then make some homemade ice cream. I’m thinkin strawberry sounds fantastic!

  33. VT Patty says:

    My first cow will be Daisy Mae. I will enjoy drinking that first pail of milk . . .

  34. Shelia Bell says:

    I would call my companion “Buttercup”………and make wonderful Mozzarella cheese.

  35. Jennifer Ott says:

    I would name my cowpanion Pepper. I would make homemade yogurt! 🙂

  36. Pamela Greenway says:

    My beautiful cow-girl will happily answer to the name Dandelion and she will proudly offer up her first bucket of milk to create the richest churn of vanilla bean ice cream and pitcher of white Russians ever crafted.

  37. Sarah M says:

    Gertie. Drink a glass with my little ones and hubby. It doesn’t get any fresher than that! 🙂

  38. Natasha Heimberg says:

    She shall be called “Florence” after my beloved grandmother. Myself and children would drink every drop of that first bucket of milk. We are milk lovers. Then we would make fresh butter and icecream with the next buckets.

  39. Debbie says:

    I would make butter and ice cream and my cowpanions name would be Sunshine! Would love the book.

  40. Nancy Couden says:

    My cow’s name would be Mammie. I want a Dutch belted–my mother’s mom was Pennsylvania Dutch–and we called her Mammie. Buttermilk, buckwheat waffles–with blueberries, bananas, walnuts and plenty of maple syrup.

  41. Amber T. says:

    I would name my cow Annie and I would make chocolate milk with the first bucket of milk I carried in the door!

  42. Susan Smith says:

    I’d name my “cowpanion” Peaches, and the first thing I would make is some fresh yogurt.

  43. Tavy young says:

    Daisy of course. And definately icecream

  44. Bardie Brady says:

    So in the last few months I have gotten 9 hens, two bee hives & a garden! I need a cow next. Did I say I live on 2.5 acres? Loving this new adventure. My Cow’s name will be Katie the Cow and I would sit down with my first pail of milk grab my Oreos and just enjoy this amazing journey!

  45. Teri Gollihar says:

    I would name her Norma, after a good friend who has since passed. I have had cows that were named Betsy, Ranger, Charlie and Nail (she would nail you to the wall with a good swift kick! Ouch!) I would make some cheese. I traded milking 17 goats twice a day for 2 weeks to get a milk seperator.

  46. Miriam says:

    I would name my cow Elsie. I think I would make butter!…or use the yummy cream for icecream. 😉

  47. Diane Gasteiger says:

    I would name my cow Herriot, after James Herriot, and make cheese curds with my first pail of milk 🙂

  48. Ellie says:

    I would name my cow buttercup. I love butter and I love buttercups so I think it is appropriate. And with the first pail of milk I would make butter and tapioca pudding. I love fresh butter on homemade biscuits and while it isn’t as popular as it used to be I still love tapioca pudding!

  49. Barbara LeTourneau says:

    I would name my cowpanion Eva To go with my dog Zsa Zsa. And she was on Green Acres…. I would have to let everyone drink the first pail of milk- but after that there are so many options!!

  50. Beth P says:

    I think I’d have to see her face and look into her eyes to give her a name… but I am partial to something meaningful, like possibly Surabhi (hindu bovine goddess). With the first pail of milk, I’d use half for drinking and half for making ricotta cheese.

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