GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. Sharon Crosswhite says:

    I would name my “companion” Aunt Jenny, after my farmgirl friend. My first taste of ” real milk” was from Jenny’s sweet Mona! The first thing I’d do is drink a big glass of cold milk with chocolate chip cookies…and of course I’d invite the real Aunt Jenny to join me!

  2. Melinda Taylor Kelly says:

    If I have a cow, I would name her “Wonderful” and that I can say that we have wonderful milk.
    And I would make wonderful cheese.

  3. Shonette Koebel says:

    I have always dreamed of having a cow named Bessie. The first thing we would do with that bucket of milk would be drink a glass of it.

  4. Leslie Gosnell says:

    Violet would probably be the name of my next milk cow. And I would pour a cup of that warm deliciousness and drink it slowly.

  5. Gertrude Ezell says:

    I’d name a brown Swiss Blueberry and I would have my kids drink real milk. Then I would want to make butter and ice cream. Thank you!

  6. Lanita Van Pelt says:

    I would name my “cowpanion” Daisy and my granddaughter would get the first bottle of fresh milk!!!

  7. Dannielle Molesworth says:

    I would share the first bucket in celebration making a toast of thanks! To name my milk cow would be May Bell (May Bell Moo Cow) 😉
    After my first bucket I would love to make butter, cheese, and drink true, unpasteurized milk again would be heaven!

  8. Jennifer Simmons says:

    Daisy is a great name for a cow and I would make ice cream

  9. Kelly says:

    My first cow would be named Dolly, after Anne’s Jersey cow in the book Anne of Green Gables. I would use the first bucket milk to make cheese, and the first spoon of cream for a decadent cup of coffee!

  10. JeDonne says:

    I would name my cowpanion Buttercup. And of course the first thing I’d do is use the milk to make butter!

  11. Kathy Zawilinski says:

    I would name my cow Bella, because she is beautiful for all she gives to me. Her milk would be shared with friends and neighbors so they could see how precious and valuable farming with animals can be.

  12. patty whipple says:

    Greetings, I would name my dear cow-panion….. Ms daisy… she would be my life long friend & we would milk in harmony on the farm with all the other four legged friends… I am most sure I would make ice cream…. the days are getting very warm here in Florida & I would call my girl friends over & share with the cats & dogs sitting on my front porch…. praising God for his mighty creations.

  13. Amy says:

    I would name her Tink, and that milk I would drink! 🙂

  14. Laurel Twete says:

    I think I’d name her Patches and probably make strawberry ice cream!

  15. Sue Smerud says:

    I would make butter and cheese with my first bucket of milk and then chill the rest to hsve with dinner. I would name my cowpanion…Bess after my mama

  16. Rhonda Bowdy says:

    I would name my cowpanion Trivette a name I always wanted to use if I had a daughter. Never happened. The first thing I would do with my bucket of milk is skim off the cream and make butter. Then chill the rest and offer it to a homeless shelter.

  17. Jennifer Owens says:

    I’d name my cow (a Jersey of course!!) Molly. I’ve had jerseys in the past & I love their gentle & loving nature!! Their milk is so creamy & delicious!!! I miss making butter, cheese & ice cream! One day I hope to escape city life & return to the farm. Your book looks so delightful! Would love the chance to win a copy. My first pail of milk would go towards making fresh cheese curds. Then I’d make me some ice cream. Heaven!!

  18. Lana Wolford says:

    My cow would be DaisyMae and I’d make butter 1st thing!

  19. Julie Wemken says:

    I would name her Daisy and I would drink the fresh milk and make butter from the cream. I have always wanted to make fresh butter.

  20. Jane says:

    I would name my cow after my favorite cow from our farm when I was growing up…Bessie. I loved her and her many calves.

    Fresh milk…get it really really cold and drink it! I remember getting a sip out of the bulk tank. yum! And the cream skimmed off for over fresh berries….

  21. Sandra Conley says:

    I would name her Amazing Grace call her Gracie, and make fresh creamy butter. I miss making butter.

  22. Cassandra says:

    I would name her oreo, and I would drink the first glass and save the cream to make some butter!

  23. A. Gertsch says:

    I would name my cow “Moooorilla” and the first bucket of milk, I would drink!

  24. Theresa Tewalt says:

    I would name her Caroline, my grandma’s middle name-I always thought it was a beautiful name. The first bucket of milk I would skim the cream and pour it over fresh peaches, chill the milk and have a glass of milk with supper.

  25. beverley Baggett says:

    This book sounds wonderful!

  26. Patricia Smith says:

    I would name her Mini Moo, even if she were a large cow. I was raised on a farm, and all the ladies (cows) were sweet as could be. As for the first pail of milk it wouldn’t make the back door. I would take a glass with me, and drink it right after the pail was full. Nothing beats fresh warm milk straight from the cow.

  27. M.M. Salamone says:

    Adeline…after a favorite great aunt….and I would have to savor the first bucket of milk in its original form…skimming cream for my coffee, and drinking the milk by the glass…of course, sharing with friends and family!!

  28. s says:

    I would name her Annabelle and I would share the first pail of milk with my young gransons.

  29. Jonna Tyler says:

    I would name my first cow Sister,I hold any animal who feeds my family in high rank and she would deserve an endearment as a name, and that first pail would make biscuits and country gravy!

  30. Karen Lovell says:

    Hmm, my first cow I’d probably name “Elsie” because as a child I always loved Elsie the cow, As for what I’d do with that first pail of milk – well there are several. Eat some in a bowl of blueberries, share a little in a bowl with my cat, Sandi, put some in my coffee (which I would need since you milk cows rather early in the morning), put some in the fridge and make some fresh peach ice cream with the rest. I have always been a city girl with a farm girl heart.

  31. Ellen Visser says:

    I would name her Elsie….because that was the name of my favorite cow on the farm.
    And I would let the cream rise to the top of the bucket and skim off a cup and let it sour to make sour cream choc. cake …like my Mom used to make! And share the rest of the milk…with family…spread the goodness with others…

  32. We want Dexters and I’d name my first one Ceridwen (we have a mythology theme for our animal names). With her milk…drink it! Straight up…yum! I love making all kinds of dairy products with raw milk I get at a diary down the road, but with my own cow, I’d HAVE to drink the first milking 🙂

  33. Peggy Pyle says:

    I would name my cow Bessie Ruth. My mom’s real name was Bessie. She much preferred to be called Bette. She said Bessie just sounds like an old milk cow. Mom is gone now and I miss her terribly, but I can still hear her saying that.

  34. Marian DeSalvo-Rodgers says:

    I would name my beautiful cow Tasha (after Tasha Tudor)…I spent a summer on a farm in Pennsylvania…..and was amazed at how friendly the cows were … I would sing to them……lol they seemed to like it!! Almost bid on a calf at a 4-h auction in Vermont…luckily my husband at the time had the fortitude to stop me .. as we lived in the city!! Love their eyes…and I would make homemade yogurt with the fresh milk!

  35. Meegan Z says:

    Hmm, I’m thinking we’d name her Mabel. My 2 year old likes the name Carmen. He might win :). He’s cow crazy and we are planning to get him two miniature cows in a year or so. Ok, maybe they’re really for me, lol. First thing we’d want to do with the milk is make butter, then cheese. We love cheese!

  36. April Woodfin says:

    I would name my companion Betsy Belle. My first bucket of milk would be served up in vintage glass jars and I would drink some and bake homemade egg custards with it:)

  37. melissa says:

    My cowpanion would be named Abundance! And the first bucket would be chilled & then we would drink all of it!!! The second bucket would become ice cream, then mozzarella cheese!

  38. Pam says:

    I would name her Daisy and I would make cheese out of the first pail of milk – mmmm, fresh cheese!

  39. Carlene says:

    I would name my sweet girl Bessie, and I’d make ice cream with my first bucket of beautiful milk!

  40. Stella Huff says:

    I would name her Betsy. I grew up around my great papaws milk cow. Her name was Betsy. I remember her getting out alot and him cursing her all the way back to the barn. The first thing I would do with my first bucket of milk is get one of my many Mason jars and make me some homemade butter. Oh, the memories.

  41. Crystal Atwood says:

    I would name my cowpanian Mary Elizabeth. I love the dignity and classical quality this name gives to a milk cow. I love the sound of calling out the name from the back stoop right before the screen door slams for Mary Elizabeth to come to the house for a good hug, with her cow bell clinking. Under her feet would be my rooster, named Bernard, also clambering for a scrap. And I would make cheese – hopefully, cream cheese, and mozzarella with my first bucket of milk.

  42. Dawn says:

    I would name her Honey… With her rich, creamy, sweet milk, I’d skim the cream, separate the solids, put the cream back over (Cottage Cheese), then feed the whey to my pigs.

  43. Robbi Sullivan says:

    I’d have to have the cow before I could name it! Names come with personality. But we are on a Nordic kick right now with animal names so it would be something like Helga or Sigi. And the very first milk we procured would probably just be drank! Savor it!

  44. Amanda says:

    In terms of a cowpanion, I’d have to go with the classic Bessie. And as to the first bucket, I’d have to drink it. Milk is my ambrosia, basically the only thing I drink. I would love a copy of this book to go with the other Mary Jane books I have.

  45. Rebekah Hope says:

    I actually have a Brown Swiss that I absolutely love to death!! She is about four years old. She was given to me as a present when she was just a baby. She just had a baby of her own for the very first time a week ago yesterday.
    I named the Momma, Miss Molly Brown. I haven’t milked her yet but when I do the first thing I will do is try her fresh, raw milk. I have never had raw milk before even though I have lived on a farm for quite some time. I can’t wait to make cheese and butter and so many other delicious things from my Molly Brown’s milk!

  46. I would name my cow Henrietta, and I would serve our first bucket of milk chilled, in pretty glasses with chocolate chip cookies in the shade of our porch.

  47. Amy Kehoe says:

    I’d name her Lucille and I’d use that first bucket to make an outstanding stack of pancakes with whipped cream on top. Yum.

  48. I would name my cow Henrietta and I would pour the milk into pretty glasses to drink with chocolate chip cookies in the shade of the front porch. I would save the cream and whip it, to eat over a bowl of strawberries!

  49. mary says:

    I would name my cow Nellie. My grandmother always talked about her cow old Nellie and how much she loved her. I miss my grandmother, but would think of her every time I called Nellie

  50. Ellen Belshin says:

    If I am ever able to have a cow, I would name her Nutmeg. She would be the most spoiled bovine. I would look into those huge, brown, soft and gentle eyes and tell her how much I love and adore her. Her milk I would share with family, friends and my other milk loving critters. Fresh milk is the BEST!!

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