GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. I will name my cow Drewals and with the first pale of milk I will certainly make ice cream, chocolate of course.

  2. Lisa says:

    I would name my cow Bernice after a very special lady that was in my life when I was young. The first bucket of milk I would dunk a cup into it & drink.

  3. Shelly Woods says:

    I think I would name my milk cow Georgia. That first pail of milk would be cooled. I’d remove the cream for making butter later, & then happily have a tall glass of fresh milk with something sweet of course!

  4. Colleen Maki says:

    I would name my “cowpanion” Benson, because that was the name of the elderly couple who ran the local farm while I was growing up, where we would get milk “fresh from the cow” (complete with cream on top). I would give the first bucket of milk to my Mom and Dad (in their 80’s), in thanks for raising us right, and feeding us the wholesome way.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Her name would be Sweet Pea and I would make some heavenly crème faiche and then I would put it on some fresh picked strawberries and top with mint from my herb garden. Yum, Yum, Yum!

  6. Winnie Nielsen says:

    My book is already on order so maybe it will be coming soon??? Hope, hope, hope?? If my name gets drawn, I will do a giveaway on the MJF connection for a fun event in case some of them never stop by this blog for the opportunity.

  7. Donna Armstrong says:

    I would name her Sally and I would make cheese. Love cheese.

  8. linda radziminski says:

    I would name my cow Constance (it was my grandmother’s name) and for the constant supply of milk she would supply .No more hormones or antibiotics in my family’s milk supply.

  9. Would love to have this book.Look foreward to seeing it!!!

  10. maria lawrence says:

    Blossom. We are reading the James Herriot story about a cow named Blossom! And with the first pail of milk, my children & I will be anxious to drink it!!

  11. Lisa says:

    Her name would be Buttermilk, and a batch of fresh, sweet vanilla bean ice cream would be first on my list!

  12. NancyB says:

    I’d name her Buttercup and ICE CREAM!!

  13. Jenny Williams says:

    I would name her Fanny for my Grandmother. Fresh milk? DRINK IT!

  14. My first cow would be Beau, the name of choice for all animals I have yet to keep- ( I know you have Beaumont but this is that ” southern thang” kind of beau, nicer than Bo )
    Of course I’d try to make a batch of soft farmer’s cheese , right after a dollup in my tea. Oh and real cream in my Kenya coffee for sure. I’m cowcrazy and have dated 2 dairymen, and was formerly married to a vet. So, need to read your book MJ.

    • MaryJane says:

      You need a COW. Forget the guys at this point:)

      • Mary Jane Landwehr says:

        I agree! Men can be over-rated, but a sweet faced cow, now that’s what I call happiness!!

      • Darcy Jorgensen says:

        I believe that I NEED this book!! 🙂 can’t wait!!
        I NEED a cow!!!! Now to convince my husband of this fact!! Lol!

      • Ha Ha! Yeah all the cows in my life have given me happiness, ‘cept the ” cow that jumped over the moon” . We purchased her from a farm sale and the herd was dispersed and she missed her cow-panions so much she mooed plaintively all day and then kept jumping the fences and hightailing it back to her old farm.?At full speed. I mean a 5-6 foot fence, no one could believe a cow could jump like that -. thats why we nicknamed her.

  15. Vivian V says:

    Not original, but Bessie just sounds right. I’ve never had fresh milk and that would be the first thing I’d like to try.

  16. Carrie C. says:

    It’s not an original choice for a name, but I envision her being a beautiful Jersey named Buttercup. And that first bucket as it came through the door?? I’d have my kids there to help me as we strained it into glass jars, because they would’ve helped me milk her. We’d each enjoy a glass of that milk, because the taste is nectar of the gods.
    That’d be the very first thing. Then visions of sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, and cheeses would begin dancing in my head. 😉

  17. Cathy R says:

    Tulip would be her name and to surprise my hubby, I’d make butterscotch first to go on the ice cream! Thanks for your generosity! Oh happy day!

  18. Debbie Fischer says:

    Oh to have a cow and have fresh milk would be a dream come true, as would living on a farm.
    If I had a milking cow I would name her “Fur Elise”, as that is one of my most favorite piano pieces. And “Fur Elise” would be my favorite milking cow!
    Thank you so much Mary Jane for yet another great give away.
    Good Luck to everyone who enters the contest.

  19. Debbie Fischer says:

    I too have already ordered your book Mary Jane through the farm and like Winnie if I win I would give the book away to one of my Chickies in my Scattered Prairie Gals HenHouse, we would have a fun contest.
    Hope my book will be on the way soon as well as I leave for vacation on the 21st of May and it would be nice to have it for my trip:-)
    Thank you.
    Lots of Hugs,

  20. Karlyne says:

    I’m ordering this, too, so like Winnie, if I win, I’ll pass it on! I mean, I NEED this book! I have to ask my cow-crazy seven year old granddaughter what we’re going to name our first one, but the first thing I’d do with a pail of milk is brew some strong coffee (takes a lot less water to make coffee than most people think) and stir some perfect cream into it. In my vintage coffee cup and saucer, of course.

  21. CJ Armstrong says:

    I’m NOT entering the giveaway . . . However, just wanted to say that we welcomed our 12th bovine into our “hobby herd” of Longhorns last week. His name is Duncan.
    Longhorns are not dairy cows so they don’t get milked, but we do butcher them and they are very tasty, lean meat and, of course, we know what they ate . . . or didn’t eat! 😀 And, because of their very, long and pointy horns we really can’t get close enough to hug their necks!
    I have milked a lot of cows in my life . . mostly jerseys. Made lots of butter, cheese and ice cream and enjoyed the fresh taste of fresh milk! Yes!

  22. Gail says:

    I would name my cow Tootsie! The very first thing I’d make is some kind of cheese, immediately followed by ice cream. Living somewhere with land to grow on and raise cows and chickens is on my bucket list. Certainly would have a hard time with it here in So. California living in a house on a zipper lot!

  23. Alice says:

    I would name my sweet cowpanion Bessie (just because it seems so right)! The first thing I would make with the fresh milk is homemade sweet cream butter!!

  24. Julia says:

    I’d name her Daisy Mae and enjoy that fresh milk with some warm chocolate chip cookies!

  25. Shannon Reddinger says:

    If I had a cow I’d name it Jo. First thing I’d do with the bucket of milk is taste it. It would be an uncontrollable to urge to stick my finger in there and take a taste.

  26. Brenda Duggan says:

    I would name my cow Sassy Jo and I would take my first milking and have a cup of cold milk for myself and a bowl for the kitty and then make delicious hommade butter with the rest and form the butter in vintage butter molds.

  27. Karin says:

    Cannot wait to add this to my MaryJane collection! If I could have a milk cow, I would name her Elnettie, my grandmother’s middle name. What would I make? Easy- cheese!

  28. Cassie B. says:

    I would name my cowpanion, Harper. I would the milk in a Tres Leches cake!

  29. SuZan says:

    I would name my first cow Plenty because I believe in positive thinking. I would first give thanks to Plenty for my first bucket of milk. Then I would take a picture and post it EVERYWHERE. Finally I would skim of SOME of the cream to make butter and make some mozzo cheese and cool the rest for a delicious drink of cold milk. Of course I would have to call in all my family and friends to enjoy the bounty : )

  30. Kimberly Jacobson says:

    I have a registered Jersey girl, named “Waltzing Matilda Mook,” or “Tillymook” for short. I’ve learned how to make simple mozzarella and raw yogurt, but am looking forward to learning how to make aged cheeses. Hopefully, we’ll be adding another sweet girl within the next year. She’ll be called “Buttercup.” 🙂

  31. Debbie Killeen says:

    I would name her Daisy and I think I would make butter and cheese. Or maybe just drink it as I haven’t had fresh milk since I was a kid.

  32. Kelly says:

    I would name my cow Millie and would put the cream from my first pail of milk in my coffee that morning!!! Then make ice cream in a crank ice cream maker!!! Maybe strawberry since they are almost in season!!

  33. Cindy says:

    I would name my cow Daisy. We had a milk cow when I was a kid and the first thing we always did with the milk is drink a tall glass of it and make ice-cream with all of that delicious cream.

  34. Lise Rousseau Silva says:

    I think I’d name her Josie, and the first thing I would make would be delicious, rich Greek yogurt and then whipped cream. Yum.

  35. Michelle says:

    I would love to have a milking cow named Clarice, and I would make some wonderful queso fresco with that first bucket. Yum!!

  36. Jennifer Summerfield says:

    I just recently purchased a Jersey heifer calf and I named her Daphne Moon. She is a joy! It will be a few years before I get my first bucket of milk from her but I will give fresh milk to my son and make butter.

  37. Amanda Christensen says:

    If I was lucky enough to have a milk cow her name would be Daisy. I would separate the milk from the cream, using the cream to make ice cream. My husband, kids and grandson would drink what milk was left.

  38. Camela says:

    I think I would name her Daisy Mae & the first thing I would like to make is some ice cream. Would love to add some homegrown strawberries to it too.

  39. Serena Nicholson says:

    I would name her Betsy and I would make chocolate fudge ice cream in an ice cream maker. 🙂

  40. Sarah Earnest says:

    I have always wanted to have a cow named Penelope. With the first bucket of milk, I would make a bunch of stuff. Cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and butter. I would take photos of my precious cow, first bucket of milk, and what I made from it, and share it everywhere.

  41. Elaine says:

    My cowpanion would be named Edith and together we’d feed as many as we could with whatever we could.

  42. Heather Coffel says:

    I would live to get a dairy cow. Several years ago I took a cheese and soap class and totally fell in live with making both. (I actually have a small business selling soap and I use goats milk). If I had my own cow I could make do much wonderful cheese. I think I would have to name her Bessie. It is the classic name for a milk cow and a great way to start the herd

  43. Deb Hersh says:

    I believe that I would name her ‘Betsy’. Although don’t you just love the old ‘Elsie’! And I cold glass of milk would be great.

  44. Cortney says:

    Hmmmm. How about Sunny? And I think I would be too anxious to try to wait to make anything, (first milking and wait? Thats tough) so probably just drink fresh for breakfast?! Over some granola maybe? YUM! Getting hungry!!

  45. I would love to have a suburban cow.. I live on 2 acres in NM.. I would drink the cream before anything else the first time I milked her.. Next time it would be butter.. She would definitely be part of my family core..

  46. Melissa B says:

    I might name her Daisy, or Rosie, I’m not sure! I would probably make butter, or just use it as milk!

  47. Teresa Arment says:

    My cow’s name would be Mabel-it just sounds like a good milk cow name. I would use the milk for cheese or just drinking. The cream would be for my Mom’s Cream cake recipe and poured over fresh strawberries, YUM!

  48. Kimberly Noah says:

    I would definitely name my Cowpanion Patience, because that is what she would have to be with me since I have never milked a cow and have only dreamed of owning my own farm family!!! And I have always said that the food item I would have to have if stranded on a desert island is cheese, so my first bucket (at least, what made it in the bucket) would be dedicated to cheese!!! 🙂

  49. Debra Thiry Points says:

    I would name my cow, “Lilly”, after Lillie Langtry who was known as The Jersey Lillie! I have always admired her spunk.
    I would use my first pail of milk to make wonderful, creamy yogurt. Toppings are endless to consider.
    From there on, the possibilities with fresh milk are endless too!
    This farm girl moved to the city for over 2 decades and has just moved back to the beauty and quiet of the country. Bit, by bit, I’m getting back to my farm girl roots! I’ve always loved your books!

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