Look what we found on Facebook! Jubly-Umph posted this photo of an amazing Singer sewing machine … cake.

photo from Jubly-Umph
Looks like even the notions are edible. Now that’s one way to stitch your cares away!
Look what we found on Facebook! Jubly-Umph posted this photo of an amazing Singer sewing machine … cake.
photo from Jubly-Umph
Looks like even the notions are edible. Now that’s one way to stitch your cares away!
Whoa, Nellie – that’s impressive!
Oh my gosh!! This is a work of art for sure. All of the details so perfectly recreated. It would be so hard to even cut the cake to eat. Who ever made this must be so proud!
wow I’m impressed, I can barely ice a plain cake ! amazing!
I wonder how long it took to create. Was it created for eating or just for show? If the creator wants it to be eaten then somebody should have some. I wonder what flavor the cake inside is. If this cake is to be eaten the carving process & details should also be photographed.
Amazing! Lisa, I have trouble frosting a cupcake, so I am with you!