GIVEAWAY: Magic Pillowcases, Bee My Honey fabric

In the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm, “Home for the Holidays,” we taught you how to make “magic pillowcases.”


Now, you can win a set of the pillowcases featured in that article, made from my Bee My Honey fabric collection. The body fabric is my “Colony Hum” print, the cuff fabric is the “Honey” pattern in “Gold” color, and the trim fabric is “Multi” in “Grey.” The giveaway includes two standard-size pillowcases and a pretty, pinked-edged poinsettia bow made from another of my collection’s patterns.

To win, tell me your pet name for your favorite honey (guy or gal) in the comments section below. We’ll put your answers in a pillowcase, shake them up, and draw one lucky winner. Come back sometime next week to see who wins.

  1. Faith DuBois says:

    I absolutely adored the magic pillowcases but never found time to make them between work, school, the holidays and caring for our rambunctious 10 month old black lab siblings, Maggie and Izzy (together, we refer to them as “MaGizzy”)!

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    These pillowcases are so pretty in the Honey Bee collection! My favorite animal is my KitKat Mr. Bump!

  3. Mary Jo Boyd says:

    Poofy looper

  4. Michelle Kirby says:

    Honey or Sweetie

  5. Virginia Meyer says:

    I call my “honey”, ” Hey, Handsome!! ” (because he is! He takes my breath away! Lol! AND he’s the one who introduced me to MaryJane! Isn’t he awesome?!)

  6. Vivian V says:

    My significant other is my dog, Bink – aka Binker
    The Stinker 🙂

  7. Alice - Farmgirl #12 says:

    My pet name for Brian is “Handsome”, because he is!

  8. MaryLou says:

    Thank you for the chance to win these lovely pillowcases. My pet name for Dave, my honey of 35 years, is ‘Babe.’ 🙂

  9. Kathy Davis says:

    I call my husband, “honey bear” or “sweet pea”.

  10. stella says:

    I call my husband “My Dear”.

  11. amy says:

    Love those pillowcases! and that flower is just so pretty.
    Nickname would be “hon”.

  12. it’s always been ” Honey Bunny ” appropriately enough !

  13. Dara Bell says:


  14. Cathy R says:

    What a delightful giveaway! Love the colors and design! Call my hubby ‘sweet pea”.

  15. Jenna says:

    The pillowcases are lovely! I call my partner, querida or mi reina.

  16. Kristine says:

    Hunny munny

  17. Sarah says:

    My favorite name is probably Honey. I was at the dr.’s yesterday, and she kept calling me that!

  18. Bobbie calgaro says:

    Swewty cause when I was typing him an instant message I spelled it wrong his other nickname is sweetie-honey cause I love bees and honey!

  19. CJ Armstrong says:

    My hubby’s name is Bill but when I want to be sweet to him I call him “Sweet William”, when I want to be feisty I call him “Bad Billy”. 😀
    We’ve been married 46 years!

  20. Lisa @1countrylovinmomma says:

    My husband and I call each other Sweetie Pie. Or just Pie, for short. ♥

  21. Heather (nndairy) says:

    I call my husband sweet pea or love.

  22. Karen(old cowgirl) Montoya says:

    My husband passed away 2 years ago. When he was alive I called him Sweetie-pie as well as Honey-bun. They were interchangeable.
    Farm/Ranch girl hugs,

  23. Eileen Stone says:

    I call my husband, “Goog” or “Googie”. His name is Greg. Our nephew, Mikey, called my husband “Uncle Goog” when he was little. We liked it & it stuck.

  24. Holly-Mae Carver says:

    My hubby is Todd and I call him my “Hotty Todd-ie” ❤️

  25. Monika says:

    Since I went through a very nasty marriage and worse divorce, my best guy now is my puppy. His name is Sir Raggs, Duke of Mountain Menagerie. (because we are starting at the bottom and moving up) I call him dude for short. Hope we will win and start new blessings.

  26. Patty Byrd says:

    I love the pillowcases! I call my honey, honey! Traditional, nothing special though he is very special!

  27. sue hill says:

    Sugar britches!!!

  28. melissa says:

    I may or may not sometimes call him poopies. I may deny this publicly.

  29. Chrissy says:

    My sig o is my beagle/poodle friend. In my head, I call her shuga-buga, out loud it’s Molly-girl.

  30. Cheryl Fiske says:

    That is such a creative bow!
    I call my little dog PD, short for puppy dog. Pronounced “Petey”

  31. Molly Welsh says:

    the DH is Mike, but the nic’ is Mr.Mikey. :~)
    So cute cases!

  32. Sandy K says:

    I call him ‘Honey’

  33. Vicki H says:

    I love the pillowcases. I call my man ‘sweetie’.

  34. Dot H says:

    My hubby is gone now but I lovingly called him babe.

  35. Kathy E. says:

    I’ve never made Magic Pillowcases, even though I’ve heard about them! I need to add them to my list of projects. I call my husband of 32 years “Ol’ Honey” or in writing, it’s just OH. He is simply the best!

  36. Joan H. says:

    “Honey” or “Sweetie”

  37. My husband is my “WUBADUB”! God bless!

  38. Jeanne E says:

    Celebrating 48 years marriage and calling my wonderful husband “Honey Bunny”…

  39. April says:

    I always call my husband ” my sweetie man “……….20 yrs of sweet days

  40. Pam S says:

    My hubby is honey bun! Thanks for the chance to win these delightful pillowcases!

  41. Daizy says:

    Called him Babe…

  42. Dolly Sarrio says:

    After marrying my husband twice I do now call him “My Chuck”, guess I love the man…

  43. pauline davidson says:

    the “lar bear” he is the best of the best “bears” one could ever find he was named my my granddaughter and is not the “lar bear” to her daughter… does not get any better than that

  44. Bernadette Saliski says:

    My pet name for my sweetie is Lily-Bug. My sweetie it a 13 yr old cat. She is pure black with bright yellow/gold eyes and when she looks at me she looks like she is “bug-eyed”.

  45. Glenda Dolan says:

    I call my hubby “Fig”…not that he resembles
    But he loves fig newtons 🙂
    I just love your magazine! G

  46. I call him “Hubster”

  47. Chris says:

    There is a story behind it but my husband is Hey You. Only he will understand.

  48. Nancy Lynn Hilderbrand says:

    I love your pillow cases and the fabrics. I call my husband of 40 years honey to him and my better half to everyone else.

  49. Susan Moore says:

    I call my sweetheart Big Daddy because of his Big Heart that reaches out to anyone!

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