

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    The details on the old Singer machines are beautiful. Machines back then were made with such care and special details. No wonder they were a source of pride as well as a necessity of life. It is on my list to find one to own one day and use and enjoy.

  2. Cindi says:

    I remember sewing on one of those! Can you imagine the precision those machines had to have to get that needle into that itty bitty hole without a single disastrous miss? My grandmother had her “electrified” machine off to the side of her dining room entryway. It was a huge entry with beautiful wood sliding pocket doors (the ultimate tool in energy conservation for the times). We loved that old haunted machine sitting there because when you crossed that threshold in just the right place the machine would start to sew, racing at a furious pace all by itself and startling whoopee out of some unsuspecting soul. Naturally that led to a pile of giggly kids – so easily entertained. Fond memories this picture has brought me, thank you πŸ™‚

  3. Deborah McKissic says:

    I was lucky enough to receive my grandmothers singer sewing machine 36 years ago! My dad rewired it for safety, it is a beautiful machine! and, I sewed all my girls Christmas dresses, halloween costumes, etc. on it. Now my girls are grown and I have grandkids and I still sew on it..halloween costumes for them..and crafts…it sews a wonderful straight stitch like no other is a 1935 model and singer sent me a certificate of authenticity when I sent a picture and serial number to cool to find out this was my grandmothers first electric machine…my mom was only 3 when my Grandmother bought this grandmother was a seamstress and a school teacher and I feel honored each time I sit in front of it to sew as she taught me to sew when I was 8 years old…such treasured memories with her…

    • MaryJane says:

      Your machine sounds awesome! I still do my sewing on a treadle also. I lived for years without electricity. Creature of habit I suppose. But I love sewing without a humming electric motor and the reliability of it can’t be compared.

      • Deborah McKissic says:

        Oh, MaryJane, your treadle sounds wonderful..I have always wanted mom still has her mothers, my grandmothers..and, I hope to have it one day…right now I will have to hum along with my grandmothers electric! I remember her telling me she was so excited to have an electric one…I just love that is was hers and feel like she is with me when I am sewing….

  4. Betty J. says:

    I have a 1952 Singer featherweight. The decoration on it is beautiful and slightly worn. It must have been loved a lot. The faceplate is not as decorative as some, but I adore it. It is so easy to sew with. It also has a multitude of attachments.

    Thank you for sharing MaryJane.

  5. Robin Andersen says:

    I have 4 treadle machines …. 2 hand crank ….. 2 401 a Singers …. A little black singer and a featherweight ….. I am a quilter and crafter …. love my sewing machine collection ……. they make me smile ….

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