Giveaway: “Secret Garden, The Experiment”

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, “The Experiment” (on newsstands July 14), we led you here to my daily journal for a chance to win a free copy of a wonderful book, Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Colouring Book by Johanna Basford, featured in our “Farmgirl Finds” section that has sold more than a million copies worldwide. Tumble down the rabbit hole into an inky black-and-white wonderland in Secret Garden. This interactive activity book takes you on a ramble through a secret garden created in beautifully detailed pen-and-ink illustrations, sheltering all kinds of tiny creatures just waiting to be found and brought to life through coloring.


For a chance to win a copy of Secret Garden, along with a box of 24 Prismacolor Colored Pencils and a Prismacolor Premier Pencil Sharpener, tell me one thing you enjoy about MaryJanesFarm in the comments below. We’ll toss your name into a hat and draw one lucky winner in mid-September, when the Aug/Sept issue expires on newsstands. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways!

If you’re not yet a subscriber to MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for only $19.95/year.

  1. Barbara Arnett says:

    It is an informative FUN magazine! So many great ideas!!! I look forward to seeing it in my mailbox!

  2. carol jo primus says:

    Enjoying the beauty of a worn quilt and imagining what new treasures will be created. My creative muse has been awakened!

  3. Laurie says:

    I just love the gorgeous artsy simplistic way the magazine portrays whats really important in life. Nourishment, love, sustainabililty, wholesome, purity and beauty.

  4. Cheryl Johnston says:

    My favorite thing about Mary Jane’s Farm is that you give us so many natural hints for a healthy life style. And my second favorite thing is that my 12 year old granddaughter loves your magazine!!

  5. Melanie Smith says:

    I love all the repurposing ideas and seeing all the vintage quilts, as well as the Glamping! And… Well, I love it ALL.

  6. Chris Greytak Hower says:

    I love EVERYTHING about Mary Janes Farm! It perfectly suits my life and attitude.

  7. Kath says:

    One of the things I love best about the magazine is that it introduced me to the art of Zentangle®. I am now a CZT (certified Zentangle teacher)

  8. ros says:

    Love Mary Jane’s Farm. Makes me feel inspired with their ideas and recipes!

  9. Mary Famisaran says: women for women..I love it all!

  10. Sherry says:

    I love the magazine because it joins generations of women together to enjoy common interests. So many publications tend to cater to select age groups. Mary Jane, you make the simple life fun and doable for everyone.

  11. Lynda says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm is new to me, but I love it. It reminds me of my childhood visiting my aunt and uncle on their farm — gathering eggs, riding horses, eating figs off the tree, watching the birth of baby calves, and eating my aunt’s wonderful rice pudding! It’s all right there on the pages of this lovely magazine!

  12. Natasha H. says:

    I cannot choose just one thing I so enjoy about Mary Jane’s Farm- “it is my one weakness” (to quote a beloved character). It is a high- light when I know it is time to make another purchase of this beloved magazine. I love the do it yourself projects,the articles bringing us awareness of GMos and non-GMO issues, policies, and proposals in progress; I love the organic recipes for beauty and skin as well as the recipes involving food; the all around creativity and positive spirit for uplifting women and farming life. I live in a residential area in a city but, as a child, spent many of my growing years on my grandmother’s farm in Michigan. I learned to love the land and farm life from my grandmother. I am a city girl with a farm girl’s heart. Your magazine reminds me of my childhood, my grandmother, and life on her farm. Thank you Mary Jane (thank you nana).

  13. Janine says:

    I just got my first Mary Janes Farms magazine and just love it. I have learned so much about many different things I am interested in. I enjoyed the Farming Girl Finds (I need the Chef’n Herb Zipper). I also liked hearing about other people’s experiences and their advice.

  14. Angela B says:

    Where do I begin?! I first learned about Mary Janes Farm years ago when she was featured in another magazine. I purchased her first book and I loved it! Then I found the first magazine issue at the grocery store and I was very excited. Then I subscribed for myself and others. Needless to say I have been a fan all these years. I love everything about the magazine.

  15. Laurel says:

    I LOVE it all. And that there are other people like me, a little quirky, who love and appreciate the sheer joy of living, and who love gardening, sewing, crafting, the outdoors and animals.

  16. Sue says:

    Love the “Organicness” (is that a word?) of your magazine articles

  17. Sherri Kindsister says:

    I LOVE “My” Mary Jane community! You literally have given me back my dream!
    I grew up in a small rural town & as a college student, could not wait to move away. ( Sound familiar anyone? Anyone?)
    The call to get back to a rural place started calling only several years later. But life got in the way. Career, spouse, and then major health & family setbacks.
    Now, I am thrilled that life has given me a chance again! New (genius) doctor, new spouse (tee hee) and retirement!! Both of us!
    We are literally right now at looking at properties. I am so excited & you are a big, big part of it! I practically inhale each new issue, then rehash favorites with spouse. We had notes to our ever growing notebook of love & affection for our future! Our back issues have a special place on the bookshelf next to the bed, where I go back for inspiration, over & over. THANK YOU for being here!
    Oh and we start with any stories about chickens! Then gardens, moving on to crafts then collecting ads of companies we want to contact after our big move!
    I know this is a bit off course, but PLEASE will you consider adding a page or two of interesting-not-expensive rural/large lot homes for sale around the country? Maybe an acre or so?
    We love you Mary Jane! ~ Sherri & Carol

  18. Julia Grammer says:

    Every issue of Mary Jane’s Farm is fodder for months of delightful daydreaming!

  19. Char Anderson says:

    I simply love everything about the magazine. It reminds me of my childhood on the farm!

  20. Kristine Christ says:

    I purchased my first issue of MaryJanesFarm 2 years ago, and I am hooked. I look forward to every issue, like a close friend is stopping in for a visit. The one thing about MaryJanesFarm that i love is the feelings it invokes. Feeling of simpler times, people who get together with common interests of home, food, health crafts, gardening, and glam ping, of course. And it’s all natural, healthy, living, the way life is meant to be.

  21. Karin says:

    I appreciate the recommendation of organic foods!

  22. Cyndi B. says:

    I have been subscribing to MJF for many years. It inspires me to try many different “country girl” things and usually right when I’m researching something new. The photography always inspires me also. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us and please keep informing us moving forward!

  23. Mary F says:

    Simple living with country elegance.

  24. Amanda Travis says:

    I love all of the articles and snippets about our food system. There aren’t enough magazines out there that talk about GMOs, Raw Milk, and the state of our food system. I also love how the magazine focuses on being environmentally sound.

  25. Katie Rowan says:

    I love everything about MJF. Up to date news about the things I’m passionate about.

  26. Vicki Melton says:

    I really enjoyed all of the down to earth info in this magazine. It’s the first time I’ve seen it and was thoroughly delighted with it.

  27. Amanda Coutta says:

    Your magazine has helped start me on my organic journey. I’m now eschewing commercial products with additives and antibiotics and instead purchasing from a local farmer’s market and organic grocery, and I’m using essential oils for ailments. At first the idea seemed daunting and practically impossible. Your magazine has given me hope that my life and the environment can be better with the new choices I’m making.

  28. Annie Brogdon says:

    I love the “girls/women can do anything” attitude of the entire magazine!

  29. Marianne Squire Maszer says:

    I love the entire magazine, especially crafty stuff and Farmgirl Finds which are so clever.
    Thanks for a chance to win. Good luck to all!

  30. Kendra Shellabarger says:

    I love everything Mary Jane since I first picked up your magazine at the local grocery close to my home. You have great ideas for sustainable living. Keep up the good work! I’ll keep reading.

  31. Brenda Horn says:

    I love the variety and I can live vicariously through the stories

  32. Ann Brooks says:

    My favorite part of MJF is the Simple Solutions section. It’s always filled with amazing little tips and tidbits. It’s hard to pick my favorite part, I love it all!

  33. LuAnnA says:

    MaryJanesFarm brings me back to my farming roots. Though I have not lived on a farm for almost 35 years, I can always “go back home” by looking through the pages of MaryJanesFarm magazine or on the website. I still love to create things from scratch—whether it’s cooking, baking, sewing, crafting, or gardening. I remember so much how we “made do” when I was growing up, but never felt we did without— and these life lessons have helped me be so much more creative in the use of things I already have on hand, and things I can find a new purpose for. Thank you for a wonderful magazine so full of ideas, inspiration, and nostalgia!

  34. Sally Keeler says:

    I am motivated by the variety of articles and information and yet it is still applicable to my lifestyle and interests. Awesome!

  35. Barb says:

    I love the earthiness of Mary Janes Farm as a whole. The quality of information about food, crafts and way of life feeds my soul and takes me to my happy place with every issue. It contributes to a contented life. Thank you for being a part of mine.

  36. deb church says:

    being a new member, i’m finding that you have awesome giveaways. adult coloring books is a hot new craze i would like to do. i remember enjoying it so much as a child.

  37. Tammy says:

    I love that when I look at the magazine it sparks my true self – I remember deeply who I am and want to be, and my creativity wakes up – ideas and dreams just start flowing.

  38. Christy says:

    I love all of the awesome recipes

  39. Barbara says:

    One thing…. Impossible. I love the creativity, inspiration, and oh the possibilities.

  40. Anita Hastings says:

    My first issue just arrived…. Wow… Thanks

  41. Sandy Cooper says:

    I love the 7 Simple Solutions for everyday organic, the readers’ stories and the recipes. I look forward to each issue to see what new things are inside.

  42. I love your gluten free recipes. I have to follow a gluten free diet, so I’m very grateful for your great cookery ideas and recipes, especially as so many of them are gluten free. 🙂

  43. Heather Collins says:

    I am only to page 11 of my first issue but I can already tell this is going to be my favorite thing to relax and read. I love the feel of the pages, the beautiful images and the healthy tips I have read already! I can’t wait to get through it.

  44. Dawn says:

    I love the great recipes and craft ideas.

  45. Julie says:

    Life is an experiment!!! I love the photographs that inspire me to try new things!

  46. Melanie says:

    I enjoy the beautiful pictures and wealth of information that your magazine has. It is a treat every time I pick one up. It also reminds me of a time when I was younger and in a different place when I had access to a farm in the country. Now I’m a city girl, but I will always be a country girl at heart.

  47. Anne Wilson says:

    What do I love about Mary Jane’s Farm magazine? Where do I begin? I guess if I have to narrow it down to one answer it would be the fact that it teaches us readers how to have a better quality of life. That in return makes for a happier, more satisfying, and healthier life.

  48. Tina says:

    Love Mary Jane’s Farm. Inspiring.

  49. Courtney says:

    I always love the crafts, and the useful tidbits of information sprinkled throughout the magazine. I also love the layout of the magazine itself. It doesn’t feel like a magazine, more like a scrapbook of information written by a close friend.

  50. Terry says:

    I love that my husband likes to read your magazine too!

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