In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, “The Experiment” (on newsstands July 14), we led you here to my daily journal for a chance to win a free copy of the quilting book, Farm Girl Vintage, by Lori Holt.
Rooted in sweet remembrance of childhood days on her family’s farm, Lori’s Farm Girl Vintage boasts a bumper crop of farm-fresh projects, including nearly 50 quilt blocks with ultra-cute designs like Mama Hen, Apron Strings, Milking Day, Baby Chick, and Pie Cherries, whose step-by-step instructions you’ll find inside the book. And that fabulous quilt on the cover? It’s Lori’s signature Farm Girl Sampler Quilt, comprised of 45 of Lori’s blocks. You’ll also find instructions for more quilts, table runners, and potholders. Find even more inspiration on Lori’s blog at
For a chance to win a free copy of Farm Girl Vintage, tell me how MaryJanesFarm inspires you in the comments below. We’ll toss your name in a hat and draw one lucky winner in mid-September, when the Aug/Sept issue expires on newsstands. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways!
If you’re not yet a subscriber to MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for just $19.95 for one year.
Mary Janes Farm has stretched me to try more, do more and be more!
I, like Sandy, wish I had had Mary Jane’s Farm fifty years ago. I see so many things that inspire me to try something new. My husband has always been a sort of frontiers man and I have come to appreciate this immensely in the past few years. I know I can’t have a “do over”, but, maybe my girls will soak up some of Mary Jane’s advise before it’s to late for them to enjoy.
MJF inspires me to dream and live a down to earth life. I’ve even started canning again, which I quit doing years ago, when I moved and no longer had a space for growing (what I envisioned) a decent sized garden. I now container garden.
MaryJanesFarm inspires me by teaching me about a simpler time, sharing recipes and information on chemicals, and making safer cleaners, etc.
Your magazine is such an inspiration for a healthy lifestyle. It’s classy, fun, and informational. Three generations live under my roof; and we’re all living the dream : gardening, chickens and quilting because of your wonderful magazine . Thank you so much !
Mary Janes inspires me to try new things! I just finished reading the Aug-Sept 2015 issue and can’t wait to try making my own apple cider vinegar, ice cream toppings, and natural wood floor cleaner. There is always something new to try thanks to this great magazine.
Mary Jane Farms inspires me to live more in turn with nature. Just be natural,
grow or make your own things. I love it. I love the simplicity. I love the girly girl
things. I love the do-it-yourself recipes
Mary Jane farm’s inspires me to continue to live my life as simply and naturally as possible. One does not have to be a slave to buy just what’s offered in the grocery store. I’ve enjoyed farmers market for years because it’s fresher and I know where the foods coming from. I enjoy putting the food up either canned, frozen or dryer. Make my own bread, as well. Nothing like down home made from scratch. Better tasting and better for my health
It is such a beautiful and enjoyable read from cover to cover!
Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me to think new thoughts and try new things as I read unique and fascinating articles.
I love reading so many stories of ladies that are successful and ever so creative.
Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me in so many different ways; love of home, love of a simpler way of life, appreciating the beauty that surrounds us every day, and the “can do” attitude!
it inspired me to make the burlap wreath with my grandson for Easter and Christmas Its just wonderful to c a take on life that’s filled with homespun goodness. Something I can do with young and old alike
MaryJane’s Farm has inspired me on so many levels. The women in this magazine are a daily source of inspiration. To be more self sufficient, a better gardener, a better artist, creator, farmer and Mom. Recently, going back through my old MaryJane’s Farm magazines I was inspired to start my own business. Thanks!
After each issue, I’m always inspired to repurpose cast-off items or fix something that’s been neglected around here!
When I want “me time” I make a cup of tea (or coffee) and pick from my stash, my copy of MaryJanesFarm magazine. Reminds me of getting back to what’s important in life and takes me back to when I was a little girl at my grandmothers house. I spent a lot of time with my grandmother and learned how to sew on the treadle, make soap, wash the laundry with an ole wringer washer and hang it on the line and gather eggs from Grams chickens. Life gets simpler and slows down with every page I turn. My home is filled with quilts that I’ve stitched with love and use on every bed in my home…..just like my Grams home was. I’d love a copy of “Farm Girl Vintage,The Experiment”.
MaryJane’s Farm inspires me with its simple joys. Life doesn’t have to be fancy, and “new and improved” isn’t necessarily better. Your magazine inspires me by reminding me that there are still other people who enjoy simplicity and old fashioned life.
Mary Jane Farm inspires to create things I’ve never done before – like the fabric coasters in the current issue! Can’t wait to make some – not only for myself, but as gifts!
Mary Jane’s farm inspires me to try more self sufficient, home style activities, like making spinach or whole wheat noodles. I love the country life!
Your magazine is the only magazine that I read cover to cover. It is the lifestyle I dream of, but cannot achieve right now. Anytime I have a precious few moments to myself Mary Janes Farm brings a smile to my face, lifts my spirits and always gives me new ideas for the home, yard, cooking or crafts. Thank you!
Have waited til I am 73 years young to try to be a “back to nature” girl! Love your magazine as it inspires me to the simple life I am now leading in remote Montana!
I love your magazine!!! You encourage me to be strong and self reliant. My husband passed away about a year ago and I didn’t want to live the rest of my life afraid. I just got back from a trip to the Keweenaw area in upper Michigan all by myself. I drove and stopped wherever and whenever I wanted – had a great time. I think glamping might be next!! Enjoy life and embrace the challenge.
I love to read your magazine cover to cover. I am inspired by all the different things people do. I always think I want to try that. Hopefully someday I will. I love to try the different recipes.
While visiting a TN Civil War gift shop I commented that there were no quilting blocks depending the different battles. The girls behind the counter told me about Mary Jane’s Farm magazine that showed beautiful quilts. They stated that they can’t wait for the next issue and read the whole thing and love it. I found my first magazine and it was the last one. It won me over. Now I am going to be a subscriber. I found a magazine that that fits how I think.
MaryJanesFarm magazine has inspired and entertained me in numerous ways. I had to share it with my daughter, and give her an annual subscription, as she is interested in all the things I am. We both enjoy the articles on biodynamic farming, crafts, great recipes, and look forward to each issue, reading it from cover to cover. The “glamping” articles inspired me to purchase a used camper trailer which I am slowly decorating. Have not convinced my husband to paint it lavender, aqua, and sage yet, but working on it!
maryJane inspires me to try lots of new things and gives me great ideas on how to live the kind of life I’ve strived for and dreamt of
Women have always been my heroes, starting with my precious 82yr old mom, she raised 6 children to respect our elders, respect and honor others. What I hear in all the words written brings back the profound desire to share, fellowship and simply laugh at the treasures we find in each other. MJK’s magazine so inspires gathering.
I look at the crafts and new recipes and can’t wait for the next issue .I enjoy quilting and I like to try new patterns.
Mary Jane’s farm gives me new ideas to try, I’ve enjoyed each issue that has come.
MaryJanesFarm feels like a breath of fresh air. It is filled with interesting articles, inspiring ideas and stories of people and projects. Every issue has gems to cheer me on and get me thinking of projects I want to tackle. Thanks, Mary Jane! You not only inspire us to try things, you also give us step by step instructions!
MaryJaneFarm inspires me that even if I live in the city now I can still keep my farming roots. I love to grow my veggie garden every year that reminds me of my childhood living on a farm. Thanks MaryJane.
I’ve shared your magazine with my daughters and nieces plus friends. It has inspired them to take control of their homes and families and be proud of not having to go the way of the busy world. We all read it from front to back then talk about how we can apply the ideas. Thanks MaryJane.
Mary Janes Farm is like a breath of fresh air for me. I love all of the articles, especially the crafts! I can’t wait to see what is in each issue. I sit and enjoy the magazine over and over! It inspires me to try new things.
I love quilting. Your ideas are so adorable, especially the chickens. I keep chickens, my hens are named, loved and petted daily. Thanks for sharing your “bees” and I look forward to more multiplying in your “bonnet.”
Mary Jane’s Farm Magazine is in each issue a wonderful combination of all things that I am interested in. I am always so anxious for the new issue to come out. I feel very motivated and challenged to learn and try new things and ideas. This is such an encouragement to me!!
At 64 years of youth, I discover even more hope in your magazine for enjoying this time of my life. It has become a journey of learning and thank you so much for the quietness of soul (mind, will and emotions) that comes with your magazine!
Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me to try and live a happier down to earth life.
I was looking for a quilt pattern to make for my granddaughter and my daughter’s mother-in-law game her a copy of MaryJanesFarm with the article about Farm Girl Vintage. I am very excited about the pattern Farm Girl Vintage and think it would be perfect for my granddaughter.
I enjoy each issue of Mary Janes Farm magazine. Always something to learn about and inspiring articles to read. It’s nice to learn about simpler times. Thanks for your dedication and inspiration, MaryJane.
I get so excited when the magazine is in the mailbox, and I know I can relax for a little and enjoy some quiet reflection. I feel a connection to Mary Jane, she must be after my own heart. I used to live in the mountains in Colorado and now enjoy my mini-farm/garden in Oregon. Mary Jane, and the magazine that represents her lifestyle, are inspiration to my heart; we must be kindred spirits.
I love seeing how she went from modest beginnings to embracing a full abundant life, obvious living life to the fullest.
Just an aside note: I too am about the same age as Mary Jane and embrace my long blonde hair.
Thanks for being an inspiration! –Michele
I’m now reading my 2nd copy of your lovely magazine. So glad I subscribed. Thoroughly enjoy the magazine. Keep up the good work!
Iam a county girl that has loved Mary Janes Farms since I saw a copy three years ago.It insires me to try new things and new approaches to old things.
I am really quite impressed that there is a not-so-small community of “farm girls” out there, learning and growing and trying new things!
I get inspired to rest. I garden and have a small farm. I have a hard time relaxing. Sometimes I need to just “be”. When I receive my magazine, it inspires me to sit, relax, read, and just “be”. In addition to all of this, I get great ideas and even more inspiration to try new things until the next time I receive my magazine and get to just “be”.
Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me to keep dreaming of my own farm store. I grew up in a cow town, wanted so badly to get out of the country and now dream of my own piece of property to raise my 4 children on and grow things for profit. I had a health food store in a little town in Pennsylvania wine country for several years, it did well, local foods and products are my passion and often provide a superior product without a big price tag. I’ve planned and dreamed of producing more of my own products but a series of unfortunate events has left me back at square one, no store or property, it is very inspiring to listen to new stories of other women’s success every day. Helps me keep my head up
Life can get frenetic and the world rat-racy. I love how MARYJANE’S FARM calls to my heart and reminds me to slow down, remember what matters most, and take the time to seek that out. MARYJANE is a much needed fresh breathe of air, and after a good dose of breathing her in, I’m more peaceful and energized for yet another round of life!
Magazines like this encourage me to stay in touch with nature and what is important in my life.
I Love your magazine, MaryJanesFarm, as it proves to me that not only can a 62 year old can learn something new but it also shows me that a magazine can bring 3 generations together in the same room ! I love the ideas and of coarse it takes me back a few decades too but my daughter loves it cause she says “Remember when” to me a lot and my granddaughter asks me to show her how to do something. …especially in quilting!
Thanks for a chance to win a great book!
I enjoy seeing all the fun perspectives on so many things I already do- sewing, crafting, canning, farming, etc. MaryJanes Farm is a great way to be encouraged in the feminine side of life.