Giveaway: “Farm Girl Vintage, The Experiment”

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, “The Experiment” (on newsstands July 14), we led you here to my daily journal for a chance to win a free copy of the quilting book, Farm Girl Vintage, by Lori Holt.

Rooted in sweet remembrance of childhood days on her family’s farm, Lori’s Farm Girl Vintage boasts a bumper crop of farm-fresh projects, including nearly 50 quilt blocks with ultra-cute designs like Mama Hen, Apron Strings, Milking Day, Baby Chick, and Pie Cherries, whose step-by-step instructions you’ll find inside the book. And that fabulous quilt on the cover? It’s Lori’s signature Farm Girl Sampler Quilt, comprised of 45 of Lori’s blocks. You’ll also find instructions for more quilts, table runners, and potholders. Find even more inspiration on Lori’s blog at

For a chance to win a free copy of Farm Girl Vintage, tell me how MaryJanesFarm inspires you in the comments below. We’ll toss your name in a hat and draw one lucky winner in mid-September, when the Aug/Sept issue expires on newsstands. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways!

If you’re not yet a subscriber to MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for just $19.95 for one year.

  1. Cyndi B. says:

    I always like an something from Mary Jane’s Farm magazine. In the most recent issue I came across Dr. Laura’s article about stress and the impact on your adrenal glands. This sent me on further research for ways to improve the functioning of y adrenal glands following a long period of extended, extreme stress. I’m always searching for natural alternatives to healing outside of western medicine after all, that’s where the cures originated.

  2. Amanda Henning says:

    MaryJanesFarm reminds me to live simply and love life!

  3. Tami Mattos says:

    MARYJANES Inspires me to do more and dare more! 🙂

  4. Tami Mattos says:

    MaryJanes inspires me to do more and dare more!

  5. Katie says:

    I bought your magazine because my daughter is a Maryjane kinda gal. Well, after reading thru it before sending it to her, almost every page gave me a glimmer of WOW that would be so fun, so easy, so practical, so taking care of God’s green earth, that both mom and daughter and granddaughter will be a Maryjane kinda gal! Thanks for your fun ways of enjoying life.

  6. Sally Keeler says:

    My first issue and I’m hooked! Love the photos and “up to date” country/farm information. Thank you for a new way to be country!

  7. Vanessa Glindinning says:

    MaryJane’sFarm was like a bolt of lightning for me. I have always been into older, vintage things. Old linens, tins, plates, quilts…especially quilts. There’s something about them that I am so drawn to. The feel of the fabric, the jumble of colors. I don’t live on a farm, but am out in the woods berry picking, apple picking, nut picking as often as I can get. Then, at a yard sale, a lady was selling some older copies of MaryJane’sFarm magazines. After perusing one, I immediately grabbed the lot. The recipes were right up my alley! I am about to subscribe to this fantastic treasure trove of inspiration and ideas. I have never quilted a day in my life, but may just have to give it a go. 🙂 Thank you for such a reading treat.

  8. deb church says:

    i just received my trial issue yesterday. the magazine is presented in such an artistic, natural way that i find very appealing. there are many informative articles also. most of all, it is a happy magazine!

  9. Stephanie Smith says:

    Mary Janes Farm inspires me because it brings me back to a simple time when I was a little girl and life was like a box of chocolates you never knew what you were gonna get, what adventures might be waiting . Whether it be exploring in the fields ,climbing trees, collecting fresh vegetables and anxiously waiting for those young sprouts to come up that were just planted a few short weeks ago.If only we all could learn from Jane to appreciate what god has given us, to embrace it and cherish it. planting a seed and watching it grow is a simple thing that has such a big impact on future generations. It builds character in children and teaches them something about themselves. Its the simple things that build integrity. Plant a seed reep the rewards.

  10. Dawn says:

    MaryJanesFarm had inspired me to eat healthier foods and live a simpler lifestyle.

  11. MaryJanesFarm inspires me to look at world differently, to feel inspired to change it where I can and to have a go at doing things for myself.

  12. Dina Hennessey says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm magazine inspires me to try new and different things each and every issue I receive. I look so forward to receiving this and then planning out how and when I am going to try new things. Absolutely love this magazine!

  13. Judy Leddy says:

    I was initially somewhat hesitant about all the “girl” stuff. Then I realized that underneath the exterior……I am a farm girl at heart. I was meant to find Mary Jane’s Farm (tho’ I can’t remember how!) and am glad I did. There is a lot to be said for sharing with those who get you and don’t look at you like you have things growing out of your head!!! I can’t wait to start quilting again……I have missed it.

  14. Tereza says:

    MaryJanesFarm inspires me to stay connected with nature and others. I grew up on a farm eating healthy foods and breathing clean mountain air. Both grandmothers were quilters and I am carrying on the tradition. I am a librarian and would love to add this resource to my collection to share with others. I have always believed what you send out into the universe is what you will receive back. Thank you for this uplifting publication.

  15. Dee L. says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm reminds me of the life I lived growing up in the southern Flint Hills of Kansas. Reading the stories are very much like the times I attended the Home Extension Unit meetings with my Mom and our women neighbors. They would share new ideas with each other with their “lessons” once a month, perhaps a healthy recipe, or a sewing project.

  16. Bridgette Potter says:

    Mary Janes Farm inspires me to keep my dreams and to work for them. I grew up in the country but after staying in the dorms at college and now an apartment in town I really miss the harmony and having ground to plant in. One day!

  17. Marty Wright says:

    Just recently saw the Farm Girl Vintage online and fell in love. I began searching to find it and whoopy, here it is . Toss my name in the hat, I would just loooove to win.

  18. Kathleen Morrison says:

    Your magazine inspires me to bring back my younger years living in Iowa. My Grandmother Hout was a farmers wife and the mother of 7 children. She was always saving every bit of fabric to piece quilts. When I would spend summers with her we would gather eggs from the hen house, dig potatoes from the garden, sew doll clothes for my favorite dolls, can vegetables, make jam, and so much more. Your magazine brings back so many memories for me. I love, love the articles and look forward to every months issue. I am a avid quilter and would certainly put the “The Farm Girl Vintage” quilt book to good use.

  19. Becky Bradshaw says:

    MaryJane’sFarm brings me back to my childhood living in small towns and raised by parents who grew up on the farm. It inspires me to share memories of Saturday night baths in the washtub in front of the enamel wood burning cook stove at Grandma’s on the farm and dipping a ladle into a enamel pan to get a cool drink of water. Such less complicated times!

  20. Beth Shirk says:

    Mary Janes Farm inspires me to grow organically. I miss gardening with my grandfather. Plus, it kindles my creative spirit. I can’t wait to put more of a vintage style spin on my sugar panoramic Easter eggs for the coming spring. I shared the magazine with my mom and she loved it. I’m giving her a subscription for Christmas!

  21. Betsy Vanek says:

    Mary Jane’s always instills pride in my accomplishments and the will to do more in a beautiful way. Thanks so very much.

  22. Dorothy Nootbaar says:

    I never realized that I have an inner farm girl until I started reading the magazine. Now have a balcony for a farm and lots of DIY projects including homemade toothpaste and detergent because not only am I a farmgirl but I’m also a creative girl!

  23. Bethany says:

    I had gotten the Mary Jane Stitchery book which inspired me to make the pin cushion atop A mason jar. Very cute. Would love the quilt book.

  24. JACQUIE WEGER says:

    Mostly Mary Jane’s Farm is inspiring me to eat more organically and live more simply. I have just started to research ‘heirloom organic gardening’ and can’t wait to give it a try next year. Any tips and pointers would be greatly appreciated.

  25. Janet says:

    I think I was born in the wrong time and place. Maryjanesfarm helps me channel my inner farmgirl.

  26. Junebug says:

    Maryjane Farms has brought me back to my roots and contentment. I’ve been a true Farmgirl at heart, being raised on a dairy farm. But was not willing to admit my past among new friends. This all started with moving from the country to the city. Well, I’m still live in town but since joining the MaryJame Farm family I am proud to say I’m a Farmgirl!!

  27. Christine Erdman says:

    I am new to this group of Farm Girl women and Love this magazine and became a Farm Girl Sister. I can’t wait for a new magazine to come out. I love all the endless possibilities of new and creative things to do and learn. It is great to have a whole team of women who have the same interests.

  28. Jona Newcomb says:

    I Love Love Love your magazine!I,m a country girl living in the city, I have 2 horses, 3 dogs and 2 chickens which are new to me, (They are actually at the pre school that at teach at and have lovingly become my responsibility) the chickens were inspired by you, and i just love them. I’m also a glamper and a quilter so your magazine is a one stop shop for me. I myself do not have a trailer but my best girlfriend Penny does, the name of our I say our because we always glamp together is Scrap Happy, it has quilt blocks painted by you know who on the outside and Penny did an awesome job redecorating the inside for our two week trip to Sisters Oregon for the infamous quilt walk they hold each July. We had a blast !We brought along our vintage sewing machines, and quilted along the way. I live in San Diego area of California. I’ve never been on a blog,and I don’t do facebook, but you have inspired me to step out of my comfort zone yet again and try something new. I enjoyed reading the article on Farm Girl Vintage {come and stitch a spell) Id love a chance to win this book, if I do ill try and keep up with them on the blog making the quilt. Thanks for your magazine, im looking into signing up for the farm girl sisterhood

  29. Therese Clouse says:

    MaryJanesFarm inspires me to go to my sewing room and use up all the vintage fabric I have, creating cute aprons and lovely quilts for my granddaughters.

  30. Cheri Schorr says:

    MJF inspires me to put some homemade handcrafted beauty in my family’s and my life. I love the recipes, the craft ideas, the garden inspiration.

  31. Judy Koler says:

    I picked up this magazine at the free stand at the public library. It is pretty fascinating. I grew up in Iowa and close to farming. I could become a Farm Girl.

  32. Christine says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm hasn’t been part of my world very long, but the first issue I stumbled across really did change my life. We have annual health screenings at work and usually my numbers are high. Before this year’s screening, I’d read about the advantages of taking Omega-3 to help with mental function and started taking it. My health coach was really impressed when she saw my numbers this year – all in normal range and I’d lost weight. She asked me if my doctor had told me to start taking it and I said “no, it was Mary Jane’s Farm.” Thanks so much for all your creativity and for helping me get healthier!

  33. Heather (nndairy) says:

    Mary Jane’s farm has inspired me to be true to myself. I enjoy doing many things that I’m not very good at or people think I’m a little different for doing. Through Mary Jane’s farm I’ve met many wonderful ladies that are like me. They appreciate the things I’m trying my hand at (like mail art or crocheting) even though I’m not the best at it. They support me and lift me up when I’m feeling discouraged. I’m so happy to be a part of Mary Jane’s farm!!!

  34. Carol McGuire says:

    Read it from cover to cover, from gardening to medical advice, and of course quilting, it is my favorite read!!

  35. Pingback: WINNER!!! Giveaway: “Farm Girl Vintage, The Experiment” | Raising Jane Journal

  36. Brenda Winskey says:

    I have only received two issues of Mary Janes Farm and have read both of them from front to back. Also, I find myself anxious for the next issue to come. I grew up on the farm my Mother grew up on, but it was not in the farming process then as my grandfather (her Dad) was ill several years before he died (when I was six). He was a self-sustaining farmer, growing all the food for the family and raising cows and pigs. Mary Janes Farm helps me venture back in time to imagine and realize how “rich-in-life” they were and to be thankful for what my mother and grandmother passed on to me.

  37. Rosemarie Klim says:

    Mary Jane …has given me the values of when I grew up…..The days gone by, but never forgoten. as viewed. In each issue of everyday lives in Mary Jane Farm. …,

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