Giveaway: “Farm Girl Vintage, The Experiment”

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, “The Experiment” (on newsstands July 14), we led you here to my daily journal for a chance to win a free copy of the quilting book, Farm Girl Vintage, by Lori Holt.

Rooted in sweet remembrance of childhood days on her family’s farm, Lori’s Farm Girl Vintage boasts a bumper crop of farm-fresh projects, including nearly 50 quilt blocks with ultra-cute designs like Mama Hen, Apron Strings, Milking Day, Baby Chick, and Pie Cherries, whose step-by-step instructions you’ll find inside the book. And that fabulous quilt on the cover? It’s Lori’s signature Farm Girl Sampler Quilt, comprised of 45 of Lori’s blocks. You’ll also find instructions for more quilts, table runners, and potholders. Find even more inspiration on Lori’s blog at

For a chance to win a free copy of Farm Girl Vintage, tell me how MaryJanesFarm inspires you in the comments below. We’ll toss your name in a hat and draw one lucky winner in mid-September, when the Aug/Sept issue expires on newsstands. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways!

If you’re not yet a subscriber to MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for just $19.95 for one year.

  1. Mary Beth Schwarz says:

    MaryJanesFarm inspires me by showing all the things Farmgirls can do even though I live in a city with a garden. There are always new crafts and recipes to try. THANKS! MB

  2. terry steinmetz says:

    MaryJane’sFarm inspires me to try things that I’ve always wanted to do but was afraid to do. I’ve come to know & do more than I thought possible. I had a good start before I “met” MJF but now I go the extra mile! Thanks for all the encouragement!

  3. Winnie Nielsen says:

    MaryJanesFarm has inspired me to learn about new things with badge work, follow-up on personal interests I did not have time for before retirement, spend time doing crafts again in my life, and reach out to new friends in our online community. The whole experience has enhanced and changed my life in many new and exciting ways!

  4. Robin Darling says:

    MaryJane’s Farm has encouraged me to be kind and loving toward other human beings and animals! I have always endeavored to be such a person, but your magazine helps enforce that even more!

  5. shawna m says:

    MaryJanesFarm inspires me to stretch myself in areas I never thought I would. I am inspired to work harder, treat the earth, myself, and others better. I am inspired to learn new things & challenge myself to be a better me.

  6. Stephanie Guevara says:

    MaryJanesFarm tells me that I am doing fine right at the level of Farmgirl that I am at, and this inspires me to do better and learn and try more!

  7. Candy C. says:

    MaryJanesFarm always inspires me with the stories, recipes, crafts, and the articles in the Newsroom. I also look forward to reading Rebekah’s articles every month and particularly enjoyed this month’s article on biodynamics.

  8. Molly Welsh says:

    I am often inspired by the lovely items others make. It gives me ideas of the things I might make myself. It is so nice to have people who think like I do.

  9. Chrissy says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm continues to highlight individual efforts made toward healthy growing and informs us also of dangers of use of some (now) everyday items, i.e. fake sweeteners, cleaners.

  10. Lisa A says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm helps me to remember simpler is better. Not in a derogatory sense, but simple pleasures, simple and fresh ingredients in our food choices, family time, etc. Thank you!

  11. Marcy says:

    I don’t even know where to begin with this. I used to feel iike such an outsider, that there was something wrong with me. I always seemed to like things that others didn’t such as crafting, baking, the farm way of life (even though I do not have a farm I DO plan on having one some day) If I would talk about wanting chickens or goats I would always be looked at as i had a screw loose somewhere or something. And then I found MaryJanes! I immediately felt right at home. as if I finally found a place I could belong and just be myself. I couldn’t believe that I had found a group of amazing women who actually liked the same things that I did. I changed me and continues to inspire me every day.

  12. Nancy Coughlin says:

    Mary Janes Farm, inspires me to get up and do. Each time I have done that and gone on to complete a long-delayed project, I feel 10 feet tall! This has special meaning for me as I approach my 74th birthday later this week. Eacj issue has an idea or a quote that motivates me and I bless you for it. It would be easier to sit back and watch the world go by, but if I did that I would accomplish nothing. Even if what I do is a ‘little’ thing, it is in the doing that we are helping the world and all who live in it.

  13. Rachel Hay says:

    Simplify. Re-purpose. Create.

  14. Leisa Wiggley says:

    I have no idea where to start, I love everything about Mary Jane Farm. Inspires me with projects, gardening and nature. Enjoy the simple things in life.

  15. Marti says:

    I have just recently found Mary Jane’s Farm. I am a 61 year old mother of two and grandmama to a sweet little boy. I was raised in the country, and have always been a farm girl at heart. I love the magazine, and have joined the farmgirl sisterhood. I can’t wait to get started earning my first badge. I love to knit, crochet, sew and have recently taken up spinning wool. Having Mary Janes’ magazine and access to the website is like having a new friend ……a friend with lots of great ideas. 🙂

  16. maggie says:

    I am inspired to know that anyone can be a farm girl even if they live in the city.

  17. Mari Hallen says:

    Every issue of your magazine inspires me to live more simply, find more local farmer’s markets (blessed here in central Virginia with many!) and try new things for being healthy in body and spirit! Every issue is a joy!!! Quilting – my favorite!!! Haven’t quilted in years, but love this book 🙂

  18. Jennafer Disbro says:

    Mary Janes farm inspires me to look for the beauty in the little things.

  19. Janet Duff says:

    MJF inspires me by reminding me to see the beauty in farming. I am also reminded to take time to put a feminine touch to everything around me. We have a beef farm and I forget to look beyond the work and problems that can arise and enjoy the lifestyle that I chose and love.

  20. Susan Boysen says:

    Maryjane’s Farm inspires in so many ways…crafting, cooking, health, adventures, camping, cleaning, community, and on and on and on! Thank you!!!

  21. Kathryn Rogers says:

    Mary Janes Farm has given me such inspiration, so many wonderful ideas. And a love of country life

  22. Heather Majernik says:

    MaryJanesFarm inspires me to stay true to my dream of a life that is slow (or at least slower) and homemade!

  23. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    Mary Janes Farm magazine has inspired me to be more creative and try new things. The magazine has inspired me to be an advocate for bees!

  24. Sandra says:

    Although I am too old to live the way I’ve dreamed of the past fifty years, I can still
    dream. Your magazine is one I wish I had when I was younger.

    Oh, well, I can still dream of what might have been. (I can still craft and cook, though)

    Keep publishing and I will keep subscribing!


  25. Kristi Cunningham says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me by showing that farm girls can do everything that farm boys can do, but in a classy apron!

  26. Doris Hall says:

    I am well “over the hill number 70”. My husband of 55 years and I devour every issue of Mary Janes Farm. We are both country/farm raised “oldies” and relive many articles MJ publishes. We are excited by so many young folks that are getting back to basic living and are inspired to encourage our 5 children and 15 grands to embrace the life style we were raised up in (ie: gardening, raising chickens, planting fruit trees, etc.). We still live this “old way”.

    We love all the farm girl bloggers. Keep up the wonderful, inspiring blogs.

  27. Carla Handshaw says:

    I am inspired by your magazine to cook more with better ingredients and of course to one day glamp like a girl with your cuter than anything camper! This quilt is the perfect addition to my perfect camper. Oh I hope I win! I will make it right away!!

  28. Michelle Birdsall says:

    I feel like Mary Janes Farm magazine was created just for me. I was raised in a city but had a farm girl heart. When my husband and I finally moved to the country, I discovered Mary Jane’s magazine. A magazine full of all that delights me! I am a full blood farm girl now that quilts, takes vegetables and bouquets to farmers market all summer long and have delightful flock of chickens that customers wait in line to purchase their beautiful eggs! Thanks Mary Jane for showing me I was not alone in my farm girl heart! Don’t change a thing about your magazine! It is delightful!!!

  29. jaylyn m says:

    I get really excited to try out a lot of the DIY projects. Right now I’m gathering the ingredients for some homemade beauty things that were featured in a past issue. I’m also inspired by Mary Jane to keep growing my hair long until I am a grammy! What a beautiful lady 🙂

  30. Sylvia Jacobus says:

    This book is amazing. I was so excited when I saw it and got one. We formed a quilting group just to do the projects in this book. Her choice of fabrics is so charming. Was I surprised to see it in our Mary Jane Farm magazine? Nope! It so fits our lifestyle and tastes. And, the projects are so versatile. Anyone who wins this will love it!

  31. Tina Frank says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me to slow down and focus on everyday pleasures. I love to quilt so this nostalgic book looks fascinating.

  32. Tammy says:

    How does this magazine and website inspire me ? Well, daily you give me a boost to keep going. To keep trying new things. To stretch myself past just my family and on to others who could just use a hand.

  33. Dawn says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me by seeing all of the power of us farmgirl types who are not afraid to muck stalls, as we sport colorful nail colors, then cook up dinner for the husband, take care of the family and balance all of the demands in life like the super women we are.

  34. Christina Baxter says:

    Every issue of MJF leaves me going back again and again to review/ponder issues or ideas brought to the forefront as only you can! Evolving from a city dweller raised near downtown LA, I finally escaped to western NC and found the true mountain farm girl I am. Thank you Mary Jane for sharing your pluck and perseverance, I found out what I can do/be with soooo much help in the pages of your mag. Canning, quilting, sewing, gardening, the list goes on and on. And the news–I first heard about pink slime in our meat in your pages–bravo! Keep up the good work, it is truly magic.

  35. Susan Deveaux says:

    I am inspired to embroder and quilt more…and garden for my family !!

  36. Jennie Stratton says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm inspires me in a thousand different ways, so it’s next to impossible to whittle it down to one, but I’d have to say that this magazine inspires me to get OUTSIDE more. Get out into nature, whether it’s gardening, camping, hiking, outdoor crafts, or just standing on your own front door step feeling the evening breeze after a long, hot day. It’s truly a magazine that inspires me to appreciate and get out in all of the seasons. Much love!!

  37. Jada Sharp says:

    I am inspired to try new things in my home and outside! The magazine always makes me feel so happy! I have always wanted to learn how to sew and have requested a sewing machine from my husband for my birthday!

  38. Dianna says:

    MaryJane’s Farm inspires me to find more “ME” time. I am always doing things for others and don’t seem to have time for my own self and “stuff”. I make my own laundry soap, can, quilt, sew, cook, do woodworking, and have two grandsons for the summer.

  39. teri saxton says:

    I love MaryJanes Farm magazine. I have rediscovered gardening, flowered, and healthy cooking. My parents would be so proud!!

  40. Christy Craver says:

    MJF inspires me to try to live a simpler and better life. More isn’t always better. Ienjoy all the articles.

  41. Lydia bush says:

    your magazine inspires me to take an extra step and reach for my dreams….my beautiful chickens with assorted colored eggs, a small sewing project, a new recipe all very pleasing for those days off….

  42. Ann Miller says:

    I enjoy reading how people can make a difference organically and not harm the environment. Learning new recipes love the stories.

  43. Betty Denbo says:

    The quilt patterns are so cute they make me want to piece them and do nothing else!

  44. Kathy Dickson says:

    MaryJanesFarm is candy for the eyes and soul. Each issue lets me reminisce the old days, gives me ideas for today, and projects to do tomorrow. I’ve learned new things (like making pillow cases) and found many new recipes that will be a part of our family favorites. I get to dream about glamping, get excited about quilting again and feel a kindred spirit with other sisters who enjoy a simpler yet beautiful life. Being a farm girl with my favorite pet chickens is something to crow about!

  45. Ramona Puckett says:

    Mary Janes Farm is such a inspiration to not only me but my daughters. I share with them the knowledge of natural and organic methods, the great recipes, the crafts (I am getting ready to do the gelli craft, that looks like so much fun!), I am a beginning quilter and I would love to have this book! Thank you so much, Mary Jane, for all that you do for us! It is much appreciated.

  46. Bethany says:

    MaryJanes Farm Inspires me to continue to eat healthy and use natural and organic products. I love living chemical free!!

  47. donna shearrer says:

    Your magazine is always a wealth of exciting info! I’m a city girl, but there’s something about the farm life that captures my heart. I’ve had my eye on this book! I’m always inspired to live greener, buy more organic than I already do and do more diy. God bless.

  48. Julie says:

    MaryJanesFarm inspires me to remember the day-to-day activities I watched my grandmother and great grandmother complete and to get back in touch with my country farm girl roots even though I live in a big city. It reminds me that there is beauty and peace in simplicity.

  49. marie sierra says:

    MJF inspires me to try one thing per issue that will bring me closer to my goals as a responsible human guest of this planet!

  50. MaryJanesFarm is my secret ally in facing the outside world. When everyone else is too busy texting and emailing to even live an authentic life, I can turn to these pages of beauty and poetry of a life well lived. It keeps me grounded, and reminds me that I too am living my own dream of growing organic heirloom veggies and flowers and saving their seeds and sharing them with so many other fellow gardeners countrywide. When they write me and gush about how those seeds have helped them to get back to land, feed their children healthily and preserve the best of the past, I know I am doing the right thing indeed. MaryJanesfarm gives me the strength to keep at it, and reminds me of all the other women doing the same. Thank you MaryJane for bringing that beauty and simplicity to our homes!

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