In the last two pages of our children’s book, Moo-n Over Main Street Metropolis, we created a project for kids so they can have their very own Jersey cow. All they have to do is make a color copy of the cow, Sally O’Mally, in the book onto cardstock, write their cow’s name on her pinafore, cut her out, take a photo of the two of them together, and mail or e-mail it to us. We’ve posted some of the photos on our website.
Here’s a glimpse of Dolly Anna and Gladys Pippi on their first trip with us.
I love the idea of paper doll cows. Next up is to draw some changes of clothing for them to do barn chores in. They need coveralls,wells, and plaid shirts don’t you think? I used to have a set of paper doll horses that lived in a shoe box barn. I made all sorts of horse blankets and leg wraps for just about every occasion, including Halloween and Christmas outfits.
Why, thank you for solving the “what to get for my darling 8 year old grandgirl’s upcoming birthday” riddle!
What a fun idea for kiddos . . . and adults too, if they are so inclined!
I won’t be “adopting” any cows though. We own some Longhorns and are trying to get out of the cow business. This morning I had to go round up a wandering steer, pushing my way through rabbitbrush, sagebrush, climbing over barbed wire fences, crossing the creek (first time on branches that a beaver had put down, second time I had just to wade through the water) and encouraging my dog, Bramble, to “get him”. She happens to be an Australian cow dog so she has the “get ’em” instincts. We got him back to the pasture but Bramble was a mucky mess, my feet and shoes were soaked through and a bit mucky, I had cuts from barbed wire, scratches from the brush and I was ready to give him “what for”. He’s on the schedule on to be butchered in abaout 3 1/2 weeks . . . hope we can hold out that long!
I think you should definitely name this one; how about Hobo Stew? He was probably trying to get a ride on the rails.
wow CJ I always love your posts- to me you are a genuine cowgirl!! my country life seems so tame compared to yours
Hi Meg,
My grand-girls love theirs. They keep them at my house. They said, “They belong at the farm, Gram”! So tonight I was vacuuming in the guest bedroom and when I went to vacuum behind the door, there they were! Standing there where the little girls had left them.
I love them… I think it is the cutest idea ever.
And of course, we love your book!
– Dori –
My Granddaughter, Lily June is 6 months old, she loves books already! I’m on my way to order this wonderful book! I loved paper dolls as a child!
Those are so cute! I want one too Mary Jane. Could you post the cow paper doll for us tomorrow?