The Boston Red Sox hit one out of the park.
But this home run wasn’t hit on the well-known diamond at the oldest baseball stadium in the country, Boston’s Fenway Park, which my daughter and her family just happened to visit last summer.
Think higher. The next time you watch a Red Sox pop fly soar high into the sky, take a gander at the stadium rooftop. That’s where Fenway Park’s new urban garden grows. Fenway Farms made its debut this summer, sporting 5,000 sq. ft. of garden rows that will produce more than 4,000 lbs of organic produce each year. The produce will be used at Fenway Park’s concession stands and restaurants during events, and also provide tools to educate local kids about healthy eating and environmental stewardship, giving the term “farm team” a whole new meaning.

Talk about a grand slam!
This is so cool! Don’t you just love it when people get creative and shake things up?
The wave of the future is rooftop gardening in urban areas, kudos for them.
Wow, that is a grand slam for growing and eating local! Rooftop gardens are becoming a big thing…Baker Creek’s Heirloom Gardeners magazine has had several articles on rooftop growing…what a great use of space! I love to garden and belong to kitchen gardeners international…a group dedicated to gardeners around the world…to help teach that you can garden anywhere! I have a girlfriend who gardens on her tiny apt. balcony…..tomatoes, herbs, and flowers…but, on top of her apt. building is a huge roof top garden, which is wonderful….hmm…my rooftop on my tiny cape cod house is like the top of the letter “A”…but, I do have an acre of yard and a lot of gardens…and, I am afraid of heights….no climbing up my roof….
Great looking family Meg. Glad you had some baseball fun.
How awesome is this. It’s amazing what people can do with growing gardens on roof tops. I love that they plan on using the produce in their concession stands and restaurants. This would be a good way to promote healthy eating among their fans. What do you suppose will happen with the traditional game day hot dog? It’s also nice that they plan to involve children in the process and help them learn the importance of eating healthy at a young age. I hope this will inspire others that live in urban areas to grow gardens themselves. Even if that means on their roof top!
I love this! What a neat ( beautifully planted ) roof-top garden! Missed seeing Meg and family this time around, ( we were on vacation too ) but it’s so great to see they had fun in bean town and discovered Fenway Farms!
Hugs to all,