And our winner is … Nikki Hurlbut (see winner’s post here).
Original post:
For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me the name of your milk cow (even if it’s still only a fantasy) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.
My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.
Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
I’ve been thinking for the past couple of years to get a milk cow and when I do, I will name her Penelope!
I would name my milk cow, Leah, because she would have “soft eyes.” One of our daughters lives on a big cattle ranch in Wyoming, where she and her husband are raising their 5 children, and over 200 Herefords, and a milk cow. Thank you for all your great ideas and inspiration, Mary Jane!
Your book reminds me of my mom and the cows she always talks about that live across the street from her house. She said if she had one it would be her ” Daisy Mae”.
Eloise will be the name of my future cow. We are searching for a small farm so I can fulfill my dream of having a Jersey cow named Eloise.
I have just retired and started taking Mary Janes Farm. I am so excited to get back to what I love to do. We are building the retirement barn, brought my horse Sam home, and my three hens, Louise, Katie, and Reba, are in their new coop laying every day, even in the winter. So well done girls! My future milk cows will be named Sweet Pea and Iris.
The best is yet to come! I can not wait to read this new book. It will be on the coffee table for all to see.
Thank you all, for encouraging our country gal dreams!! It is truly such joy to get each new magazine. I have sent a subscription to our daughters.
Most thankful,
I don’t have a cow-yet, but I am getting closer. We are trying to bring back to life the little house my grandpa built( where my dad was born). It’s coming along and there are cows “down the road”, so I am closer than I was! I want to name her Memory.
I don’t have one (renting and no land). But in my dreams she is called Clementine, as in “Oh my darling Clementine”.
Hands down, Bessie after my husband’s grandmother. She was a sweet woman always smiling and loved clabbered milk. She made some wonderful butter and we had fresh cream for our coffee from her cow. Milk Cow Kitchen would have been her favorite book with all the wonderful dairy recipes. I would be delighted to win this book.
My fantasy cow would be called Jersey for her breed
Betsy. Can you really raise a family milk cow on an acre or less?
Her name would be Daisy of course!
I would name my dairy cow Daisy. Not very original, but it is just how I see her!
Her name would be Ellie!
I do not have a cow presently but we will be starting our homestead before the year is out.. So far we have 4 hens and 1 rooster, 1 mouser cat and have been debating about a milking goat vs. a milking cow. Trying to do as much homework in advance to make a good solid decision. I am sure your book is a treasure trove of great info and I would love to win it!
As far as a name, I probably would choose Rosemary as that is one of my favorite herbs to grow.
We have a farm n Virginia with Herefords and black angus. I think the jersey cows are so pretty. I like the name Talulu for my dear future cow.
My father had over 40 Holstein milking cows and he named each one. I don’t think those records survive, but I would name mine Lulu if I had one.
My someday cow will be named Sunshine!!
My cow is Melvina Lucinda. She likes Mellie best.
Oh. Hrm how about Gertrude ?