GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, Hearts a-Flutter”

And our winner is … Nikki Hurlbut (see winner’s post here).

Original post:
For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me the name of your milk cow (even if it’s still only a fantasy) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Alyce Kremer says:

    Skye is my Jersey/Hereford milk cow.

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    This book is a must have even if you are a city dweller. There are recipes for using milk and making them most delicious things. Plus, the photos are beautiful and inspiring like all of MaryJane’s book. If you love to sew, there are adorable prints in her store to match some of the graphics of the book too! This would be an awesome gift for yourself or anyone who loves fresh, tasty and beautiful.

  3. Lisa A says:

    Bossy. When I was a kid, my grandpa called his cows saying “come boss, bossy, bossy, bossy, bossy”!

  4. CJ Armstrong says:

    I don’t currently have a MILK cow, but when I did, my favorite was a Jersey named “Lucy”. Why that name? Because when you looked her straight in the face, with her reddish tufts of hair and big eyes, she reminded of Lucille Ball!

    Our current cows are Longhorns and they aren’t milk cows, but my favorite is the youngest heifer calf, born in May of this year and her name is “Beautiful”. She truly is beautiful with very unusual markings!

  5. Deon Matzen says:

    My virtual milk cow is “Bossy.” I purchase milk and make ricotta, yogurt and from the cream we make creme fraiche. Delicious. I hope that I can also find some fresh goat’s milk to make chevre as well, but that is in the future. For the time being Bossy will have to do. We have always had beef cattle, never a milk cow, though we have bought lots of raw milk.

  6. Sara Knight says:

    I don’t have a cow now but as a child we had Bossy. Guess back then most cows were called Bossy. If by chance I would somehow acquire one I would name her after one of my favorite herbs, ‘Sweet Annie’.

  7. Meredith Hinds says:

    I dont have one but I would name mine Daisy…maybe some day! 🙂

  8. Nikki Hurlbut says:

    My (fantasy) milk cow’s name is Myrtle. I am a young mother to 4 so hopefully one of these days we’ll be able to have one of our own!!

  9. Sue Carrero says:

    Buttercup of course!!

  10. Christina says:

    Paisley! I would have to have a Jersey cow because of the cream. Oh how I love cream, perfect in coffee and tea. I love to make homemade whipped topping, the kids love it, it’s great in hot chocolate.
    I can’t wait to get this book, whether I win it or buy it. I love all Mary Jane’s books! Thanks for the chance to win. Have a Merry Christmas all of you!

  11. Vicki Campbell says:

    Olivia is my someday milk cow. She’s the most gentle and good natured milker around 🙂

  12. Teri Schneider says:

    Many, many years ago we had cows. I wanted to name one of them “Curdle” but my husband didn’t think that was funny. They ended up getting traditional names like Bossy. Miss having them around!

  13. Lisa B says:

    Well, I don’t personally have the space (though one day I hope to!) One of my Farm Girl Besties has a lovely lady named Lou Lou who currently provides our lovely raw milk 🙂 Her Jersey Girl Cha Cha passed on almost 2 years ago, I love both their names and appreciate their hard work for us! 🙂

  14. Karen says:

    My cow would be named Maybelle. One day she will be real.

  15. Mary johnson says:

    I don’t have a milk cow, someday that’s something that’s on my bucket list. But I would like a couple. I love Christmas time so there names would be chestnut and fig.

  16. CJ LaRose says:

    My milk cow’s name is Betty Lou.

  17. Marci Dodd says:

    My 4-H dairy cow was named Sherita.

  18. Gaye says:

    I don’t have her yet but my first would be named Bessie of course!

  19. Rebecca says:

    I live on a farm that had milk cows. The one that I was in charge of was called Betsy. It was my first interaction with a milk cow and I shall always remember the closeness I developed with Betsy as a young girl of 13.

  20. Cathy R says:

    This is fun! Seems like we played this game before and I can’t remember what I wrote so I asked my husband what he would name a cow and he said Utter Delight! HA! Merry Christmas!

  21. Sheryle G says:

    I have a goat I milk named Weezy.

  22. Charla Kennedy says:

    Don’t have a milk cow as of yet. When I do get one I shall name her Cocoa. My grandkids are always asking for chocolate milk. I really need to get a cow. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.

  23. Camela says:

    If and when I get one would love Bessie! Someday I hope!

  24. Micki says:

    If I had a Cow her name would be something cutesy like Buttercup or Moolissa I guess it would depend on her looks and traits!

  25. Sandra Seymour says:

    I would call my cow Bessie after my mother be caused she got teased about her name. Bessie the Heffer queen of all the cows.

  26. Queenie, She was my uncle’s cow. We always enjoyed going to see her.

  27. Dianne Heins says:

    Bessie—-and I loved her and the fresh milk she gave our family!!!

  28. KayC Butler says:

    I want a cow so much. Working on getting one for our small farm. I have decided which breed yet. I believe I would name her Elsie.

  29. Donna Stone says:

    I would love to have a milk cow but can’t, so if I could I would name her MJ for my favorite magazine. MaryJanes Farm.Thanks for all you do.

  30. Annette Carpenter says:

    Her name will be Tennessee..

  31. Cristy Marxsen says:

    Someday I’ll have a cow with the name of Newhope. It was on a class fieldtrip with Newhope Elementary that I saw my first cow, so the name seems appropriate.

  32. Cristi says:

    If I had a milk cow I would call her Dotty, short for Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.

  33. Cathryn Harjung says:

    My future cow will be named Elsie.

  34. Debi Reimers says:

    Cows name is Daisy Duke

  35. January G. says:

    MooMoo.Like MoMo,with an ooh.
    (The whole thought just tickles me.)
    My hubby was raised on a farm, im so excited to start a hobby farm of our own one day soon.

  36. Phoebe Baker says:

    Delilah or May Bell 😊

  37. Jean Nakano says:

    My fantasy cow’s name is “Sweetie.”

  38. Marion O'Neill says:

    Buttercup is my fantasy cow.

  39. Janice Ward says:

    My cows name was Baby. I miss her however my Hubby’s promised me a new jersey! I may name her Clemintine.

  40. Sherrie says:

    My milk cow’s name ….Myrtle

  41. Joan H says:

    I would name my girl Elsie!

  42. Brenda says:

    Phillamina Cowell 😍

  43. Jill Yelland-DeMooy says:

    I would name a cow Lindy Lou after the heifer I had back when I was in 4-H.

  44. Sandy says:

    I would name her caramel.

  45. Sarah Roundy says:

    Two beautiful girls named Honey and Taffy 🙂

  46. Virginia Meyer says:

    As a young girl growing up, my mom would tell me stories of her brothers and sisters, working in the barn, milking the cows by hand, and singing their favorite hymns from church. Singing you see, because there was no such thing as ipods, nor was there a radio, and singing would keep the cows calm as you milked them. And yes, she had her two favorites, Bessy and Bossy, wouldn’t you know. I always loved to hear mom tell her stories, of how her siblings, (there were 7 of them all together), would love to squirt each other when one of them would walk by. Or how, if you weren’t careful, you could get swatted in the face with a cow tail that had “muck and gunk” on it. (And you know what I mean by “muck and gunk” if you grew up on a farm!)
    I’ve heard my mom and her siblings sing together, and let me tell you, those cows really got a concert! Man can they sing!

  47. Gina says:

    My milk-cows-to-be are twins, Anna and Elsa..named by my three daughters who of course love Frozen!

  48. Angela Kapitanski says:

    Our milk cow Vivian Lee is a short legged Irish Dexter. We Love her and her baby Jubilee Sooo much!

  49. Debbie Christin says:

    If I had a milk cow, her name would be Abby. That is a grand name for a sweet cow that provides such sweet, nurturing milk to all the little children and cream to my coffee!

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