A good sense of humor can go a long way toward combating the doldrums of a dreary winter.
That’s why I want to share this funny story about some wise-cracking residents of the city of Minneapolis. Residents there are creating statuaries of frozen pants around the city.
It all started a few years ago when Minnesota suffered at the hands of what is called a Polar Vortex, which left the city with dangerously cold temperatures for weeks on end.

photo by Frank Kovalchek via Wikimedia Commons
To lighten the mood, local resident Tom Grotting decided to pull a prank. He soaked a pair of jeans in water and then hung them outside. As they were freezing, he shaped the pants to look like a person was wearing them and then placed them in public locations around his neighborhood.

Photo: Heidi Wigdahl, KARE
Now he’s doing it every winter, leaving pants busting through sidewalk snowdrifts and standing in front of coffee shops, and he’s gaining accomplices. Since then, others are taking up the prank in the name of winter fun and frozen pants are appearing all around the city. Tom says he does it mostly to bring a smile to the face of his neighbor, who doesn’t care much for winter. That’s definitely a RAOK in our book!
What a clever and fun idea for this often frigid city. It just shows the good humor of the people Garrison Keelior’s “Lake Woebegone”.
put this link in your browser, sorry, couldn’t make the image show up here
this was posted on our local weather page.
local amish snow humor – Amish cant have bikes but can have scooters
I love the idea, and, Lisa, your Amish one is so much fun! And I didn’t know they could ride scooters but not bikes..
Yeah they can’t go faster than a horse their Bishops say. And it looks so humorous to see full grown men with long grey beards on scooters.
How fun! Reminds me of when I was growing up we had to hang the laundry outside no matter the weather and, of course, it froze. Then we’d have to bring it in and hang it around the house to thaw and finish drying. I never understood what my mom was thinking! 😀
But isn’t it crazy how soft the clothes get after being frozen?!?
How funny! I would love to see some of those pants around my town. This is a good way to get a laugh on those gloomy winter days. Lisa, that picture is funny. I wasn’t aware they couldn’t ride bikes either.
I”ll have to keep this in mind for our next snowy frozen winter!