GIVEAWAY: “Liberty Quilt, Fresh Egg Overture”

For a chance to win this beautiful MaryJane’s Home “Liberty Quilt,” tell me your favorite place to take a nap in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-July.


Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Kimberly Bovee says:

    My favorite place to nap here in the desert of Arizona, is under the orange trees, in the grass, next to the garden looking at our orchard and the mountains. I sleep in a reclining patio chair with the sun warming my face.

  2. Mary Arntson says:

    Love to snuggle up with a homemade quilt on our deck.

  3. Judy Johnson says:

    On my cabin porch is the summer ! Love the quilt

  4. Ellen Floyd says:

    I rarely nap but my seven year old granddaughter, Madison, took a nap in the hay room in our barn one afternoon while waiting for her daddy to come and pick her up and her twin sister Samantha. It was a great place for a Sunday afternoon nap!

  5. Debra Byam says:

    I don’t take naps very often but when I do I like to take one on our porch in our swing or if it’s in the winter I usually end up in the recliner. This is my last magazine and I love it so I have to renew again.
    Even my husband will read this magazine and likes it. We live in town and are trying to move outside of town. We have bees so we sell honey and I make other stuff with the honey and I am looking a getting some chickens. I love them. Anybody have any advice about what are the best and so on. I live in southwestern Minnesota.

  6. bessie osborn says:

    my backyard is one of my favorite places to nap in my comfy swinging fabric chair. it is quiet back there and feels almost like country.

  7. I love to nap on a chaise lounge in the sun in my backyard where I listen to birds and my neighbor’s waterfall lulls me to sleep!

  8. Nicole shaw says:

    Cozy in a hammock 🙂

  9. Erin Casey says:

    My favorite place to nap is in my backyard on a hammock. I can look west and see the snow topped summits of the Bitterroot mountain range. The cats curl up under the hammock and as I gently rock back and forth, my foot brushes across a purring back. A large willow tree rises above me and I study the branches searching out a variety of birds including the chickadee, cedar waxwing, Clark’s nuthatch, and stellar jays. The occasional squabbling magpies often wake me from my reverie. Taking a deep breath of the clean mountain air, I am reminded of how blessed I am to live in this quiet little paradise.

  10. Jana Blackwood says:

    I love to take a nap on the sofa. My granddaughter and I snuggle with a soft blanket and her doll. Our time together is so special to me. She came along at a time when I was feeling pretty useless. Now I have someone to share my thoughts and ideas with.

  11. JOAN MYERS says:


  12. LaWanda says:

    I love taking a nap on our living room couch because I can see our beautiful vegetable garden we planted and the colorful birds coming to eat at the birdfeeders right outside the window.

  13. Kelly Higginbotham says:

    My favorite napping spot is in my over stuffed chair in my bedroom. I have my magazines on floor beside it. Your mags. are right on top. I have looked at so many mags. in my life time. LOOKED at. For some reason I have only read your magazine from front to back it is that good. I always share my magazines when tired of looking at them. Guess what? I will NOT turn loose of your magazines. My husband has retired and I bought him an over stuffed chair to nap with me. Guess what he loves your magazine also. I would so love to win the Quilt I love anything country. We live in the city and so wish we didn’t. LADIES! If you live in the country give thanks to the Father above. Because there are so many ladies who would do anything to live on a farm and do what you do. To have that sweet smell of grass and sunshine. Dirt between their toes. The sound of animals and the humming of a John Deer plowing fields. A country bell to let the love ones know something country good is on the table. A table you all eat at at once.

  14. Love to curl up on my couch w with one of my quilts.

  15. Deborah Phillips says:

    Afternoon naps are perfect in my swing on my covered porch especially during a spring or summer shower. I can watch and listen to our purple martins.

  16. Shari Veater says:

    I LOVE your magazine and look forward to each issue! I consider Mary Jane and her staff as friends!!

  17. Faith says:

    I love to go to the south patio & set just on the edge of the sunshine. The best medicine available for a tired mind or body.

  18. Patricia jeans says:

    My napping heaven takes place in the summer when we are camping. Nothing like be under a quilt and smelling the fresh outdoors.

  19. Lynne Gevirtz says:

    My favorite spot for napping is on my deck overlooking the creek and lake. I love to recline in my cushioned wicker chair and listen to the sounds of the birds and squirrels, the bees and hummingbirds and the squabbling of the ducks that come to feed on the lakefront lawn. Since the deck is partially covered I can snooze even in the rain; the sound of the raindrops pattering on the tin roof puts me right to sleep!

  20. Marion O'Neill says:

    I like to take a nap anyplace I can squeeze one in!

  21. Dawn Marie says:

    My favorite place to nap is floating in the pool on a warm summer day.

  22. Michele Z says:

    I am not much of a nap taker. I lay down and my mind goes crazy with everything that needs to be done. I love to doze out on our porch, listening to nature, with a barn kitty on my lap and my dog Ruby at my feet.

  23. Lori Lowe says:

    My favorite place to nap is in the room I have prepared for my grand children to use. Maybe it’s the slower pace involved in getting children ready for nap. Or, maybe it’s the children’s books I am required to read to them. Either way, by the time they are drifting off to sleep inevitably, so am I! The ritual takes me back to a different time and place, back to a simpler time if only in my memories. 🙂

  24. Amanda Yeary says:

    I love taking naps on our family room couch when it’s warm enough to have the windows open to get a good breeze through the room. It’s so peaceful to hear the rush of the leaves on the trees and the birds singing happily outdoors.

  25. Diana says:

    My favorite place to nap especially in the spring and fall when the breeze is crisp is on the patio in our hanging lounge chair wrapped in the afghan my Great Auntie Kate made. When the winter chill arrives I then cuddle up on the sofa in the warm sunshine.

  26. Josie Davis says:

    At my age, napping begins anywhere and at unexpected times. I love to nap in a hammock rocked by a warm summer breeze. I also have a window seat with a cushion that makes a great nap spot. When I recline in my favorite chair a nap is liable to happen instantly.

  27. Jan Kosinski says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in my recliner in the living room curled up under one of my quilts with my 3 year old grandson Easton. He’s quite the cuddler.

  28. Lynn Hand says:

    I have a lift chair that reclines almost all the way back. There, with my cat, is my favorite place to nap.

  29. Patricia Imhoff says:

    Sitting in my recliner reading a book with my cat.

  30. Claire Knodell says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in a comfortable chair at the beach in Oceanside, CA, breathing in the ocean breeze and hearing the relaxing waves.

  31. Kimi says:

    In our comfy chair, reclined, lap blanket, book in hand.

  32. Sara Bell says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in my bed with my four legged girls and cuddled up with my two legged girls. Waking up to seeing my feathered girls looking in on me from my bedroom windows and door to the outside.

  33. Joy says:

    The rare times I nap, I like to do so curled up on top of my neatly made bed with the window open to a cool breeze – and if I am really lucky, to the pitter patter of rain. Usually, I am snuggled up with one of my children because my best excuse for napping is to help them settle down to sleep.

  34. Dottie Cotterman says:

    On warm days I love to nap in my favorite lawn chair. I close my eyes and listen to all the sounds around me,the birds, the wind chimes, even the traffic going by. When the weather is cool there is nothing better than snuggled under my favorite blanket while sitting in the recliner. I don’t nap as often as I would like funny how work gets in the way of that. Napping is Definitely one of my favorite things.

  35. Dottie Cotterman says:

    Where ever I can find a comfortable spot….naps are one of my favorite indulgences.

  36. Dee Carter says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on my couch in our sun room IF I take a nap. Seems there is always something to be done around here and as long as I have the energy I have to keep going. Love being in my sewing-craft room, doing laundry and ironing, well you get the idea but the best thing is to be with my 2 youngest grandchildren. Maybe having a tea party or taking a walk. They are an hour away so have to pack as much in as possible!
    Thanks for a wonderful magazine!

  37. On the front porch swing

  38. Debra Locum says:

    I love napping in my husband’s arms. It doesn’t matter if we are inside or camping. GOD’s gracious blessing is family. I hope that this beautiful qulit goes to a momma that deserves it after a long day of chasing little ones around.

  39. My favorite place to nap is under the trees on a hammock with two of my cats who
    love to lay with me. Amber loves to sleep on top of my belly. When drifting off to sleep I hear
    all the different little birds singing their songs, my cats purring and the cool breeze
    blowing across us. I will also take my favorite copy of my MaryJanes Farm magazine with, but
    my one cat ends up sleeping on it next to me and Amber. This is my favorite peaceful tome out too.

  40. Cheryl Rondeau says:

    My favorite nap is on my new couch, curled up with a fabulous book, or back issues of Mary Jane’s Farm

  41. Kris says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on a warm, sandy beach with cool, salty breeze. When I’m not by the ocean a hammock in the yard.

  42. Karen says:

    My favorite place to nap is on the porch swing in the yard. Just enough sun and shade to make it comfortable and there is usually a breeze blowing so it just rocks you right to sleep.

  43. Rhonda Bowdy says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is curled up on my recliner covered with my Afghan. I’m usually cool because my husband has the A/C to cool. Good luck everyone.

  44. Sherry says:

    The best place to take a nap is in my favorite chair with all the windows open letting in all the wonderful smells from honey suckle trees and wild mountain roses that are in full bloom.

  45. Marilyn Horstmann says:

    My favorite napping place is on the backyard deck. I can hear the birds chirping and singing. I can smell the flowers and herbs. I can watch the small squirrels and chipmunks chasing each other and the butterflies and bees busy at work. The whole senerio is so relaxing that you can’t help but nap. It is a wonderful way to be refreshed.

  46. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    Sounds dull but I like to nap in my bed. The head is by the window so when there is a nice breeze blowing in it is heaven. Besides that I have ten children and it is nice to shut the door. 🙂

  47. Pam Tesch says:

    My favorite place to nap is in my mothers old leather recliner. She was diagnosed with liver cancer 20 years ago. She always said when she got money she was going to buy each of her children a leather recliner as they are so comfortable. Well she was not able to do that but we bought her a beautiful leather recliner to enjoy her last year of her life. My mother died at age 64. I paid my siblings back their share and then I got the recliner after she died. Over the years I had it fixed a couple of times but it is still a comfortable chair. It is so easy to fall asleep in that chair.

  48. Sandy Freyman says:

    I take a 2 hour napping reprieve in my high bed where my westie insists to follow on a Saturday afternoon. There , I can hear the clucking and quacks of all the girls and roosters outside my bedroom window, highlighted by the distant whiney of a horse or lowing of a cow.

  49. Amy Millis says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on my bed with the windows open to catch a breeze and hearing the birds singing.

  50. Carol Miner says:

    I don’t often nap, but recently moved to an old farm house in PA. which has extensive gardens. After putting up a greenhouse with my husband, I was tired. The quilt I brought outside to contain all the small parts looked inviting. The grass under the blanket was thick and that part of the yard has a gentle slope which makes it very comfortable. I closed my eyes in gratitude for my new surroundings and a good days work. Since then, it’s a favorite spot for picnics and just taking in the view.

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