GIVEAWAY: “Liberty Quilt, Fresh Egg Overture”

For a chance to win this beautiful MaryJane’s Home “Liberty Quilt,” tell me your favorite place to take a nap in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-July.


Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Donna Evans says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on the front porch, sitting in my rocking chair and listening to the sounds of nature.

  2. Janet Anderson says:

    I can nap any place I sit to read… and do as often as I can :o)

  3. Diana says:

    My favorite place to nap is in the comfort of my home. When all my chores are done, everyone is content and with a small breeze wafting through the windows.

  4. Anita Woodside says:

    I love to take a nap outdoors in a garden on a warm day, with a cool breeze wafting around me, birds chirping and the pleasant sound of water from sprinklers or a fountain nearby. Bliss!

  5. Aletha Engle says:

    My favorite place to nap is in a room in the top of our old barn . It’s especially nice when our rag doll cat (Oliver) comes to cuddle with me. He always purrs the same song. I think he might not know the words, but he smiles anyway.

  6. Wanda Bennett says:

    I love napping in my living room on my chair and a half snuggled up with one or both of our rescue dogs.

  7. Cindy Harris says:

    My favorite place to nap is in my recliner with my grandson sitting on my lap napping also. Second best spot on a warm day is on our back deck surrounded by nature at its finest.

  8. Jeri Hart says:

    My favorite place to take a nap was in the rolling hay field behind my parents cabin. The neighbors were farmers and had sheep that they would pasture in the adjoining 40. I would lay down and listen to the soft bleating of the lambs. Here an occasional bee buzz by, and watch the billowy clouds overhead naming the shapes of animals … I would close my eyes, and take in the earthy, sweet smells. I don’t know how much time had passed, but would hear my Moms voice calling somewhere in the distance. I’d slowly open my eyes… I would look up, aware of the change in the placement of the sun. The sheep were farther ( maybe heading back toward the barn) the breeze a little stronger and the air slightly cooler. Feeling refreshed I would head back to the woods and across the path to the cabin.
    That was 50 years ago… The sheep are gone but the fields remain… Thank you for taking me back to a place of peace, beauty and quiet rest !

  9. Sandy Worley says:

    When possible, I love to cozy up on our lounger on our covered patio & enjoy the scents of the flowers blooming at the patio’s edge. Along the roof line hang many birdhouses to watch the mama birds feeding their babies during the lucky times they pick our patio to raise their family. It’s so peaceful & rewarding. Our little “happy place”.

  10. Paula M Aliano says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on my “sky chair”, which hangs in a large ash tree in our back yard. I live in the mountains and watch the hummingbirds… Until I doze off.

  11. Robin Ivey says:

    My favorite place to nap is up on my bed, under a knitted multicolor cotton quilt I made years ago! My room is on the second floor, and since our home is SURROUNDED by trees, it’s like I’m sleeping in a treehouse when I look out from my pillow!

  12. Elizabeth Hawley says:

    My screened-in porch on my long enough wicker sofa! It needs to warm up here in Michigan a bit first though!

  13. Lesa Shoutz says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in front of my patio door on a blanket with the sun shining on me and a warm breeze blowing in. My dog likes to nap next to me.

  14. Linda Holmes says:

    Napping is a default when I can’t stay awake to do the many things I love… hosting others, reading, writing, sewing, creating in a multitude of media, or engaging in listening to others… and it is usually near bed time and I sit down on the couch to join my husband… and then I just roll over and fall asleep… a nap before bedtime that lets me know I really am tired and should call it a day! And how fun it would be to to then crawl into bed under this beautiful quilt that I would if I could only stay awake!

  15. LeEtta Ricker says:

    The day bed on the back porch, while the birds and wind chimes sing me to sleep.

  16. Dawn says:

    Up at the cabin, under the pines, in my favorite wooden swing! With the birds and squirrels making their nature songs, I fall right to sleep 🙂

  17. Kayleen Page says:

    My favorite place to nap is on my bed with our red heeler -Daisy & the patio door open to hear the birds!

  18. Lara Baumann says:

    Definitely outside in the summer!

  19. Linda Musgrave says:

    Although as a truck driver I only occasionally get to enjoy my favorite napping spot, it would be under a tree (usually in our backyard), in a zero-gravity lounge chair, enjoying gentle breezes carrying the sounds and fragrances of nature.

  20. Lyletta Groves says:

    My back yard looks out on a wash
    Where bobcats javelina. And
    All kinds of birds visit To nap
    Out on a couch on my patio and
    See all these creatures is a

  21. Misti Rudloff says:

    Growing up, we rode in the back of a station wagon…a rolling playground. Naps were hard to come by on long trips, because someone was always crawling or rolling over you! I loved it when we sat in the back of a truck bed instead. It was calm, even when we were driving down gravel roads. (“Sit down! No jumping around back there!”) The open sky, blowing wind and bumpy ride were an instant comfort. The smell of wet alfalfa fields and sweet rivers passing by…the mountains rising and falling…the engine roaring and drowning out every care. Freedom. No worries. Zzzzz…nap time!

  22. Gail Young says:

    For me there is better place to nap than on our back deck. When I close my eyes and listen to the wildlife, in only a matter of minutes, I am in dreamland. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely quilt!! Our family cookout is in July, and I decorate everything in patriotic red, white and blue! 🙂 Enjoy your day!!!

  23. Linda Larsen says:

    My favorite place to nap would be my recliner. Everyday about 2:00 if I’m in my chair I’m out like a light. Lol. Never used to take naps, but the older I get it just happens. 😊😴🐓🐣

  24. Jody Hunt says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in my bed, snuggled under a quilt made by my sister!

  25. Marsha Schmidt says:

    I tend to nap on the loveseat watching tv and or reading a favorite book or magazine. Just got your newest copy of Mary Jane’s Farm today. Have to read it clear thru before I put it down. Thank you for your magazine. Love it!

  26. Marsha Schmidt says:

    I tend to nap on the loveseat while watching tv and reading a favorite book or magazine, covered up with a throw size quilt. Just my size. I just bought the latest copy of Mary Jane’s Farm magazine today. Will have to read it clear thru. Thank you for your magazine!

  27. Laura Vickers says:

    My favorite place to nap is on our overstuffed, throughly broken in, leather couch under a afghan sized quilt. I am convinced that this couch has had a sleeping spell cast over it. :0) it is so comfortable and cozy. It is a large sectional and has been known to accommodate 4 nappers at once.

  28. Abby Ramsey says:

    With 4 young kids and a farm full of llamas & chickens, there isn’t much time for naps… but anytime I have a free minute (Ha!) the hammock in my back pasture is heavenly.

  29. Donna Fairley says:

    Napping is an art. At times, I am kicked back in my recliner-sofa , and Mr. Sandman comes to visit. My front porch often beckons with the promise of sun-filled dreams.

  30. Becky Freeman says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in my own bed. That way I usually am not disturbed by people coming into the house.

  31. Jodi Frydendall says:

    I love to curl up on my sofa with my afghan my mother-in-law made me and fall asleep.

  32. Dawn Margowski says:

    I love to take nap upstairs in my bedroom with my cat all curled up on my legs. Bliss!!

  33. Denise Wright says:

    I love to nap on a rainy afternoon and listen to the thunder on my $15 thrift store couch, snuggled in my $10 Ralph Lauren designer comforter also from a thrift store.

  34. Leslie Hillis says:

    Ahhhhh….a peaceful restful nap on the sofa with 3 pillows (one for my head, one to rest an arm on and one between my knees) and a blanket while my hubby dozes in his recliner and the dog snoozes in the other!

  35. Jean Sims says:

    Covered in my favorite quilt and curled up in the old metal glider on the sleeping porch is my favorite napping place.

  36. Cathy Hudson says:

    Love to nap in the chicken coop right after I’ve cleaned it of course🙂 Or in my vintage trailer❤️

  37. Diane D says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is the big overstuffed chair in my living room. Eveytime I sit down to read I fall to sleep straight away! it’s the most comfortable, quiet, relaxing place in my house! It has a great view of my backyard-flowers and all!!

  38. Karen Jensen Young says:

    My favorite place to nap has been on the glider on the front porch. It is a wonderfully inviting place when the late afternoon sunlight is warm and inviting.

  39. Rhonda Brooks says:

    My favorite place to nap is a hay loft preferably above a horse barn that has a fresh batch of hay stacked in it!

  40. Mary Hazard says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on our wrap around porch, surrounded by the beautiful Vermont mountains.

  41. Yvonne Palagano says:

    I don’t nap much because there is always something to do around this joint, but when I do, I usually hide up in my room, pull the shades, flop on my king size bed and snooze awhile. 20 minutes and I’m back at it again! Love your magazine. No room for chickens in the burbs, but a gal can dream, can’t she?

  42. Sue Carter says:

    It’s going to sound crazy but my dear husband got me hooked on hammocks, after a day of working in the garden amongst the chickens- I pour a mason jar full of lemonade and crawl into my beautiful turquoise and orange girlie hammock. Hubby placed hooks near the barn and on the patio and just recently even put some in the living room. I’m an empty nester now and I did think it was a bit silly at first but it’s a great place for a nap and easy on my muscles .

  43. Kathy Davis says:

    I love taking a nap outside, preferably in a hammock so I feel like I’m drifting. The sounds outside sooth me, and the extra air keeps me there for much longer than I need to be!! 🙂

  44. Pat Habiger says:

    My very favorite place to take a nap……backyard hammock!!! The fluffy white clouds amid the blue skies with birds singing and breeze blowing as I totally relax on my old quilt. Outdoors and nature… thankful for all of it!!!!

  45. Megan Silverthorn says:

    My own bed! With three young kids that do great job of keeping me on my toes (and all too often in the middle of the night) I always appreciate a good nap snuggled up in my own bed. Though naps for me are few far between. And this quilt would fantastic as my summer quilt on my bed! 🙂

  46. Mindi house says:

    My favorite place to nap is outside in the hammock…. If I can keep the horse at bay!

  47. Debra Blodgett says:

    I think that taking a Nap on the Sun Porch in a Rain Storm would be the ideal Time to use the Liberty Quilt. It would be so GREAT to win one

  48. Cecelia Phillips says:

    Taking a nap on the couch televsion on low. Covered up with a compy quilt. I’m in dreamland. Winning…

  49. Patricia Hunter says:

    My very favorite place to take a nap (in the summer) is behind my house, in the forest, in my hammock!

  50. Karen Talley says:

    Favorite place to take a nap is on the couch with a quilt and my welch pembrook corgis nearby. They stay by my side wherever I am they are right on my heels. They love to herd the chickens when we are outside. They are the best of friends!!

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