GIVEAWAY: “Liberty Quilt, Fresh Egg Overture”

For a chance to win this beautiful MaryJane’s Home “Liberty Quilt,” tell me your favorite place to take a nap in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-July.


Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Barbara K says:

    Oh Boy!! My favorite place to nap is curled up on one end of the sofa with a couple of dogs sharing the other end 🙂

  2. Cynthia says:

    On a breezy sleeping porch with some fresh cut mint or Rosemary nearby to scent the air.

  3. Bettina says:

    I Live in the house where I grew up in the northern part of Michigan where we have very cold and snowy winters. The favorite place in this house has always been in the living room behind the chair where there is a hot air vent from our furnace. My children would call dibs on it after sledding or snowshoeing. They are all grown now and I am alone but my little dog discovered that spot when the first cold weather started after I adopted him from the shelter four years ago and he likes it best when we take a nap together there.

  4. Jolene Kurtz says:

    My favorite time and place to nap is on my bed with my cat on a rainy day! I was lucky enough to do that this afternoon.

  5. Sherri Getchel says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in the rocking chair, on our screen porch, listening to nature and the splash of the lake against the shore.

  6. Woodi Strother says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in my recliner in the family room. In the summer, there’s a nice breeze from the ceiling fan, and in winter there’s a cozy fireplace.

  7. Linda says:

    My favorite to take a nap in any season is on my 5 ft. porch swing on my new fabulous covered porch. While looking over our vast yard with the hens roaming and free ranging. They provide our nightly entertainment!

  8. Stephanie says:

    Outside on my porch when the weather is beautiful to take a nap. I have an old vintage glider in which is nice to curl up on and relax where I can spend my time reading my magazines I love. I bought my first Mary Janes Farm and I love it. Watching my chickens, the girls play and chase each other is fun to watch as well. Just enjoying the peaceful day and relaxing is what it’s all about.

  9. Carol Sisk says:

    On my covered swing in my backyard, under a shade tree. But we had to leave my swing behind when we moved to another state last March. Hopefully I will be able to get another soon. I miss my swing!

  10. Carol Sisk says:

    By the way, I just picked up your magazine at our local Sprouts store and am reading it for the first time. I am enjoying it immensely, that is where I saw the quilt giveaway…which is quite beautiful.

  11. Anna says:

    I love napping in our tent trailer when camping in the mountains. Listening to the river and the birds brings such peace and reminds me of the simple life.

  12. Julia Kiefer says:

    I consider napping to be one of my favorite hobbies. One of my favorite spots is in my sunroom. I enjoy a spring nap in that location because the birds will sing me to sleep and the smell of the rose bushes outside the window are a relaxing aroma.

  13. Judith Stout says:

    My most favorite place to pause and nap is on my back porch in the porch swing. With spring and summer and warmer weather, I can listen to the birds around me and gaze at the blue sky and clouds. All the time realizing how much God has given us and how grateful we all should be. thank you

  14. Gayl Weiser says:

    I think my favorite place to nap would have to be in my very own bed. I acquired on one of my better shopping trips a few years ago, a wonderful fat healthy feather mattress that I have never parted with from day one. There is no luxury quite like clean sheets fresh from the clothesline on a bulging feather mattress. Top that with one of my own handmade quilts, and a baffled feather blanket. When I am in need of a nap to restore my tired body or sagging spirit; nothing beats my very own feathered nest. Nothing!

  15. Pam says:

    My favorite place to take a nap (when I can) is anywhere outside. Under a tree and a quilt, in the porch swing with a quilt well you get the picture.. I like quilts made by anyone, even my own.

  16. Kiersten says:

    I rarely take naps, but if I were going to deliberately, I would lie on a quilt spread out on the grass under the shade of a big tree and listen to the birds and the wind in the trees. Thinking about it is making me want to do so right now!

    I positively LOVE the quilt!!! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  17. Cindy Kinion says:

    I love to drift off to sleep in the passenger seat of the car while hubbie and I are driving through the beautiful Queensland countryside.

  18. Betty Denbo says:

    When I come home from dialysis three days a week at noon the sun has been streaming in my bay window. The carpet is sooo warm I lay down with a pillow and blanket and am soon taking a much needed nap. I wake refreshed and stronger! And, as an added bonus, my back feels better.

  19. Bobbie calgaro says:

    I love to take a nap on the couch in the living room.

  20. inell noble says:

    in my bed, when no one else is home.

  21. I don’t nap often but in the summer it is out on the deck, watching the hummingbirds and listening to the country sounds.

  22. Christy Turner says:

    My favorite napping spot is in my parents recliner. It is worn and cozy and full of memories.

  23. Avis says:

    I just love to lay down on my couch and as my family are busy doing things around the house and I am listening to them all it lull’s me to sleep.

  24. Patty Robison says:

    My favorite place for a nap is across the end of our bed. Usually naps are when I do not feel good or I am extremely tired. I always cover up with a quilt and it does not matter the time of year. I work alot of hours and it is hard to find time for a nap but it is greatly appreciated when I get a nap.

  25. Cheri Duncan says:

    On the lakeside beach by my home in the Olympic Rainforest, with my granddaughters of course!

  26. Rebecca Holdsworth says:

    I like a little nap in the midst of the latest quilt article in my favorite wing chair…gives me an excuse to review it again in case I need to think on it some more.

    Cary, NC

  27. I love relaxing on the deck when the weather is nice.

  28. Toni Kay Bennett says:

    My favorite nap spot is curled up in the swing in the back yard, under a light blanket, after a day digging in the garden. Listening to the frogs in the neighbors pons and the birdsong always lulls me to sleep. After a day of wonderful work outside.

  29. Toni Kay Bennett says:

    Love to nap in the sing in the back yard after a wonderful day of working in the garden. The birds and the frogs in my neighbor’s pond lull me to a peaceful snooze.

  30. nancy farrell says:

    my favorite place to take a nap is our window seat over looking over the river lots of pillows &cozy soft throw on a rainy day or cool fall afternoon.

  31. I can take a nap almost anywhere. Summertime on the deck is nice, but also my bedroom is pretty comfy in the winter

  32. Sydney Littlestar says:

    I nap in a floatie in our pool! Although I have to make sure I wear sunscreen or I can wake up a little toasty.

  33. I can take a nap almost anywhere, but I love my deck in the summer.

  34. I can take a nap almost anywhere, but I love my deck in the summer. In the winter wrapped up in a quilt by the fire.

  35. I can nap almost anywhere. I love to nap in the mountains laying on a quilt or out on my deck.

  36. Amy Rohrer says:

    I like tocurl up on my couch with a book and blanket until I doze off.

  37. Love a nice cool nap in the mountains wrapped up in a homemade quilt

  38. Jan Harvell Nunes says:

    Napping isn’t what I do often, but occasionally curling up on my deck on the lounger with a soft breeze and hearing the birds is my favorite afternoon, after a lot of yard work place.

  39. Jennifer Chappell says:

    I can nap just about anywhere, but the best ones are after a hot bath with ginger clay bath salts, in my bed, with a quilt and a cat.

  40. Patti Hurlburt says:

    I don’t plan naps anymore at my age but I do find that I take lots of them! In my livingroom chair, reading a book, sitting in front of the computer trying to get rid of all the pesky emails….or after a long morning in the summer heat of Arizona.

  41. Rae-Ann Fugate says:

    The best place I ever napped was on a log in the forest waiting for my family to return from their walk. I was unable to make the trek. Nothing is more calming than the outdoors. I live on an island, in a log cabin in the woods where it is so quiet I can nap any time on my couch, now that I am eighty years old.

  42. Christina says:

    Favorite place to nap… I have not been able to nap in years! I would say any place I could get comfortable with a good book would be my favorite place to nap. I love to read, if I could nap there to its be quite peaceful!

  43. Lisa Killingsworth says:

    I love to nap on my couch or my bed. Preferably with one or two cats on me, my dog and one of my children. Absolute heaven.

  44. Rosemary Robbins says:

    I love to nap on a wicker couch in our sunroom! At the cottage I enjoy napping on pur pontoon boat!

    • Rae-Ann Fugate says:

      Your pontoon boat nap reminds me of sleeping overnight on our boat in Chesapeake Bay but only if it was tied to the dock. I have a good imagination and I could see us floating out into open water while asleep. In those days I almost never napped, being young and active.

  45. Vicki Yates says:

    Front porch where its so peaceful or in winter on any bed that’s different than the one I sleep in 🙂

  46. Ruth says:

    My favorite place to nap is outdoors after a picnic on a quilt.

  47. Caroline says:

    The beach is the only place I nap.

  48. Laura Lagana says:

    I love to snuggle up in my bed with all my blankets, pillows and animals… Two dogs and a cat… It’s our favorite time on a Saturday afternoon.

  49. joan says:

    My favorite place to nap is on the papasan double chair I have in a corner off the kitchen….all my grandchildren have napped there, & many times I’ve joined them!

  50. Nikki Kreutzer says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on my boat while fishing(tee-hee)! but when its winter and cold and the fish have headed for deeper waters i like to curl up next to my husband on the couch close my eyes and just breath and hear the trees and usually my Thomas (pet cat) purring at my feet!

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