GIVEAWAY: “Liberty Quilt, Fresh Egg Overture”

For a chance to win this beautiful MaryJane’s Home “Liberty Quilt,” tell me your favorite place to take a nap in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-July.


Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Patricia says:

    My favorite place to nap, in spring, summer and fall, is outside on our deck in a lounging chair. I love it because I am lulled to sleep by the sounds of nature. It is so relaxing! In the winter, a little nap on the couch works for me. I love napping…it helps me keep up with my 5 year old twins!

  2. Amy Cloud Chambers says:

    My favorite place to nap is on the screen porch. There’s a really comfy redwood chaise that I always claim for myself and it’s situated perfectly to catch even the slightest breeze. Only when the weather gets really cold do I give up that snoozing spot!

  3. Joan H. says:

    I love napping outside! When that is not available, I’ll take the sofa please! But I rarely take naps, which is ridiculous. I think naps are underrated!

  4. Heidi Grant says:

    I’ll nap anywhere that my toddler and I can snuggle up with a book. Usually the couch, but the hammock if the weather is nice. Most likely to happen after a large lunch 🙂

  5. Brenda White says:

    I have a lovely backyard with a small pond, roaming chickens and lots of songbirds. We have a wooden swing that is wonderful for naps. I snuggle myself in with a pillow and blanket, get the swing in motion and close my eyes drifting off for a summertime nap to the lull of Mother Nature. Perfection❤️

  6. Cindi says:

    I don’t get to take naps very often so any place that is comfortable enough that I can’t keep my eyes open is wonderful to me. Especially if it is outside in sunshine that is lightly filtered by a big feathery tree. Pure heaven.

  7. Winnie Nielsen says:

    While I don’t nap too often, when I do, I like to be outside on our porch so I can watch the birds at the feeders and smell the air. I do love, love this americana pattern and fabrics too. Perfect for Summer and all year long.

  8. Debbie says:

    My favorite nap places are: Spring summer and fall on the deck listening to the creek. In the winter or in inclement weather in front of a window to catch a few rays of sun.

  9. CJ Armstrong says:

    Napping for me is only a luxury as most of the time I feel pretty yukky after a nap. However, I love to snooze in the outdoors when the weather is nice or especially when I’m camping. My other favorite place would be snuggled up in my glamper trailer, the “Reiver’s Rest”.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  10. April White says:

    My favorite place totaled a nap is a nice shady spot under a tree on a sunny day!

  11. Ann Haas says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is on my screened porch overlooking my backyard encircled with ancient sugar maples and hemlocks. I can see my yoga platform in my herb garden and watch the dragonflies, bumble bees, and birds flitting from flower to tree and stop to sip water at one of my birdbaths in between their flights

  12. Mariah Schlosser says:

    So pretty for summer! My favourite napping is with my little ones. And one day in the future it will be with them under our favourite tree in our backyard! Happy napping

  13. Heather S says:

    My favorite place to nap is in my backyard hammock…ahhhh 🙂

  14. Shelley Travis says:

    my favorite place to nap is when we are camping in the mountains or any where near a river. I love the sound of nature and running water. Thank you so much for a chance win that beautiful quilt.

  15. Clara Helms says:

    The screened in porch. Love the breezes and and the birds singing the sun shining. The breeze just lulls me to sleep. There’s no better feeling. Unless, of course it’s raining. Then that’s the best!

  16. Charity Kadow says:

    Napping in my car, when parked in a beautiful outdoor scene….looking over water at far away mountains is the best. Just open back tailgate, grab my pillow and ‘blankie’ and let Mother Nature sing a lullaby.

  17. Cathy R says:

    Thank you very much for such an awesome giveaway! When I rest or nap I enjoying the hammock on our upstairs balcony in the spring, summer and fall. For the winter its the chaise lounge in the loft area of our log home where I can see outside in all directions that gives me a snow globe effect when it’s snowing. Blessings!!!

  18. Jaylyn Morehouse says:

    Probably outside on a blanket in the grass. Even if I don’t fall asleep, it’s nice to just day dream and stare at the clouds for a few peaceful moments.

  19. Pam says:

    My favorite place to nap is on our screened porch. We live next to a river and I love to listen to the water going by.

  20. Amy says:

    My favorite place to nap is on a quilt outside in our backyard with my little ones! Especially in the Spring or Summertime, dozing off listening to the birds and watching the butterflies & bees fly by. Maybe this will be our new favorite summertime quilt? Thanks for the very gracious giveaway!

  21. Linda says:

    I don’t nap often, because I tend to wake up with a headache if I don’t get at least 2 hours sleep, and I don’t have enough time for a 2-hour nap. However, if I do take a time-out and rest, outside on the porch with a cool drink is my favorite place. I love the red/white/blue Americana quilt – I love patriotic pillows for a summer decoration. Thanks for offering this give-away.

  22. Lorena says:

    When I get a chance to nap , it’s either in our bedroom with the windows open or on a blanket in the grass out in the back yard in the shade. Thank you for the opportunity to win this beautiful quilt . <3

  23. Sandy says:

    I may be boring but I love a good nap in my bed

  24. I love a nap on our bed. Its so cozy. However, if there is a screened porch or tent handy I am all over it! I love a nap in the fresh air; but, protected from insects. Thank you, for the opportunity to win your quilt!

  25. Krista says:

    As strange as it sounds I love taking a nap on my couch, out in the middle of everything! I can sleep through a lot and enjoy still being around my husband, son, and dogs while I doze off! It’s perfect for me.

  26. darlene ricotta says:

    My favorite place to take a nap is in my chair next to the table while watching movies.
    It is a soft chair with arms, leaning against the wall and off to sleep I go.

    Thank you for the chance to win the cute Quilt.

    Darlene Ricotta

  27. Carol Vagher says:

    I love taking a nap on the back patio. We have a beautiful huge yard and garden. It is so tranquil and serene.

  28. Sue Keefe says:

    On the rare occasion water-anywhere-creek,pond but especially the ocean. The smell,the rhythm way it brings peace as you breathe in deeply and “let it all go.”

  29. Chrissy says:

    If it’s a power nap I need, I rest on the couch, dog by my side. If it’s to catch up because I didn’t get eight hours, I just go to bed for a couple of hours.

  30. I have a small natural waterfall and have planted it with pollinator friendly plants like butterfly bush, aurelia, and tall old fashioned rudbeckia.And Angel Trumpets. I put my chaise next to it and nap with my outdoor kitty Frankie .
    here is a pic of him napping in readiness for me to join him. The waterfall is about 3 feet away from the foot of the chaise.

  31. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    I rarely take naps, but the other Sunday afternoon I took a nap sitting in a rocking chair in our front yard, just soaking up the sun! I love I rest on the front porch swing, or anywhere in the sunshine!!

  32. Heather (nndairy) says:

    I love to recharge my battery with a nap on a blanket in the yard. The feel of the sun and sounds of the farm are very relaxing. (I don’t usually have very long to lay there so I don’t have to worry about getting burned.) My second favorite spot would be on the couch with the window cracked open listening to the rain falling.

    Love the beautiful quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!


    Hi Mary Jane,
    I have all your magazines, right from the start. love them. Or you know like them a lot. Lets see a nap. I very seldom take a nap, but if I did and it was summertime it would be under our huge maple trees in a big hammock that we have, you can’t fall out of it if you fall asleep. Thank you for a great giveaway. Its a beautiful quilt.
    Nancy Jo

  34. Christine Anzaldua says:

    My favorite place to nap is on our comfy sofa with my plaid throw and heart person pillow😍

  35. Christine Anzaldua says:

    I misspelled my email address..fav place to nap is comfy cozy couch with plaid throw and heart❤ person pillow😍

  36. Jane Sprague says:

    I have the most comfy bed in the world! I have three homemade quilts within grabbing distance, and it’s a joy to snuggle underneath one or all of them (depending on the weather) anytime! Oh, and the cats seem to enjoy napping with me, too – go figure! ;>)

  37. Sarah says:

    I love napping on my bed with my two dogs (a lab and a corgi) and the window cracked so I can feel a cool breeze.

  38. My favorite place to nap… Thats hard, haha, because I have always thought if I take a nap I will miss everything~ however I have found that when I sit in my swing I lullaby myself to nap under the amazing sky God has Blessed me with! If I could just live outside all the time I would and I truly don’t understand why I cant! Just a swingin…
    Thank you for this amazing chance to win! Sincerely, Catherine aka HarrisFarms

  39. Stacey Mitchell says:

    My favorite place to nap is to the sound of the ocean waves. The beach is glorious and serene. The salt air is intoxicating to my lungs, it’s like a natural high to the senses. I don’t get to be there unless I fly home. The second best nap area is laying down in my bed while listening to ocean waves CD.

  40. melissa miller says:

    I tend to nap on our sofa with a pillow and quilt.

  41. Sara Kitchen says:

    Nothing beats a lounge chaise to lull and wrap myself in a quilt for a beauty nap on the sleeping porch surrounded by rhythms, sounds, and ruches of music, breeze, nature lullaby that fills my senses.

  42. Vicki says:

    My comfy sofa in the living room – cuddled up with one of my grand babies snuggly blanket (having sweet dreams)

  43. May says:

    My favorite place to nap is on the sofa with a comfortable pillow and quilt.

  44. Patricia cooper says:

    I love to take nap in my yard swing when the weather is warm. I can hear the birds and see the squirrel ‘s playing. it is a great ace to let your mind go free.

  45. April Tovar says:

    My favorite place to nap is on my wrought iron love seat on my back porch…it’s partially shaded, surrounded by tall paper birch trees.. The birds chirping, the breeze blows and my lavendars gently scent the air… So peaceful!

  46. It’s hard to catch a nap when homeschooling and chasing kiddos, gardening, cooking, sewing! HA!! But if I ever can (which is seldom…lol) it is wherever I am… 🙂

  47. Rose says:

    The best place to nap is in a hammock under a tree on a warm windy day….if raining…in a nice dark room.

  48. Carolyn Rucker says:

    My favorite place to nap is outside on my patio in the sun. I am surrounded by live oak and mountain laurel trees with plenty of small birds for company. A nice breeze is welcome, too. If it’s too hot, then my comfy wing chair inside next to all my X stitch projects.

  49. Sally Bush says:

    Catnapping on my Antique Rocking Divan in the Spring, Summer and early Fall is just plain country living. The Antique Rocking Divan has been in the family for generations receiving color changes and new cushions as families keep it stylish as years go by. It’s located on the patio where I can watch all kinds of birds feast on feeders hanging in a big pine tree. Quail, Turkeys, Road Runners wonder in occasionally along with Bunnies nibbling on grass. Cattle can be seen grazing on lush green grass and small calves can be seen racing across the pasture. What a blessing.

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