GIVEAWAY: “Creative Lettering, Lollygagging”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of the book, Creative Lettering and Beyond: Inspiring Tips, Techniques & Ideas, tell me about your favorite creative endeavor/passion in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


Read more about calligraphy in the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Dawn Jones says:

    My dearest friend Tina introduced me to English Paper Piecing and I thoroughly enjoy handstitching my 60 degree diamonds together! I also enjoy writing notes to family and friends and would so enjoy being able to add the beauty of calligraphy to their notes! I love MaryJane’s Farms magazine! ☺

  2. Pamala B says:

    I love to cross-stitch!!! I also make handmade cards! This book would be perfect!

  3. Jennifer says:

    One of my new creative endeavors is encouraging my daughter to follow her new baking passion! Baking has always been my creative outlet ever since I can remember and I’m excited that my daughter is now interested in baking her own creations. So there’s the baking but also I’m finally sitting down and really trying to learn guitar. After 20 years of false starts I’m going to keep going this time. 🙂

  4. Carla says:

    My creative passion is finding ideas that I love and re-creating them with my own flair. I like making decorations for the house, re-purposing old items into great, new pieces, and putting beautiful plants in the garden and on the porch with cool planters that I create.

  5. terry steinmetz says:

    There are so many things that give me pleasure, but for creativeness I love making cards. It is gives me great pleasure to make a card and to send it to someone who needs encouragement. I was blessed that my dad encouraged and taught me to do calligraphy. What an added dimension to cards!

  6. Michelle Thornton says:

    I love to make beautiful handmade soap! Recently I have made Lavender
    Lemon, Grapefruit and one that I call Herb Garden which is scented with
    Rosemary, Mint and Lavender. There is nothing like using this wonderful
    creation in the bath! The essential oils lift my spirits!

  7. Renae Ratterree says:

    I love crafting, I paint, beading, embroidering, and I have been quilting and crocheting the last few years because I wanted to know how to do that well too. I have done calligraphy but I would like to get better.

  8. Judy Ward says:

    My main passion is quilting. I find relaxation and peace in the creation of something that will hopefully bring comfort and warmth to the recipient. I find that working with different textures and colors and patterns is a creative process through which I can express myself.
    I also love making my own gift tags and cards and writing personal notes to friends and family. One year I addressed all of my Christmas card envelopes in calligraphy. Your book, “Creative Lettering and Beyond”, caught my eye as something that would help me expand my writing “beyond” my imagination.

  9. Martha says:

    I love hand crafts of all kinds. I got “hooked” on yarn when I was a little girl and my aunt taught me to crochet. I have never lost that feeling of being a kid in a candy shop when I am looking at rows of beautiful yarn. However, my favorite thing to do is make something useful from things that might be discarded. I am in awe of the ladies who made quilts or rag rugs from scraps. They needed those things but they also wanted beauty in their lives. I am currently working on what to do with old socks.

  10. Gabriel Mayer says:

    Repurposing furniture to make it my own!

  11. Marcy Kime says:

    I am a color eclectic girl, loving all sorts of creative endeavors. I love to find fun furniture and give it a facelift, quilting, beading, making bags/purses, banners, but especially paper arts. I have always loved fun papers, even as a kid.

  12. Joanie Hendricks says:

    My passion is farming and gardening and creating great meals from what I grow. I also have begun growing flowers and arranging since one of my sons got married two years ago and I did the wedding flowers! Now I’m on my third wedding and have a request for another next summer!

  13. Susan Kinney says:

    My creative passions are journaling and writing poetry. I LOVE words…. and I think it would be delightful for my words to look beautiful.

  14. Morgan says:

    Currently -soapmaking. There are so many variables…it’s just fascinating.

  15. Donna C. Stephens says:

    I love to create interesting letters for my family: grandchildren, brother, daughters, husband and extended family.

    I often include memory comments around the photos.


  16. Marie Oras says:

    I love to write. I write about things, experiences which touch me. I write the story of my journey through life, as simple as it is, I believe everyone has a story to tell. I write about people who have influenced me in any way. I may have known them for five minutes or a lifetime- I write, write, write. I’m also driven by drawing, I’m not an expert but it is a vehicle for interpretation. Like writing, I love putting faces, flowers, nature on paper. Every letter, every curve, every stroke of the brush touches my soul. Every word I read in this magazine contributes to my life experience. Thank you for sharing your passions and allowing the rest of us to share ours together!

  17. Marie says:

    Good morning, I enjoy sending cards to family and friends for all kind of celebrations, by snail mail of course. My grand kids love getting mail. I encourage all my family when they are on holidays to send me a post card, I have a great collection. Try it and see what happens! I love to make home made Christmas decorations, always looking for new ideas. My best is a sheep made out of a piece of wood, wool,bell and curly ribbon. I love sheep in all shapes and sizes.

  18. Teddie Wright says:

    I have always loved being creative. Since I can remember my letters have had extra curly cues, squiggles and twists. In our culture were encouraged to follow specific standards. I usually do but when I let myself I express myself in my writing. I love the ideas of your book and would love to win a copy! Maybe I’ll actually let go of standard and soar to the freedom of original. Thanks for your inspiration!! Teddie

  19. Avis says:

    I love photography and scrapbooking but I am behind on getting all the albums I want done! I have been wanting to learn or practice Creative Journalling. I keep pinning ideas on Pinterest. It would be more of a winter hobby by the fire due to be to busy on the ranch and squeezing in gardening for a hobby in the summer.

  20. Bev Hampton says:

    I recently retired from my “real job” and at the age of 65 I am so excited to now be able to plow right into my passion ! I love to turn other people’s throw away items into new creations. I never really know what I will end up with, I just know that something will evolve and hopefully it will get a lovely new home to be loved in! I’m even contemplating starting a blog “65 A New Beginning”

  21. Sue Gottsch says:

    As a teen I did a ton of calligraphy. Now in my 50s I would love to relax and enjoy calligraphy again! As a busy mom, grandma, full time teacher and half time grad student, I could really use the relaxation!

  22. Amy Hinson says:

    It is hard to narrow down all the things I like to create. I have found that I am much more creative when making something for someone else. Especially when cooking. Food just brings people together and feeds the soul.

  23. Shanna Choate says:

    I love making signs out of barn wood and on canvas in my spare tie 🙂

  24. I have a passion for art. Since I’ve become disabled I’ve been putting it on the back burner. I’d love to win this book. It will help me to be inspired once again.

  25. Monica says:

    My creative endeavor would be making decorations for my home and family. I get so much inspiration from Mary Jane’s Farm magazine, there are so many beautiful pictures that make my mind float away into a creative paradise. Writing would be my next passion. Writing notes or dreaming up stories has been soothing to my soul for as long as I can remember. I have 4 children and my next creation is going to be a scrapbook to pass down to them of funny things they have done and milestones they have reached. I’m very excited about this, as I have found an old wooden scrapbook and every page is blank, ready for a story to be written ❤

  26. Tammy Starr-Evans says:

    I love planning parties for family & friends. Right now I am preparing for my mother 90 birthday party, the first party she has let me give her. I enjoy choosing the colors and decorations and making the invitation…. I am blest to have my mother.

  27. Tricia Morlock says:

    Currently, I’m cutting out items from favorite fabrics and pasting them into scenes on card stock to create greetings cards. Sometimes I print a background, such as a beach mat, add the fabric items to create a scene (“A day at the beach”), and embellish with other items such as tiny shells. I would love this book to add the sentiment to the cards.

  28. I’m so into the nature of life. Surrounded by beautiful creatures my husband and I are so blessed to be able to raise — calves, Foals, lambs and of course the undeniably adorable puppies and kittens — I feel being able to send a little pick me up to others not so blessed to be in the position as this, certainly helps them feel the wonders and beauty of what we’re surrounded with.

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