GIVEAWAY: “Creative Lettering, Lollygagging”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of the book, Creative Lettering and Beyond: Inspiring Tips, Techniques & Ideas, tell me about your favorite creative endeavor/passion in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


Read more about calligraphy in the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. ursula hartunian says:

    my creative passion is quilting/sewing. it may be a table runner, wall-hanging, bed quilt or possibly a vest, a jacket or a purse. Working with fabrics makes me happy.

  2. My favorite creative endeavor was making my door mats for my husband for Father’s Day! I repurposed everything except the rope! Wood & paint created a gift for my amazing husband!

  3. Carol Sue Krygoske says:

    My creative passion is making Greeting cards and bookmarks requested by my friends. I enjoy using scraps and leftovers, things I find around my home.

  4. Laquita Dunn says:

    I sew, I bead and I like to write… Best gifts are hand written letters. Love calligraphy.

  5. winnie Jackson says:

    I too love being creative with my penmanship. I love to have special pens as well as note paper/cards to show the person how special they are when getting that special note/card or gift as well as my creative tags for my baked goods that I share with that special person for the day. I love to bake and making special tags for the goodies is so special for me so that person loves to see how easy it is to show others they are cared for and how special they are in this world. I often give to the homeless, older people or just someone I want to surprise for that day. When one gives to others we get so much back in return. I love being that person. I hope to win this wonder book to help me along with being even more creative in writing to others or just my crafts. I often make quilts and create my own labels for that quilt. I hand write all of them with special pens. I love this magazine of yours with wonderful recipes, educational articles on foods, crafts, etc. I hope you will continue to inspire all of us woman in this world.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. 🙂 Winnie

  6. Leisa Joan says:

    I made most of my daughter’s Halloween costumes, and most of the curtains in my house. I’ve been sewing since I was 12 or so.

  7. Cindy A. Snider says:

    Currently, my passion is learning to play my mountain dulcimer and learning to jam with friends and bicycling. I am also intrigued with art journaling and enjoy pinning examples of it on Pinterest.

  8. Chrissy says:

    I’m behind in making scrub tops for work,(I have at least a dozen cut out) but I try to keep them seasonal or holiday oriented for the benefit of the residents.
    My latest issue of Mary Jane’s Farm came in a “body” bag with an apology. Looked like the postal service was trying to shred it for compost. Anyway, as soon as it’s available on the shelf, I’ll get another, because it’s my favorite.

  9. Connie Hawkins says:

    My creative endeavor is gardening and passing my knowledge on to my children and grandchildren. Nothing is better than taking a “flower walk” with granddaughter, Audrey. Now if I can only get to think that weeding is not boring!!!

  10. Tammy morgan says:

    My creative endeavor is finding new ideas at flea markets or shabby chic stores and boutiques recreating those items doing it myself. Rather it be sewing or quilting or painting creating my own design. It’s my passion to recreate and then give to my family or friends. If I can bare to part with it.

  11. Linda Odom says:

    I like to sew, embroidery, quilt! I’d like to learn to hand letter !

  12. Sue Parkin says:

    My current creative endeavor is finding new uses for my bumper crop of lavender! I’m experimenting with lavender tea, making sachets, and drying bundles. I want to make lavender wands with the next cutting.
    I have long stem pale lavender, short stem white and dark purple and short stem pale lavender.

  13. Krista says:

    My creative endeavor would have to be making seasonal wood decorations. It’s been a little while since I have made any, but I love when I can sit down and dig into some painting and decorating. It’s one of the best ways I can express my creativity!

  14. Julie Willmering says:

    I love to write letters.

  15. Ginger says:

    My creative passion is taking a piece of history and restoring it to its original beauty or repurposing it. I love the stories behind the pieces I find. I love working with wood and lettering so this creative package would be very useful.

  16. Amanda Mathis says:

    I have many creative passions. I love to create! Re-purposing old finds is one of my favorite ways to be creative. You never know what kind of treasure you will find and how they will inspire you to re-purpose them.

  17. Heidi says:

    As a self-employed bookkeeper, I live in a world of numbers so being creative is a very important part of my week. I set aside 1 day a week to step out of my analytical self and tune into my creative side, it helps keep me balanced. I have so many creative endeavors going, I love to sew, currently working on renovating our old patio furniture for our upcoming family reunion. I am also working on 2 wedding scrapbooks, one for my daughter who was married a couple of years ago and one for my son that just got married in June. I am also working on a cross-stitch for my son and new daughter in law that will go with their wedding photo.

  18. Madelyn Shields says:

    Lettering just for the fun and creativity is a way to re-invent by art. I love to express my creative side by using my initials as a base to draw designs and pictures. Lettering is a form of art that I would love to develop more. Making small pictures, cards and bookmarks is always a way to relax. I would love the book for the simple reason of learning more and better techniques. Thanks for the chance.

  19. Jeanne says:

    I am a small-batch producer of all-natural handmade baked goods. It is my passion, my love, my therapy. I am trying to grow into a full-time business with my baked goods and provisions, farmhouse line and backyard farm. I thank the Lord every day for giving me these treasures of my children and my home!

  20. Jennifer says:

    Love to challenge my mind with new projects. Have always wanted to learn calligraphy. The local senior center recently had a calligraphy class open to all ages but had to work that day. Really wanted to go!

  21. susan b says:

    Right now I getting creative in my yard. We were recently flooded with 2.5 feet of mud and water. I had just put my plants in and mulched all of my beds. I’m re-planting and re-mulching. Next up I will be digging out all of the mud from the creek bed. I would love to win this book. Calligraphy used to be very relaxing for me, but I’ve gotten away from it and only do the occassional birthday card 🙂

  22. Donna says:

    I like all types of crafts but sewing is my “go to” hobby.

  23. Jo Idziak says:

    creative lettering is s craft I have always wanted to learn and I believe this book will help me tremendously

  24. Patty Ballard says:

    Creative passions – sewing, calligraphy, drawing, gardening, teaching my grandkids to draw and create! I just wish I had more time to finish more projects, but I still work full-time. I suspect that even if I wasn’t working outside the home I wouldn’t have enough time — there’s always something to do!

  25. Amber Russell says:

    Well I have many, quilting, scrapbooking, painting/drawing in any media (oils are a little tricky to me) canning, gardening, baking, making wreaths etc…my friends & I have a club called craftahollics anonymous where we meet once a month & work on a project together. It’s wonderful:) In high school my art teacher gave me my first calligraphy pen & a book on how to do it. From then on I was the official name writer on all of the certificates & awards given for 3 years hahaha. I loved it but after school it fell to the wayside as some things do. I would love to learn that beautiful art form again.

  26. Jacque Stroh says:

    Right now my creative passion is photography. I have been taking photos of our ranch. Livestock, wildlife, flowers and my puppy dog!

  27. Nina Sohmer-Knight says:

    I love writing snail mail letters to my many friends around the world. I find the outside of the envelope is just as important as the letter inside. I love to decorate the envelope with calligraphy. I also draw flowers and other cute things, like cats peeking through the leaves. The envelope’s are a lovely work of art. My husband always photographs the finished envelope, front and back.
    I now have a nice archive of my calligraphy/drawings.

  28. Sherry Schiller says:

    My new creative passion is woodburning. We have lost several trees this spring due to high wind days. My husband is curing the wood for me so I can burn beautiful sayings, quotes, poems and anything else that comes to mind.”

  29. Karen M.Mackenroth says:

    I enjoy writing and reading. I write to my 7 grandchildren every other week. Almost 2 years ago when we moved to North Carolina I sent each grandchild a map of NC. I also did this for a few friends. When we go on a day trip or two weeks I do an itinerary where we have been and what we have seen along with pictures and info I have picked up along the eay. I always do a personal letter to each and mail. I have also done a traveling Grandma Karen. My grandkids love the travel and have fun searching the map. They live in Michigan, Alaska and Nebraska.
    I subscribe to your magazine and love it. Thank you.

  30. Alicia Winkler says:

    I suppose my FAVORITE is sewing, but I am an over-all creative experimenter. 😉

  31. Patricia L. Randles says:

    My recent passion is Coloring – the new rage. I have been drawing & painting all my life, and making my own greeting cards for every occasion. I’m always looking for new ideas & especially lettering styles. Having 11 grandchildren & 26 great-grands keeps me busy coming up w/new card ideas for all those birthdays! I have gotten some inspirations from Mary Jane”s Farm magazine, not only for cards, but my other crafts (sewing, quilting, decoupage, etc.) & gardening. I may be 86, but never idle.

  32. I’ve recently learned how to do some Visual journaling and have loved the freedom of expression and all it has provided! I’ve always loved to draw, but have grown as an artist through this art form. Creative lettering looks like a perfect thing to add to my visual journals!

  33. Krystal Wolf says:

    My current favorite craft is art journaling, since I can paint, glue, draw…whatever..lots of fun and relaxing too!

  34. Lesa cox says:

    My favourite creative endeavor is reusing broken river glass. I go to our local river after the big rains have died down and our family finds old glass polished to a beautiful matte. Then I make cascading sun catchers for friends and whom ever needs a little joy and beauty in their lives. I’m not great at it yet, but I love doing this.

  35. Teresa Switzer says:

    In art class in school, I always loved calligraphy time! I recently saw a video on a master handwriter. I would like to hone my handwriting skills! Maybe even teach a class or two.

  36. Karen M says:

    It’s hard to pick just one! My passions include knitting, crocheting, embroidery and rosary making. I just started card making, so I would love to learn lettering. I hope to include quilting, coloring and scrapbooking as future passions.

  37. Catherine Regan says:

    My favorite endeavor is teaching my grands and great grands how-to read with passion using fake accents, making strawberry jam, sewing fine seams or cooking up gourmet meals.

  38. Faith Williams says:

    I think that my favorite passion right now is my garden and all things harvesting the garden related. My mom and I have started canning our harvests. Last year was mastering the water bath canner, this year we’re planning to master the pressure canner. I love to see all the jars of wonderful food that we grew ourselves and has none of those nasty chemicals!

  39. Kim Babcock says:

    I first did calligraphy in art class in high school. Since then I have done lots of other “artsy” things. One of the latest was fashioning a coffee table out of hand sanded and finished, curly maple, using a set of legs rescued from the dump. It has a facinating pattern, almost like looking at the desert from the air.

  40. Sharon Eberlin says:

    My current passion to reading and all things crafty. My current project is to letter different sayings on a picnic table top and benches. The Creative Lettering book would be most helpful.

    Love your magazine.

  41. Sara says:

    “Creative Lettering and Beyond: Inspiring Tips, Techniques & Ideas” book brought to my mind of my grandmother’s handwriting in old letters that was jaw-droppingly beautiful, so much so that this book would inspire me to cultivate such an artistic skill for writing snail mail on fragile paper and sealing on the back of the envelopes with embossed wax stamped in calligraphical initials to family and friends. A dying work of art that needs to be revived to its heyday! My creative endeavor/passion is quilting, sewing, gardening, and cooking that I love doing for the home and family.

  42. Sara says:

    “Creative Lettering and Beyond: Inspiring Tips, Techniques & Ideas” book brought to my mind of my grandmother’s handwriting in old letters that was jaw-droppingly beautiful, so much so that this book would inspire me to cultivate such an artistic skill for writing snail mail on fragile paper and sealing on the back of the envelopes with embossed wax stamped in calligraphical initials to family and friends. A dying work of art that needs to be revived to its heyday! My creative endeavor/passion is quilting, sewing, gardening, and cooking that I love doing for the home and family.

  43. Susanne says:

    I really enjoy calligraphy and love learning new lettering styles. I also really enjoy puttering around in my little garden of herbs, flowers and vegies. Current projects for the summer are going through each room of the house trying to simplify.

  44. Deborah Jesseman says:

    Although my favorite creative endeavors include quilting, drawing and card-making, storytelling, and herb gardening, my special interest in this contest is because I thoroughly enjoy writing letters. 5 years ago when my daughter went off to college in Florida from Minnesota, I would write (with pen and ink and sealed with wax impression) “Sunday Letters to Sarah” and later to my son “Wednesday Letters to Will”. In addition, I have taken to writing to my niece who has Williams Syndrome and is now living in a group home and loves to get the mail 🙂

  45. Renee Hammack says:

    When I was a young girl I learned to sew from an Aunt who tried to compensate for my deceased Mother. After sewing I tried macrame and then crocheting, cross stitching,
    Crewel, petit point, beadwork and jewelry. All of which helped pay the bills. I taught my daughters to love home, family, nature and creativity. When they and their families get together a craft activity is always on the program. And so my Grandchildren are learning to appreciate being creative in many forms. The two oldest granddaughters love books and journeling. They frequently receive art kits and can dry up a marker or use up colored pencils in a short time. Today I mostly create Mosaics artwork, cross stitch, color and crochet. But Iam blessed to share my love of art of all kinds with the people I love most.

  46. Joye Gulley says:

    I love scrapbooking and creative lettering is a very helpful tool for page decorating.

  47. Heike says:

    My favorite creative endeavor is making the KitcheWitches :). They always make me happy as they develop. I especially love making group custom orders, because the stories and pictures that come before and after are just precious.
    I love adding little handwritten notes to my orders, and have recently discovered colored calligraphy pens! They are fantastic, but I am still learning the actual lettering.

  48. Rhonda Thomas says:

    I tried to get creative and do my Christmas card envelopes but really needed help. It would a great to a book that shows you the how to’s!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Love Mary Jane’s Farm magazine. So excited when it comes it in the mail. It is about the only magazine I actually read!!!

    • Catherine Regan says:

      Rhonda, when we are working with creativity we need to stop and relax and wait for
      our mind to contact the brain. Many times we think we have to plow through to get the job done and feel we need to accomplish a great feat in a short time. So much better for us to stop and relax and wait … then allow our mind to lead us. Catherine

  49. Dana Okerman says:

    The most recent creative endeavor I have undertaken was putting together a timeline of my mother’s life, for her celebration of life service, in scrap booking pages. It turned out beautifully and my siblings and I had a very special time going through all of the old family photos, often laughing until we were crying.

  50. Nancy says:

    One of my favorite new creatives is coloring and I am inspired to write along with the pictures I am creativing.
    Would so enjoy this book and being able to use it and pass it along to my grands, especially as they do not write in cursive!!

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