For a chance to win a FREE copy of the Palouse Prairie Field Guide, tell if you’ve read the Little House on the Prairie series (and how old you were when you read them) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.
Read all about the importance of prairie in the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
Yes I read them when I was 30 since I emigrated here from France when I was 21!

My Mary Jane !
By the way the Palouse was named by the French who when they came thought the area looked like a lawn ( Pelouse in French ).
I am 54 years old. We had an all girl class in fifth grade and our teacher (Mrs. Goodloe) read the whole series to us during class. It was wonderful. We would talk and imagine being part of the family. To this day, I still imagine it.
I can remember reading “The Little House On The Prairie” series during the summer between 4th and 5th grade as I was so intrigued by the pioneers traveling West in their covered wagons, not knowing what was ahead. Inspired by a teacher who had us pretend that a table was the covered wagon with wheels and accessories made out of paper, we re-enacted what it was like to be a “pioneer”, complete with bonnets and aprons! As a California teacher, I enriched my teaching of the Westward Movement with a 36′ tipi and poles loaded on top of my van, churning butter, outdoor cooking, and archaeological digs in large plastic boxes with evidence of broken plates and utensils used by the people of “Little House On The Prairie”…in my imagination at least. What great memories inspired by these books!
I read the Little House series with my children. We also watched the tv show and visited Almanzos house in Malone NY. My children were 7-10 at the time. The wholesomeness of the show was wonderful and the educational pieces were exciting. You could just picture yourself there experiencing what was happening.
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I was 10 yrs old when i read Little House on the Prairie books , my childhood friend an I would lay in the lawn in the backyard an take urns readiing it out loud such good memories of those days..Then I read them again an ones I hadn’t as a child in my adulthood I enjoyed them so much I read them with my daughter outloud when she was around 9 yrs old every nite before bed we took turns..Such good reading an wholesome
Recently I was caring for my 11 year old grandson. He told me he wanted to put a blanket on the front lawn and have me read from “Harry Potter”. He got glasses of water and a cutting board for a table. I stretched out on the blanket with his summer required reading & what memories flooded my mind. I read until the shade from the pine tree no longer protected us. God gives us a special heart for our grands and great grands and ongoing. PTL
I was in high school when I read the little house on the prairie. That’s when I realized I was a small town girl because I could relate to it.
I was a late bloomer and didn’t read this series until I was married and my dear mother in law suggested we all read them together. It was magical. We finished the series and went on to read “All things great and beautiful” Family reading is one of the things I treasure in this life.
I was in second grade the first time I read the Little House Books. I have read them over an over since that time. I am now 60 years old. I still have my old set and to this day they are my favorite stories.
Read them?! I feel like lived in them. The TV show was amazing….but reading the books at 12 was a way to survive lonely times. What an amazing story line. I read them to my 5 year old grand daughter now.