

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Are those apricots? Apricots are one of my very favorite of all the fruits. We don’t see them much here in Florida except when they come from the west coast. But they are often picked early and are sour and expensive.

  2. Teddie Wright says:

    Beautiful!! Thank ypu

  3. Irene says:

    Moms,Dads,kids, Mom&Dad inlaw who the people you could ever meet and myself loved fresh peaches even shopping for these succulent fruited was a nice ritual every year. My husband grew up behind a steel mill where he is employed at. We live in the country has the finest agriculture that you would find any where. These last days of summer are packed with shopping local farmers road side stands stands and taking there labors to the fairs not more than 15 minutes from our homes;Ohio is a grand place to live for one appetite. I only wish that the lunch programs would partner with the real food experts. I believe this year we had more rain than I can recall every person will be putting every peach,tomatoes,corn in the freezer or canning this month. When our kids were growing up we were 4Hers they did not even had time for a swim. Our county doesn’t let kids go back to school till the fair is over and I am proud of all the children; they have something they can say they accomplished every year.🍑🍑🍎🌽🍅🍓🍉🍇🍆🍀

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